Looking at the special effects of Ryze's ultimate move [Zigzag], the remaining C9 players were extremely desperate.

Ryze and Olaf intercepted them on the way back to the high ground, and Noxus and EDG's bottom lane combination chased them from behind. Under the attack from both sides, they had no way to escape and could only choose to fight.

Seeing that C9 stopped to fight, Shen Lang hurriedly controlled Noxus to rush into the crowd.

The suspense now is not whether the team battle can be won, but how many heads can be received by teammates.

When the opponent is doomed to fail, teammates naturally become opponents.

The other EDG players did the same, rushing towards C9 players frantically. iboy even handed over his ultimate move to enter the field, and muttered:

"Don't grab heads, don't grab heads!"

Although C9 lacks the key output point of Clockwork, the others are not vegetarians either.

The teamfight was defeated so quickly that they didn't have time to release their key skills. iboy directly released his ultimate and rushed forward, naturally becoming the target of C9's concentrated fire.

As soon as Kaisa landed, Varus's ultimate greeted him.

[Withered Chains] imprisoned him in place, and Ornn used his E skill against the wall next to him, quickly knocking him away and connecting to control, and then used his W skill to spit fire...

With the joint efforts of everyone, Kaisa's health was quickly emptied.

iboy was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that this wave would be in trouble because of his mistake.

Fortunately, his teammates came to support him at this time.

Kaisa was not completely useless. At least he tricked out the key skills of the remaining C9 players. After Noxus and Olaf entered the field, they were unstoppable. Shen Lang didn't care about the front and back rows. Anyway, with his current equipment, the opponents were all squishy.


Noxus's roar sounded again, and Ornn soon fell under [Noxus Guillotine].

For Noxus, who has a huge lead in equipment, it is not too easy to grab kills. Even for the tankiest Ornn, Noxus's ultimate that triggers the blood rage effect can directly take away one-third of his health.

Whether it is Olaf or Ryze, neither of them has such burst damage.

"Leave two for me!"

Zizhizhuang shouted in the voice chat.

But before he could finish his words, Varus died under Noxus's ultimate.

Olaf and Ryze finally suppressed Tam's health, but in the desperate eyes of Xiaodi and Zizhizhuang, Noxus approached.

Directly release the ultimate.


Zizhizhuang broke the defense instantly and cursed in the voice chat, but the more he cursed, the more excited Shen Lang was to kill the head.


The system prompt sounded soon, and C9 was wiped out.

All five heads were taken by Noxus, but it was a pity that the interval between killing Clockwork and Ornn was too long, so this wave only got four kills.

"Brothers, there's a dog!"

"Can the K-head monster die?"

"Is there really someone who only cares about his own record and ignores the lives of his brothers?"

As C9 was wiped out, the EDG team relaxed and criticized Shen Lang in the voice chat.

Although they defeated C9 with a crushing momentum in this game, except for Noxus, the records of others were not very good. The factory manager and others did not care about the record, they just wanted to scold Shen Lang.


"Let us congratulate EDG for successfully winning the first game of the group stage!"

The excited voice of the commentator soon sounded.

This game lasted only 23 minutes. After the team wiped out C9, the EDG team did not turn back to take the big dragon, but directly used the middle lane soldiers to quickly end the game.

"So fierce!"

Guan Zeyuan shook his head and couldn't help but sighed.

Although they advanced from the play-in round, C9 is definitely not weak. It can even be seen from the BP and the start that they spent a lot of time to deliberately study how to target EDG before the game.

However, the final result shows that their research seems to be useless.

Did Licorice perform badly in this game?

Although his performance was not very eye-catching, except for the initial misjudgment of Noxus's movements, there were really no major mistakes.

Did C9 not target enough?

In the first round of the BP stage, three of Shen Lang's best top laners were directly banned, and Ornn used the huddle tactic at the beginning.

But even so, Shen Lang's Noxus was still able to develop in the early stage, and successfully took over the game in the mid-term, carrying the game in an unstoppable manner.

"The problem with C9 losing this game is not their fault, it's simply because Brother Weiwu is too fierce."

Remember to summarize.

Rita next to him nodded,Obviously, he agrees with Ji Dian's point of view: "Now it seems that Weiwu's performance in the world game is still very good. In this case, can EDG win the first place in the group?"

According to the official rules, the first place in the group does not have to face the first place in other groups. If EDG can get the first place in the group, it means that their elimination will be easier and there is a greater chance of breaking the quarterfinals curse.

"Is it too early to say this now?"

Hearing this, Guan Zeyuan was a little unhappy.

The reason is very simple. His favorite team Gen.G and EDG are both in Group B.

Saying that EDG can win the first place in the group, doesn't it mean that Gen.G cannot win the first place in the group?

This is obviously unacceptable to him.

Since Gen.G won the championship in the Bird's Nest last year, Guan Zeyuan has become Gen.G's most loyal fan. This is no secret in the circle. Some people even jokingly call him Park Zeyuan on the Internet.

Even though EDG performed very well in this game, in his opinion, there is still a big gap between it and the nearly perfect Gen.G in his mind.

"I think the first place in Group B must be Gen.G. Although their performance in the LCK Summer Season may not be that good, Gen.G is actually a very slow-starting team. Last year, they also entered the World Championship as the third seed, but everyone knows the final result. Gen.G finally won the S7 World Championship..."

Seeing that Jide and Rita were less and less convinced, Guan Zeyuan suddenly became a little anxious: "Anyway, the next game is between Gen.G and VIT. From the perspective of strength, VIT is indeed a little worse than C9, but I think Gen.G will definitely win more easily than EDG. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see."

Hearing him say this, I also became interested:

"How about we make a bet? In the next game, VIT will play against Gen.G. Gen.G should win without any problem. Let's bet on the game time. If Gen.G beats VIT in a shorter time than EDG beats C9, I will treat you to dinner tonight. Otherwise, I will treat you to dinner."

"The LCK team's game rhythm has always been relatively slow. Even so, I still choose to bet with you!"

Guan Zeyuan was very confident. He pounded his chest with his hand, and then pointed to the direction of the Gen.G lounge: "I believe Gen.G can definitely defeat VIT within 23 minutes!"

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