The burst damage of the hero Alchemist is not very high, so the early laning is very important.

And Shen Lang is best at pulling!

After gaining an advantage at the beginning, the next laning is undoubtedly much simpler.

Using the Q skill to clean up the line of soldiers, Alchemist successfully reached level 3, and Shen Lang went directly to the opposite jungle.

Still cut the line of soldiers first.

At this time, Taliyah had already brushed up to the top. Seeing that Alchemist was so arrogant, Haru could only control Taliyah to walk towards Alchemist's position.

Cuvee on the top lane also controlled Shen to go over, wanting to double-team and kill Alchemist with his own jungler.

Seeing the opposite jungler appear in the field of vision, Shen Lang still remained calm. The hero Alchemist was least afraid of being caught by the opposite jungler.

Shen Lang did not retreat but advanced, and walked straight towards Taliyah's face.

Haru released the Q skill, but at the moment of [Stone Piercing], Shen Lang controlled Alchemist to move to the side, and when Taliyah used [Rock Spike], he suddenly turned around and successfully turned off the skill...

"Is this really not cheating?"

Watching Alchemist turn off Taliyah's skill so smoothly, Guan Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes.

Shen approached quickly, but before it could use E Flash, Shen Lang quickly used W skill towards his position.

Glue slowed Shen down, and at the same time Alchemist came to Taliyah's side and used E skill to turn it away, and then used the acceleration effect of the passive to trigger to go towards the river.


When pulling away, Shen Lang deliberately showed his dog tag.

He hoped that the opponent would get angry and use Flash to chase him, but his sprint was still in his hand, and it would be useless even if Taliyah used Flash.

Haru continued to control Taliyah to chase him, but at this time, Alchemist had already activated his Q skill. After taking damage from the poison mist, Taliyah's health gradually decreased. It was obviously not a wise choice to continue chasing him.

"This Alchemist is a bit disgusting."

Controlling Taliyah to turn around and go back to the jungle, Haru frowned.

Catching Alchemist wasted a lot of his time, which had some impact on Taliyah's development.

As for Cuvee, it was even more uncomfortable.

Because Alchemist cut off the line of soldiers, EDG's line of soldiers directly entered the defense tower. Not only did he not do anything when he came to support, but he also lost two soldiers' experience.

If you want to rank a list of disgusting heroes, Alchemist may not be the first, but it is definitely on the list. Unless you can kill it directly when you encounter it, it is not right to chase it later, or not to chase it.

The game time soon came to 6 minutes.

Because Gen.G played very steadily, no kills had occurred at this stage of the game.

There is no obvious gap between the middle and bottom lanes, but the gap in the top lane is gradually becoming obvious.

Since Alchemist occasionally cuts off the minion line, EDG's minion line can easily advance into the Gen.G defense tower. No matter how good Cuvee's basic skills are, he will inevitably miss the minion when he is killing the tower, and the health of the top defense tower is also consumed by the minion line.

And every time Alchemist cuts off the minion line, he will kill the upper jungle area of ​​Taliyah. As a result, not only is Shen's last-hitting lagging behind significantly, but even Taliyah's development is also greatly affected.

"Don't pay attention to Alchemist. Let him cut off the line if he wants. The bottom lane is the core of this game."

Haru gradually calmed down.

If he and Shen were always led by Alchemist, then this game would be really unplayable. Not only would they not be able to target Alchemist, but the bottom lane would also not be able to develop.

"Let's find an opportunity to attack the bottom lane. The opponent's top laner doesn't have a teleport. I think we can kill them directly by crossing the tower."

Chidi was full of confidence.

In this game, Shen Lang chose the summoner skills of Sprint and Ignite. When Taliyah reaches level 6, their bottom lane combination should also be able to reach level 6. After Alistar upgrades his ultimate, he can resist the tower for a long time. Taliyah and Shen can use their ultimates to support, and the chance is very high.

The bottom lane defense tower has no protection mechanism in the early stage. If they can successfully kill the EDG bottom lane combination, they can also take the opportunity to take the first blood tower. At that time, their advantage will become very obvious.

As soon as they said it, the Gen.G team acted quickly.

Taliyah was frantically brushing the jungle, while the bottom lane combination slowly pushed forward, arranging the vision in the surrounding bushes to ensure that they would not be counter-camped by the opponent's jungler.

When the game time came to 8 minutes, Taliyah finally reached level 6.

After returning to the city to replenish equipment and status, Haru controlled the hero and walked straight to the bottom lane.

At the same time, Shen in the top lane retreated to the defensive tower to ensure that his teleport would not be interrupted.

After clearing the line, Crown in the middle lane walked towards the top lane, pretending to catch Alchemist, thus confusing the opponent.

Watching Taliyah's actions from a God's perspective, remember to react quickly:

"Gen.G seems to be going to attack the bottom lane!"

"Shen and Taliyah both have ultimates, and the bottom lane combination has reached level 6. If we can't react in advance, EDG's bottom lane combination will be in great danger."

While talking, Sivir and Minotaur have already started pushing the line.

Seeing the other side make such an abnormal move, Meiko quickly realized that something was wrong.

After reacting, he and iboy hurriedly retreated to the back.

However, at this moment, Sivir activated his ultimate.


It and Minotaur's movement speed increased sharply, and they quickly approached Ashe and Braum.

What's more desperate is that Haru's Taliyah also handed over his ultimate at this time.

[Wall Curtain] blocked the road, Ashe and Braum were attacked from both sides, and Shen in the top lane also released his ultimate at Minotaur.

Flash WQ.

Minotaur instantly appeared beside Ashe.

Although iboy reacted quickly and used flash to avoid control, Shen's ultimate skill landed quickly, and Cuvee followed with E flash, and soon taunted Ashe on the spot.

After Taliyah landed, he quickly released the W skill to connect the control, and Sivir also used the acceleration effect of the ultimate skill to close the distance and keep up with the output. With the joint efforts of everyone, the fragile Ashe was quickly killed.

As for Braum next to him, when the ADC was killed, Braum could only hold up the shield to delay time, but under the concentrated fire of the four Gen.G players, Meiko did not hold on for too long.


The audience was boiling instantly.

For the Korean audience, although Gen.G was destined to be eliminated, it would definitely be a happy thing for them if they could take EDG away. There were even many people who secretly made up their minds that as long as Gen.G could take EDG away today, they would show mercy to Gen.G during the post-match settlement.

"Tear down the tower!"

Chidi shouted excitedly in the voice chat.

Everyone turned around in a hurry, using the soldiers under the tower to start destroying the tower, and quickly released skills to clear the soldiers coming from EDG.

At this time, there were only three soldiers left in the EDG defense tower, and they were quickly killed by the defense tower.

The Gen.G team left the defense tower, thinking that they would continue to destroy the tower after the next wave of soldiers came, but after waiting for a long time, the soldiers did not come.

"Alchemist, Alchemist!"

Brother Crown reminded loudly.

The teammates were busy killing people at the time and did not look at the small map carefully, but he saw it clearly.

Just when they were double-teaming the bottom lane, Alchemist did not know when he entered their high ground and cut off all the soldiers in the upper, middle and lower lanes.

The other members of Gen.G were stunned when they heard this.

How can they destroy the tower without soldiers?

"Brother Weiwu's disconnection is very crucial!"

In the commentary booth, Jiede's eyes suddenly lit up: "Although Gen.G got the kill of EDG's bottom lane combination, if they can keep the defensive tower, EDG seems to be able to accept it."

"The game has been going on for less than 10 minutes, and Alchemist ran to the opposite high ground to disconnect the soldiers. Only Brother Weiwu can do this. The most important thing is that I am not surprised at all when this happens to him."

Guan Zeyuan laughed and joked.

Because Shen Lang always did some outrageous things in previous games, many people now equate him with the word "living".

It is not strange for Brother Weiwu to live in the arena, but it is really outrageous if he doesn't live. If he doesn't live now, it can only mean that he is preparing to live.

With Alchemist's disconnection, EDG's bottom lane defensive tower was saved, but the bottom lane combination was killed for real, and the kills were all taken by Sivir. In this case, the next bottom lane will be very uncomfortable.

In the early stage, the bottom lane was developed, and Gen.G's goal was achieved.

"Next, just continue to play around the bottom lane, and don't pay attention to the Alchemist in the top lane. It's just a clown. As long as Sivir can develop, the team battles in the middle and late stages can be easily won."

Support CoreJJ said.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the game between RNG and KT yesterday. The start of this game was not much different from that game, and even their start was better than RNG.

KT, such a strong team, was overturned by RNG using this four-protect-one system. They should have no problem taking down EDG with the same means.


Coming down from the opposite high ground, Shen Lang continued to enter the Taliyah jungle area, and returned to the city to replenish equipment after brushing the jungle.

He did so much that he ran to the opposite high ground in less than 10 minutes, just to attract the opponentThe mid and jungle came up to catch him.

But as the game time passed, Shen Lang found that the opponent seemed to ignore him.

Taliyah and Galio never came to the top lane, but appeared frequently in the bottom lane.

"Fuck, they don't take me seriously!"

This made Shen Lang a little difficult to accept.

He almost shit on the opponent's head, but the opponent didn't care at all. It felt like a fist hitting cotton.

"It seems that I have to increase my strength."

He thought to himself.

Because Taliyah had killed many wild monsters in the early stage, and he had also cut off three lanes of soldiers, Alchemist took out his ice staff directly after returning to the city this time.

Comparing Shen's equipment, Shen Lang estimated that he seemed to be able to kill.

After making a decision in his heart, he remained calm and continued to use the Q skill to clear the soldiers.

Cuvee didn't want Alchemist to push the soldiers into the defensive tower and then cut off the line, so he took the initiative to control Shen to move forward, wanting to clear the soldiers before entering the tower.

At this time, Shen had already synthesized Tiamat. With this equipment in hand, Shen's ability to clear the line was greatly enhanced, but correspondingly, because he synthesized Tiamat first, Shen's magic resistance was not very high, which was why Shen Lang thought he could kill it.

Seeing Shen approaching, Shen Lang immediately handed over the W skill.

Glue was thrown at Shen's feet, and the deceleration effect was attached. Due to the ground binding effect, Cuvee could not hand over the E skill to distance himself in the first time, and could only watch Alchemist approach.

After the two of them closed the distance, Alchemist triggered his passive, increased his movement speed, and soon came to Shen's side.

Normal attack, then open the Q skill.

At this time, Shen finally walked out of the range of the W skill, but at the moment when Cuvee handed over the E skill, Shen Lang reacted very quickly again and gave the E skill.

In Cuvee's horrified eyes, Shen's E skill was interrupted and thrown behind the Alchemist uncontrollably.

Shen Lang kept turning on and off the Q skill, poisoning and connecting with normal attacks, and then...

Ignite is attached!

At first, Cuvee thought that Alchemist just wanted to consume health, but when Ignite was hanging on his head, he finally reacted.

The top laner on the opposite side actually wanted to kill!

Cuvee quickly released the Q skill to put a shield on himself, and then walked straight towards the defensive tower.

But Shen was slowed down by the ice staff, and there was no way to distance himself.

Moreover, he had used E flash to control Ashe in the bottom lane before, and Shen's flash was still on CD at this time.

The most important thing is that Alchemist's damage is a bit exaggerated.

In just this moment, Shen has been suppressed to less than half health.

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't run away, so Cuvee's face suddenly became ugly.

He finally came to the defensive tower with the damage, but before he could control Shen to enter the defensive tower, Alchemist's E skill CD had turned.

Shen Lang tapped the keyboard lightly, and Shen was carried behind Alchemist again.

The defensive tower was in sight, but it was so far away. Shen's E skill cooldown was 8 seconds longer than Alchemist's E skill. With his remaining health, he obviously couldn't hold on until the CD of his E skill was ready.

Cuvee's screen quickly turned gray.

"Shen was killed by Alchemist!"

Rita shouted excitedly.

In the early stage, Alchemist was just developing by disconnecting, and no one noticed how fat he was. But after this wave of single kills, everyone realized that although he didn't get a kill before, Alchemist's last hits were far ahead. Shen Lang still developed in this game.

After getting Shen's kill, Alchemist's development will only get better, and this wave can also take the opportunity to consume a lot of health of Gen.G's top lane defensive tower.

The soldiers had already consumed a lot of health of Gen.G's top tower before, and this wave was taken away by Alchemist. According to this posture, Gen.G's top lane defensive tower may even fall earlier than EDG's bottom lane tower.

"Then Taliyah and Galio should come to the top lane."

Shen Lang said with a smile.

What bad intentions did he have? He just wanted to deal with the jungler and the mid laner.

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