At this time, Urgot had cleared the line of soldiers under the bottom tower, and Xayah and Rakan had dealt with the Rift Herald. Lissandra in the top lane was still able to control the line, and her TP had also turned over.

In other words, all five IG players could come over this time.

They didn't dare to fight the dragon team battle because they didn't have the line of soldiers in the middle and bottom lanes, and their vision was still at a disadvantage.

But now it's different. Fiora is in the IG jungle, and they are fighting at home.

Although there is no vision from other EDG players, in Ning Wang's opinion, this wave of 5v5 team battles is also beneficial to them, and if the prince is not nearby, their advantage will be very obvious.

Ning Wang's proposal was quickly recognized by everyone in IG.

The main reason is that Shen Lang is indeed too arrogant. He blatantly invaded the jungle, and he really didn't treat his opponent as a human being.

After making the decision, everyone in IG acted quickly.

Xayah and Rakan disappeared from the line at the same time as Urgot in the bottom lane, while Lissandra in the top lane quickly cleared the line of soldiers and then disappeared from the vision.

The opponent's abnormal behavior quickly attracted Shen Lang's attention.

After forcing the Blue Steel Shadow to retreat, he began to fight the Frog. Seeing that the other IG players disappeared from his sight, Shen Lang quickly realized that the opponent was going to attack him.

"Get ready for a fight, get ready for a fight!"

Shen Lang was not panicked, but instead reminded his teammates excitedly in the voice chat.

At the moment when the Frog was killed, Rookie quietly handed over TP to the vision in the bushes on the side of the middle lane.

"IG seems to be going to attack Brother Weiwu!"

Looking at Lissandra's teleport, Miller became excited instantly: "But the ultimates of Galio and Shen on the EDG side have already cooled down, and the Prince is also rushing to the lower half of the IG jungle. This wave may turn into a 5v5 team battle."

On the court.

After killing the Frog, Shen Lang immediately controlled Fiora to retreat, but at this moment, the Blue Steel Shadow who disappeared from his sight suddenly appeared again, and handed over the E skill directly to the wall, kicking Fiora in the face.

"Brother Li Can, teleport!"

Ning Wang's actions confirmed that Shen Lang's guess was correct, and he hurriedly asked Scout to teleport down.

For Shen Lang's command, Xiaodi naturally obeyed unconditionally. Even though the soldiers in the top lane had not been cleared at this time, he still decisively handed over the teleport to the bottom lane defense tower.

Qing Gangying's E skill successfully hit Fiora. When he kicked, Ning Wang deliberately moved to the side. He thought Shen Lang would hand over the W skill to block, and he would move to the side at the moment of the kick so that he would not be stunned by the Heart Eye Knife.

However, to his surprise, Shen Lang did not hand over the W skill.

Compared with Qing Gangying's E skill, Lissandra's ultimate control is more deadly. Although there is no vision of the opponent's mid laner, Ning Wang dared to take action directly, which means that Lissandra is next to him at this time.

As expected, Lissandra's ice claws soon appeared in the field of vision.

Rookie handed over the E skill to close the distance, and directly handed over the flash to come to Fiora.


A cold voice sounded.

However, the scene of Fiora being frozen did not appear. Rookie's move was indeed very decisive, but Shen Lang still reacted in time.

[Laurent Heart Eye Knife] blocked Lissandra's ultimate move, and the subsequent stab successfully stunned her in place.

Shen Lang used his ultimate move on it, and then used the Q skill to close the distance.

"Save Lissandra, save Lissandra!"

Ning Wang shouted loudly in the voice. No one knew Fiora's damage better than him. After the ultimate move was used, the burst damage was played out, which could definitely kill Lissandra easily.

At the critical moment, he hurriedly released his ultimate move on Fiora.

Fiora had no way to escape the range of Qing Gangying's ultimate move, so she could only hit two flaws. After recovering from the stun effect of [Laurent Heart Eye Knife], Rookie hurriedly handed over the W skill.

Fiora was controlled in place, and Xayah and Rakan had also approached at this time.

Baolan released the E skill through the wall to come to Lissandra, and after activating the ultimate skill, he released the W skill [Grand Debut] towards Fiora to connect the control.

"Second Fiora, Second Fiora!"

The IG people shouted loudly in the voice chat, and everyone quickly poured damage to Fiora, trying to kill her first.

But at the critical moment, Meiko surrendered the ultimate skill.

A thick shield suddenly appeared on Fiora, and Xiaoxuedi also quickly released his ultimate skill after teleporting to the ground...

The damage of Lissandra and Shen was not enough after all. Xia's current damage was not low, but Jackeylove did not give up the flash over the wall and damage in the first time. When he realized something was wrongWhen he used Flash to close the distance, Galio's ultimate had already landed.

"Feathers flying all over the sky!!"

Jackeylove hurriedly used his ultimate to avoid Galio's ultimate, and after landing, he quickly used his E skill to retrieve the feathers he had spread out, taking away a lot of Fiora's health.

At this time, Shen Lang's Fiora had little health left, and Jackeylove activated his W skill, wanting to take away the remaining health of Fiora before Galio and Shen used their skills.

However, at the critical moment, iboy used his ultimate.

Kaisa came to Fiora and treated her in time.


The audience instantly exploded.

Miller and others in the commentary booth also stood up excitedly.

"Kassadin's treatment was crucial. Fiora's health increased, and Weiwu was not killed instantly."

"Shen used E flash to control Xayah, and Galio followed up with skills. Xayah didn't have a big move or flash, and her health bar melted instantly."

"Fiora used Q followed by flash A to hit the last two flaws on Lissandra, and the health recovery array was activated, and the health recovered very quickly."

"The jungler Prince also came to support at this time."

"This team battle, IG is going to explode!"

Under the concentrated fire of Kaisa and others, Xayah was quickly killed, and the low-health Lissandra was quickly taken away by Fiora.

The remaining few IG members noticed something was wrong and wanted to turn around and run away, but after Prince approached, EQR did not explain the combo and directly left the Blue Steel Shadow behind.

A slight mistake can lead to a huge loss.

Due to the failure to kill Fiora in time, IG's subsequent team battles were quickly defeated.

After Shen was left behind, the other EDG players quickly dealt damage. Ning Wang didn't even have the desire to use flash to struggle, and his health bar was quickly emptied.

Thanks to Luo's flexibility and Urgot's late support, he didn't arrive on the battlefield in time. The shy turned around in time after realizing something was wrong, and the two of them survived. Otherwise, IG would probably be wiped out.

"Nice brothers, this wave is beautiful!"

Shen Lang showed a proud smile on his face: "The opponent is really stingy, isn't it just eating a frog? Why mobilize so many troops?"

"Want to kill me? It's not that simple!"

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