In the live broadcast room of the event, as Fiora killed Urgot by crossing the tower, the barrage quickly rolled.

"Brother Weiwu is really lucky. How can Fiora not die?"

"Shitty luck? Look at his expression. He is not panicked at all. Obviously, this is all within his calculation."

"Do professional players really have such exaggerated damage calculation ability?"

"What about those who said that Brother Weiwu relied on his teammates? What about this wave of crossing the tower to kill?"

"It's just an equipment advantage. If he is not ahead in equipment, how dare he cross the tower?"

"Brother Weiwu will never get my approval."


Some people in the live broadcast room were surprised, and some questioned.

Only The shy, the opponent, knew how extreme Fiora was in this wave.

From the beginning, he had no choice at all.

If he didn't use the E skill, Fiora could use the soldiers to slowly grind down the bottom lane defense tower.

If he used the E skill, Shen Lang could react in time.

The stiffness of Urgot's E skill was very obvious, and there was no way to move to avoid Fiora's W skill. As long as he was stunned by the Heart Eye Blade, since Fiora's equipment was too much ahead, the burst damage after hanging up the ultimate skill could directly kill Urgot.

As for the fact that Fiora escaped with low health in the end, compared with the statement that Shen Lang was lucky, The shy was more willing to believe that this was also within Shen Lang's calculation.

After killing Urgot, although he was already low on health, Shen Lang did not return to the city, but turned around and entered the IG bottom lane defense tower to continue to destroy the tower.

The next wave of soldiers came over, and Fiora quickly restored her health to a healthy state while clearing the line.

Not long after, the sound effect of IG's bottom lane defense tower being destroyed sounded.

"It seems that there is no need to wait until the late game. Fiora's single-lane is already a bit difficult to deal with now."

Miller analyzed.

Now Urgot is no match for Fiora in the line. He can only barely defend Fiora's advancement with his back to the defense tower, and the equipment gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider.

Now Shen Lang still needs to use tricks to forcefully kill Urgot. When the equipment gap widens again, Fiora doesn't even need too much operation, and can directly kill Urgot with damage alone.

Shortly after Fiora destroyed the bottom lane defense tower, Ning Wang and Rookie finally found an opportunity again.

After Shen's ultimate skill was ready, no matter who they caught, Meiko could use the ultimate skill in time as long as he reacted quickly enough. After Shen landed, he helped delay time and could wait for other EDG players to support.

Faced with this situation, Ning Wang chose to kill Shen.

At least Meiko couldn't give himself the ultimate skill, and Shen in the auxiliary position didn't have much economy to make meat equipment, and his tankiness couldn't be compared with Shen in the top lane.

Lissandra pushed the line and wandered, and Qinggangying started scanning and entered the middle lane bush.

The two of them acted almost at the same time.

Seeing Lissandra and Qinggangying appear in the field of vision, iboy was shocked and hurriedly handed over the E skill to retreat.

Meiko, who was standing next to him, hadn't realized that he was the target of the opponent yet. His finger immediately hovered on the R key, ready to shield Kaisa with his ultimate.


Lissandra's cold voice sounded.

Shen was immediately frozen in place. Rakan and Shen quickly stepped forward to connect the control effect. Jackeylove controlled Xia to come forward to output. With the combined efforts of everyone, Meiko's computer screen soon became dim.

"Who would have thought that it was coming for me!"

Meiko was really a little surprised.

Because he was controlled by Lissandra's ultimate first, he had no chance to use skills at all. Flash and E skills were still in his hands at this time.

"Although killing the support is useless, but Shen's head was taken by Xia. This result is still very good for IG."

Long Mao commented.

However, Miller next to him shook his head: "It's just a temporary solution. The key to the problem now is Weiwu's Fiora. If this point is not handled well, IG will still have a hard time in the subsequent games."

After killing Shen, Jackeylove quickly cleared the middle lane.

At this time, there were no key neutral resources, and IG wanted to take the opportunity to destroy EDG's middle lane defense tower.

But before the soldiers pushed into the defense tower, Shen Lang directly handed over the teleport, and Galio on the top lane also disappeared on the line.

EDG's attitude was very firm, and this middle tower must not be given up so easily.

Although IG had an advantage in numbers, Qing Gangying and Lissandra both handed over their key ultimates when killing Shen, and Shen still had the ultimate in his hand, so Meiko could quickly join the battle after resurrection.

Considering these factors, IG did not start a team fight after all.

Just likeAs Miller analyzed.

Although Xia got Shen's head, IG's situation did not change.

Fiora was still leading the line in the bottom lane. After pushing the line over, Shen Lang went directly into IG's lower jungle.

It was called IG's lower jungle, but Shen Lang had already regarded it as his own jungle.

Entering the jungle and seeing Qing Gangying fighting three wolves, Shen Lang directly controlled Fiora to rush over.

"Don't touch my wild monsters!"

In this game, Ning Wang's Qing Gangying did not develop well, and obviously did not have the qualifications to fight against Fiora. Although he felt very aggrieved, he could only grit his teeth and control Qing Gangying to retreat and keep a distance.

Compared with Urgot, Fiora can eat half of the jungle more, and sometimes Shen Lang even countered his own jungle, and the equipment gap between the two widened rapidly.

Death Dance was quickly synthesized.

After going online again, Shen Lang directly called people in the voice chat: "Qijiang, come to the bottom lane and cross the tower!"


Zhanzhang's face suddenly showed a bright smile.

Fiora invaded the jungle not only to clear the jungle, but with the help of Shen, the vision of IG's lower half jungle was completely occupied by EDG.

From the perspective of IG players, the blue buff jungle was completely black at this time. Zhanzhang didn't even need to deliberately block the vision and easily came to the jungle on the side of IG's lower lane inner tower.

Just seeing the Prince appear next to him, Miller could guess that Urgot might be killed by crossing the tower again.

After the soldiers entered the tower, Shen Lang deliberately controlled Fiora to the right to enter the defensive tower. The shy immediately reacted and controlled Urgot to move to the left.

So when he released his skills to clear the soldiers, the Prince squatting behind the side wall suddenly took action.

EQ skill released.

The Prince passed through the wall and entered under the IG defense tower, but he did not control Urgot.

In the absence of vision, The shy actually reacted to the extreme and used flash, successfully avoiding the Prince's EQ combo.

Shen Lang's eyes widened slightly, which really surprised him.


"It's really good, but it's useless."

After a brief surprise, Shen Lang quickly controlled Fiora to chase in the direction of Urgot's flash.

At the same time, the factory manager next to him decisively followed up with the ultimate move.

[Heaven Collapse] restricted Urgot to a fixed range, and Fiora quickly approached and used the ultimate move in reverse, quickly hitting the flaws everywhere...

Under the combined efforts of the two, Urgot, who was almost full of blood, quickly fell to the ground.

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