After killing the river crab, Sejuani quickly came to the top lane.

At this time, both top laners had reached level 3, but under the consumption of Teemo, Lucian only had less than half of his health left, and this was the result of The shy using the blood bottle on his body.

Looking at Sejuani's position, the IG fans at the scene suddenly became nervous.

If Sejuani took the lead, Lucian would definitely die.

Shen Lang controlled Teemo to release the Q skill again, and still turned around immediately after AQ. Even if Lucian wanted to counterattack, he could only release the Q skill, and the subsequent general attack would miss because of blinding.

It's not that he couldn't fight by using the E skill, but his current health was not very healthy. No matter how bold The shy was, he didn't dare to rush up and fight Teemo.

Not only did he not use the E skill to fight forward, on the contrary, after a little thought, he chose to use the E skill in the direction of the defense tower, and then returned to the city under the tower.

"The shy is so alert!"

Long-haired eyes lit up: "Zhu Mei has never appeared in the field of vision. This wave of EDG's top and jungle opportunities was originally very high, but The shy chose to return to the city at this time. Zhu Mei's work was in vain."

It must be said that after experiencing many duels with EDG, The shy is indeed much more stable than before.

If it were in the past, he would definitely not return to the city.

"Is this still the The shy I know?"

Shen Lang was also a little surprised.

Taking advantage of the gap when Lucian returned to the city, he quickly pushed the soldiers in the top lane, but because The shy directly handed over the teleport to the top lane, he did not lose any soldiers.

Seeing that there was no chance in the top lane, the factory manager immediately controlled Zhu Mei to turn around and go back to the jungle to brush the jungle.

Shen Lang also chose to return to the city to replenish his status, but he did not hand over the teleport to the top lane.

"In a short period of time, I am ahead of the opponent's top single TP. You can fight fiercely in the line. Arrange the vision well. I can teleport to support at any time."

He reminded in the voice.

Compared with other top laners, Teemo's support effect is not that good, but even so, Shen Lang's words still greatly boosted the confidence of iboy and Scout.

The top laner can support at any time, so there is no need to be afraid of the laning.

EDG's bottom lane began to push the line.

The Xayah and Rakan combination has a stronger ability to clear the line than Kaisa in the early stage, but because Shen Lang in the top lane teleported first, Jackeylove was a little afraid, so he did not compete with Kaisa for the line, but deliberately put the soldiers into the defense tower to make up for the tower, so as not to be used by EDG to find opportunities by the difference in the top laner's teleport.

However, after sending the bottom lane soldiers into the defense tower, Meiko did not sit idle, but controlled Shen to roam to the middle lane.

The reason why EDG lost the last game was that in addition to IG's effective targeting of the top lane, other players did not play a key role.

So before the start of this game, Coach Nofe specifically told Meiko and others that they must move when they control the line, and they must actively look for opportunities even if they cannot find opportunities.

Due to the lack of vision, IG did not know where Shen was.

Kaisa was still in the bottom lane, and iboy was standing very forward, which made Jackeylove mistakenly think that Shen was still in the bottom lane, and did not send a Miss signal to Rookie in the middle lane.

Shen quickly entered the bush in the middle lane.

Looking at its position, the heartbeat of the baby in the commentary seat began to accelerate: "Shen has E flash in this wave. As long as he can control Ryze first, and Galio can follow up with control, the damage of the two is enough to kill him."

The early fight in the middle lane was also very fierce. Galio and Ryze were only half-blood left, and Shen was holding Ignite in his hand. The damage was enough.

Seeing the support in place, Scout became aggressive in his movement and took the lead in trying to release the Q skill to consume Ryze's health.

Rookie clicked the mouse to control Ryze's movement. Although he successfully twisted Galio's Q skill, he also made his position close to the bush below.


Meiko was very decisive and directly controlled Shen to walk out of the bush.

E flashed out.

Shen instantly appeared behind Ryze, successfully taunted him, and then released the Q skill to connect with the basic attack...

At the same time, Scout controlled Galio to move forward and released the E skill [Justice Punch] towards Ryze.

But just as he was about to continue to release skills to output, an accident suddenly happened.

The figure of the barrel appeared behind him!

It turned out that Ning Wang was just walking up from the lower jungle area. When he passed the middle lane, he felt something was wrong, so he controlled the barrel to walk to the middle lane.Fortunately, Shen and Galio started to focus on Ryze.

E flash!

He was also very decisive. After all, Shen's Ignite was already on Ryze at this time. Ryze's health was not much. Galio could easily take away his remaining health with a little more damage.

[Human Bomb Impact] hit Galio and Shen.

"Ning Wang came very timely. E flash successfully stuns EDG's mid and support. Rookie gave up flash to open the distance. This wave of IG's mid and jungle seems to be able to counterattack!"

Changmao explained loudly.

After Gragas hit Galio with E flash, he quickly connected with other skills. Under its output, Galio's health also dropped rapidly. After flashing to open the distance, Ryze released skills in return...

The damage of the two at this time was indeed not high, but with Galio's current health, it was obvious that he could not hold on for long.

"Teleport, Teemo's teleport!"

Wawa suddenly shouted.

Shen Lang switched screens and saw Gragas appear in the middle lane. He immediately determined that his midlaner and support were no match for the opponent, so he decisively used the teleport to the middle lane soldiers.

After breaking free from the opponent's control effect, Xiaodi quickly used the flash to distance himself, and Galio escaped with low health. Seeing the light column of the teleport light up, Rookie and the others did not dare to continue chasing, and hurriedly controlled their respective heroes to retreat.

However, Teemo's teleport landed quickly.

Shen Lang's goal was very clear. The moment the TP landed, he decisively used the flash to close the distance.

He launched a general attack and then connected with the Q skill.

In this game, Shen Lang chose to add points mainly Q and secondary E. The damage of the third-level Q skill was very high, not to mention that Teemo had gone home to replenish his equipment.

The skill hit Ryze and directly took away his remaining health.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded soon, and the audience seats were boiling instantly.

Seeing his midlaner dead, Ning Wang hurriedly retreated. Fortunately, Gragas was in good condition, otherwise he would have been left behind when his skill was on CD.

"Brothers, you say my support is fast or not?"

Shen Lang said proudly in the voice chat.

For Teemo, handing over the teleport to get a kill is definitely a very profitable thing.

It was easier to fight against Lucian in the top lane. Now that he got the economy of Ryze's kill, the next laning will be even easier.

"Hurry up, my brother Lang is the fastest!"

"I declare that Brother Lang is the fastest man in the world."

"Handing over the teleport support in less than a second, I would like to call Brother Lang the second man."


Others responded excitedly in the voice chat.

Shen Lang: ? ? ?

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