iboy and his duo in the bottom lane also thought that IG's mid and jungle would continue to target the top lane, so they wanted to put pressure on them and used their skills to push the lane like crazy.

With the bottom lane controlling the lane, as long as the top lane team fight was not lost, they would be able to take the opportunity to control the dragon.

"Haha, you like to push the lane?"

Looking at the actions of Xayah and Minotaur, Jackeylove couldn't stop smiling.

Seeing that the Blue Steel Shadow was in place, Baolan was very decisive. He directly used the flash to come to Xayah's side, and then used the Q skill to hang up the passive.

At the same time, Jackeylove used the W skill to jump to Xayah's face, used the E skill to hang up the bomb, and then used the Q skill to attack like crazy.

Facing the sudden attack of the IG bottom lane combination, Meiko was a little surprised, but he still used the WQ skills in time.

Tristana and Braum were both knocked up at the same time, and iboy used the Q skill in return, and then used the W skill to speed up the attack. Just when Tristana attacked Braum's passive, he quickly used the E skill.

[Hook] retrieves the feathers that have been thrown out, imprisons Tristana in place, and takes away a lot of its health.

"This wave is good!"

iboy's face was full of seriousness. As long as he won this team battle, the pressure on the top lane would be relieved a lot.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the special effect of Card's ultimate skill suddenly lit up above his head.

At first, iboy didn't care until Card landed beside him.

"The opponent caught me!"

iboy was shocked and recovered from Braum's dizziness. He hurriedly controlled Xia to turn around and try to distance himself.

But at this moment, Baolan released his ultimate skill.

[Glacier Fissure] spread towards Xia, and iboy could only give up his ultimate skill to avoid it.

When Xia's ultimate skill landed, the figure of Qing Gangying also appeared in the field of vision.

"Do you want support?"

Scout was also a little flustered. He and Shen Lang's teleports had been turned on, and they could TP to the bottom lane to support.

But Shen Lang knew very well that it was too late at this time.

Xia couldn't hold on until they teleported to the ground, and when the ADC was killed first, they were still no match for the four IG players, and supporting them would only be a death.

In comparison, catching the top laner is the best solution.

"Kill Lucian!"

Shen Lang shouted in the voice chat, and he directly activated the Q skill to stealth and walked towards the IG top lane tower.

It was too late to send the troops into the defensive tower at this time, but with Taliyah and Sejuani, there was still a chance even if the troops did not enter the tower.

Seeing the rat stealth, The shy reacted quickly, and he hurriedly retreated, trying to retreat to the position of the inner tower.

But just as he released the E skill backwards, the junior brother quickly handed over the ultimate move.

[Wall Curtain] spread, directly blocking the back road.

The factory manager also controlled Sejuani to approach, and after the Q skill closed the distance, he quickly released the ultimate move.

The upper and lower lines of both sides took action at the same time, and the director hurriedly split the camera and put the situation above and below on the big screen at the same time.

When Shen appeared in the bottom lane, iboy knew that he couldn't escape.

He used flash to distance himself, but Rookie quickly followed him with flash.

Yellow card.

Xia was stunned on the spot.

Ning used his E skill to close the distance and quickly followed up with the damage. He didn't even need to use his ultimate. With the cooperation of Card, he quickly took away Xia's remaining health.

As for Jackeylove and Baolan who were not far away, they focused their attention on Minotaur.

Although he used his ultimate, with Xia's death, Minotaur was already doomed to die. Meiko didn't even have the desire to use flash.

"Give me the head, give me Minotaur's head."

Jackeylove shouted in the voice chat.

Tristana quickly took away Minotaur's remaining health, and the battle in the top lane also came to an end.

The shy finally failed to withstand the joint efforts of the three EDG players. Unfortunately, under the defensive tower, Scout and Zz1tai didn't dare to give up their kills, and finally Lucian's kill was taken by Taliyah.

"Oh, it's a pity."

Xiaodi said regretfully.

If possible, he really wanted to give this kill to Shen Lang, so that at least the laning in the top lane would be much more comfortable, and they wouldn't be so passive.

Shen Lang shook his head slightly: "It's not a big problem, let's take the Rift Herald first."

IG can take the Earth Dragon if they catch the bottom lane, and EDG can take the opportunity to kill the Rift Herald if they catch the top lane.

If they really follow Scout's suggestion to hand over the teleport to support the bottom lane, let's not talk about whether they can save Xia, at least they can't kill Lucian, and there is no way to take the Rift Herald. IG can even take the Earth Dragon first, and then use their ownEDG is undoubtedly losing a lot of money by taking the Rift Herald with their own advantages.

Although it is not a big loss, it is definitely a small loss for EDG.

IG got more kills, and after killing the little dragon, they were able to take the outer tower of the bottom lane.

Fortunately, EDG was able to take the first blood tower of the top lane with the help of the Rift Herald.

The wailing of the little dragon and the Rift Herald sounded one after another.

Picking up the Eye of the Herald, the factory manager summoned it directly in the top lane. Because they were worried that IG would destroy the bottom lane defense tower first, Scout and the other two did not dare to give the bounty to Shen Lang.

The bounty of the first blood tower shared by three people is not very high, and the rat did not get a kill, that is to say, although Lucian was successfully killed in this wave, the situation in the top lane was not reversed.

Correspondingly, the bottom lane is now in a very bad situation.

"Originally, EDG's bottom lane combination was not very strong in the laning phase, and the reason why they were able to stabilize the situation at the beginning, and Xia and Minotaur were able to control the line, was entirely because Weiwu ganked the bottom lane at the beginning, resulting in Xia's equipment and level advantage."

"But after this wave of fighting, Tristana not only recovered the disadvantage, but even successfully overtook. EDG's bottom lane combination heroes were originally at a disadvantage in the laning phase, and now their equipment is also at a disadvantage. Next, let alone playing a suppressive effect, it is a problem whether they can stabilize."

After the battle, Miller began to analyze.

The long-haired man next to him nodded: "The top lane is at a disadvantage, the bottom lane is at a disadvantage, and the middle lane seems to be at a disadvantage. EDG is not going to be able to play this game well."

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage of comments quickly rolled up.

"Something is wrong, very wrong!"

"No matter how you look at this game, EDG is going to lose."

"I can't accept it if they really turn the tables!"

"Brother Weiwu, please help me, please."

"Brother Weiwu is restricted so badly, how can he help? You have seen the second game, this game is exactly the same as the second game."

"Brother Weiwu tried his best today, but IG is obviously stronger overall. League of Legends is still a game for five people. This year's EDG is the strongest EDG I have ever seen, but unfortunately they met the equally strong IG. Maybe this is the power of the quarterfinals curse."


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