Ornn is not very good at playing against Gnar in the laning phase. After all, the advantage of long arms is there. In addition, Gnar's W skill has a percentage damage of the maximum health value, so it is very easy to be suppressed in the early laning phase.

If teammates target the top lane, it will be better. After level 6, Ornn can give remote control effects. The jungler or mid laner can make up some damage, and it is still very easy to kill the little Gnar.

But unfortunately, whether it is the jungler, the factory manager, or the mid laner, they are not the kind of players who will play around the top lane.

In other words, Shen Lang can only rely on himself.

For him, if he wants to show himself in front of the coach and get more opportunities to play, today's game must not only win, but also win beautifully.

The hero is countered, he may be targeted by the opponent in the game, and his teammates will not take care of the top lane...

Shen Lang's situation is actually not good.

In the lounge.

As the lineup of this game is released, Ray has a secret smile on his face.

For him, the best result is that EDG wins today's game as usual, but the top lane is broken.

If both the regular players and substitute players were defeated in the laning phase, the coach would at least not think about changing players directly, but would choose to maintain the status quo.

On the court.

Knowing that he was in a bad situation, Shen Lang remained calm.

The more critical the situation is, the less nervous you should be.

The game was loaded quickly, and both sides quickly bought equipment and rushed out of the fountain.

From the positioning, neither side had the intention of fighting at this time, so Guan Zeyuan focused on the talents chosen by the players.

"The talent chosen by Gnar in the top lane is strong attack, Jin Gong is a bit fierce... Wait, the talent chosen by Weiwu is Comet, he is even more fierce!"

With Guan Zeyuan's voice, everyone's attention was focused on Ornn's talent.

Comet Ornn is really rare.

Not to mention on the court, even in the Rank game, few people would choose this talent.

Normally, if Ornn is focused on the laning phase, he can choose Grasp of the Undying, and if he chooses the team, he can choose Unsealed Secrets. Basically, no one would think of bringing Comet.

"Is it the wrong one? Novices may be a little nervous when they go on the field."

Long Mao explained.

"The top lane is even more difficult. The laning phase is already difficult, and the wrong talent is chosen at the beginning. This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury. I really can't think of any possibility that EDG's top lane will not be beaten."

Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said.

On the court.

Jin Gong was also a little surprised when he saw the talent chosen by Shen Lang.

In fact, his talent choice was already outrageous. Gnar basically brought Grasp of the Undying. In this game, he chose to force attack just to bully Shen Lang because he was a newcomer and didn't take Shen Lang seriously. Force attack is easier to gain an advantage in the laning phase.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was even more outrageous.

"Comet Ornn, how can I lose in this laning phase?"

Jin Gong said confidently.

It's just...

Will Shen Lang really make such a low-level mistake in the game?

The answer is naturally no.

Against a hero with long arms like Gnar, Grasp of the Undying is difficult to trigger, which is obviously not suitable.

As for the Unsealed Secret Book, FPX will clearly target the top lane in this game. Shen Lang can hardly protect himself and it is difficult for him to support his teammates.

If you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with the comet.

Seeing Gnar's talent and starting equipment, Shen Lang also smiled.

Power attack and Doran's Blade.

Such a combination is indeed easier to gain an advantage, but the ability to stay in the line is not very strong. In other words, as long as Shen Lang has an advantage in health during the laning period, GimGoon will be very uncomfortable.

"Don't use Doran's Shield?"

Shen Lang immediately opened the chat box and said in the voice chat.

It was originally a normal statement, but in GimGoon's eyes, Shen Lang was mocking him.

"Are young people so arrogant now?"

If swearing was not allowed in the game, GimGoon might have become "elegant and easy-going" on the spot.


"It is detected that you taunted your opponent in the arena, and the tank hero's killing ability is +1000."

Hearing the system prompt sound in his ear, Shen Lang was a little dazed.

First of all, he didn't mean to taunt.

Secondly, can taunting the opponent be considered a bad behavior?

Finally, what is this reward?

The value added is quite a lot, directly adding 1000, but what is the killing ability of this tank hero.

At the moment of receiving the reward, Shen Lang suddenly felt an impulse in his heart.

Consume the opponent's blood!

Originally, he was thinking about how to last hit and develop, but now it suddenly became how to exchange blood with the opponent and how to kill the opponent.

The style of painting is very wrong, but it inexplicably fits his current situation.The soldiers gathered in the middle.

Shen Lang was not in a hurry to go forward to make up the enemy, as he would inevitably be depleted by Gnar if he went forward at this time.

He waited until the melee soldier's health was low before he controlled Ornn to move forward.

Jin Gong immediately changed his target and also controlled Gnar to move closer to Ornn, wanting to use the advantage of his long arm to consume his health.

However, after the distance was shortened, Shen Lang quickly released the Q skill, and then decisively controlled Ornn to turn around.

[Volcano Breakthrough] passed through Gnar's body, slowing it down, and the comet fell from the sky, taking away a lot of Gnar's health again.

The most important thing is that Ornn's Q skill hit Gnar and the melee soldier next to him at the same time, successfully making up for the soldier.

Seeing Ornn pull away, Jin Gong frowned slightly.

From this, we can see that the opponent's top laner is a bit experienced. In this wave, he only attacked Ornn once, but he was damaged by Ornn's Q skill and talent Comet, plus the damage of the small talent Scorch, so the exchange of blood was a bit unfavorable.

After releasing the Q skill, Shen Lang did not continue to move forward.

Choosing Comet can improve Ornn's ability to consume the laning, but correspondingly, its tankiness will decrease. If you rush forward to last hit and get stuck with Gnar, you will easily be beaten back home.

Some hits cannot be last hit.

After the Q skill is ready, Shen Lang controls Ornn to move forward, continues to release skills to consume blood on Gnar, and turns back directly after releasing the skills.

"No, this guy doesn't want to last hit?"

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan looked at Shen Lang's actions and explained immediately.

Ornn only ate three melee soldiers now. In comparison, Gnar ate all the first wave of soldiers and successfully controlled the soldiers in the middle.

Jin Gong was also confused by Shen Lang's operation. The opponent only consumed health but did not last hit. What kind of game was this?

"Forbearance! Forbearance!"

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Shen Lang kept reminding himself in his heart:

"How much is last hit? In comparison, the head is not more valuable. And after killing Gnar, no matter how many last hits you do, only the one who survives in the top lane is qualified to last hit..."

While thinking, the Q skill turned on again.

Just like before, he controlled Ornn to move forward, then released the Q skill, and then turned around decisively.

After taking the damage from the Q skill and the comet again, Gnar was only half health left.

Jin Gong frowned slightly, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

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