Shen Lang's behavior made it hard not to suspect that he deliberately didn't want to play.

For a while, countless netizens who love to eat melons started to discuss.

"Brother Weiwu may have a conflict with RNG."

"Brother Weiwu won't be so proud after winning a few games. Everyone knows that the regular season is not as strong as the playoffs. Brother Weiwu doesn't have the qualifications to be a big shot."

"Anyway, there is a problem [eating melon.jpg]"

"What is he pretending to be? Without RNG, he doesn't know where he would be sitting on the bench."


Because Shen Lang refused to play, Letme's state still didn't adjust in the second game. RNG still lost the game after all, and the myth of undefeated in the regular season was ended.

However, Shen Lang didn't care whether RNG won or lost, as the system reward had already arrived.

"It was detected that the host refused to play the game, and the reaction ability was upgraded to S level."


Hearing the system prompt sound, Shen Lang's eyes lit up immediately.

What does it mean to improve the reaction ability to S level?

This can be seen from his current game of Honor of Kings.

From Shen Lang's perspective, the opponent's movements became very slow, and non-specified skills could be easily turned around.

Dian Wei, who had a record of 1-5, suddenly became fierce.

He could easily dodge team battle skills, and the opponent finally gave him control skills, and his first skill quickly purified the control effect...

When the game was over, Dian Wei's record changed from 1-5 to 10-5, and his teammates who were originally ready to scold him called him the wild king.

"You play a game of Honor of Kings, and your proficiency in Hand of Noxus is +100."

Thanks to his efforts in these days, Shen Lang's proficiency in heroes such as Noxus's Hand has soared. Under the blessing of the system, the master's understanding of heroes may not be as deep as his.

It's these heroes that make people a little bit annoyed.

Noxus, Garen, Olaf.

Can this thing be used to play games?

The controversy over RNG’s loss continued to ferment, and EDG fans were madly mocking in the forum. Although it was just a regular season, the duel between pigs and dogs lasted for a long time, and EDG fans would not miss any opportunity to attack them.

However, as time passed, the direction of public opinion gradually changed.

“The reason why RNG lost today’s game was entirely because of Wave.”

“This guy is a big shot, trying to threaten the club to raise wages, and deliberately pretending to be sick and not playing.”

“I heard that he doesn’t train, doesn’t play in ranked games, and doesn’t participate in training games. If you don’t believe it, check the record. The game record is still the day before yesterday.”

“With this kind of professional attitude, don’t let him play in the future. Wait until Letme and Zzitai recover from their injuries and tell him to get out.”

While eating, Shen Lang originally just wanted to browse the forum, but he didn’t expect that the Internet was flooded with attacks on him.

Am I so unforgivable?

If I took the blame for the last game, it would be fine, but if I didn’t play the game, can I blame him?

At first, Shen Lang was a little confused, but after thinking about it, he gradually reacted.

There must be someone behind this overwhelming attack!

As for who it is.

He couldn't help but look at the manager not far away, Quan Zhonghe.

"Good guy, public opinion attack, right?"

Shen Lang shook his head and was shocked.

He had heard before that RNG had a group of water army, specializing in controlling public opinion on the Internet. Now it seems to be true.

The bastard has money to raise water army, but no money to pay wages, right?

After thinking clearly about the joints, Shen Lang quickly came up with countermeasures.

Open the phone, edit Weibo, and quickly send out a short essay.

"Garbage RNG, owes wages to migrant workers! ! "

From joining RNG to now, Shen Lang has not received a penny of salary, and he has saved the chat records with Quan Zhonghe as evidence.

As for migrant workers.

According to the law, as long as you have a rural household registration, you are considered a migrant worker no matter what job you do.

Shen Lang has a rural household registration, so he is really a migrant worker.

As the protagonist of the incident, Shen Lang's Weibo was quickly screenshotted and reposted on the forum.

"Oh my god, this is a headline party, isn't it?"

"Brother Weiwu is a migrant worker."

"The person above is illiterate, he is really a migrant worker."

"RNG is really a bit too much, not paying people to play games, wanting horses to run, but not giving them grass."

"Such a big club, can't even take out a few thousand dollars, right? If I were Brother Weiwu, I would also be a jerk."

"Look at EDG, and then look at you RNG, the treatment of players is very different, I declare EDG to win another game, win!"


The wind direction in the forum changed instantly, and even on Weibo, the popularity of this topic continued to rise.

There is no way, Shen Lang's gimmick is good.Many people think that withholding wages for migrant workers is an unforgivable crime, and some people outside the circle also followed suit to scold RNG.

Public opinion offensives should be resolved with public opinion.

In the office.

Quan Zhonghe looked at the comments on Weibo and the forum, and he was a little dumbfounded.

At the beginning, the rhythm of attacking Shen Lang in the forum was indeed caused by him to let the water army, just to put pressure on Shen Lang with public opinion.

When he can't stand being scolded by netizens, he will naturally ask the club to solve it, and as long as Shen Lang bows his head and admits his mistakes, he will not be able to control him in the future.

Who would have thought that Shen Lang's short essay would directly reverse the direction of public opinion.

"Migrant worker? You are a fucking migrant worker!"

Quan Zhonghe cursed secretly.

But now is not the time to make trouble for Shen Lang. The most urgent task is to deal with the public opinion storm on the Internet. This matter is a bit out of control, and the water army is useless. As soon as it shows up, it will be attacked crazily by netizens.

"Shen Lang, come to my office."

Quan Zhonghe hurriedly called Shen Lang to his office.

"I know that some online comments make you uncomfortable, but the comments of netizens have nothing to do with the club. The Weibo you posted has damaged the club's image. Delete it quickly, otherwise the club can sue you, and you can't afford the compensation."

"Threatening me?"

Shen Lang curled his lips: "Then you go and sue, if you don't go, I will. There is sufficient evidence for the arrears of wages for migrant workers. Let's see what you say."


Kwon Jong Hyuk didn't expect Shen Lang to be so tough. Originally, he thought that he could make Shen Lang delete the Weibo and apologize and admit his mistakes by scaring him.

Now it seems that he has to change his strategy.

"Xiao Lang, what can't you say nicely? We are not enemies. It's just a little money. There is no need to make such a big fuss. Listen to my advice, delete that Weibo, and then train hard. I promise that you will be good at the game the day after tomorrow. When you get results, you can make money easily."

Kwon Jong Hyuk persuaded.

Shen Lang was disdainful in his heart: "Once I achieve results, I'm afraid I will become a tool for the club to make money."

"Give me the salary and I'll delete my Weibo."

He was firm in his attitude.

Quan Zhonghe's face was livid. He really felt that Shen Lang was a little ungrateful.

But in the current situation, he could only appease Shen Lang first, so he forced a smile: "Okay, I'll ask the finance department to pay you the salary right away."

"Ah, our club has money, thank you manager!"

Shen Lang responded sarcastically, and then walked out of the office.

Facts have proved that the efforts of these days are still useful. At least the salary is in hand, and looking at this situation, the club should not dare to delay his salary again.

"Tsk tsk, playing games every day and getting a salary seems a bit cool, but I wrote that Quan Zhonghe should be a little restless if he just takes the money but does nothing."

Thinking of this, Shen Lang couldn't help but smile.

The termination of the contract is just around the corner!

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