
"It is detected that the host is giving away heads on the field, hero proficiency +1000."

The system prompt sounded in his ears.

Although it is a reward, Shen Lang was extremely speechless.

Is this also considered giving away heads?

But to be honest, the hero proficiency is really a lot. According to this posture, it is easy to raise the proficiency of a hero by giving away heads on the field.

But the consequence is that Shen Lang will either be banned or be benched by the manager and will never have the opportunity to play again.

There are many ways to get rewards, and there is no need to use such extreme means.

Back to the field.

Ornn's death once again expanded EDG's advantage.

The Earth Dragon buff can increase the damage to epic wild monsters and defensive towers, whether it is the subsequent advancement or the fight for the Baron, it can play a very critical role.

18 minutes.

FPX's second tower in the middle lane was destroyed.

Varus was ahead of Kaisa in terms of equipment. After getting the opponent's middle tower, Gragas and Braum could easily deploy vision in the opponent's jungle. iboy could push the line recklessly to consume the health of the opponent's middle lane defense tower.

The two middle lane defense towers were destroyed, and the consequence was that FPX lost the upper and lower jungles. With the efforts of the factory manager and Meiko, FPX's vision was quickly suppressed to the bottom of the high ground.

Without vision in the jungle, it was also difficult to defend the lower lane inner tower.

Jin Gong did not dare to continue to suppress Ornn as before, and instead controlled the line of soldiers in front of the lower lane defense tower to ensure that he would not be found by the opponent.

But at this time EDG had a huge advantage, and Kennen was not safe even with his back to the defense tower.

Gragas and Braum quickly came to the bottom lane.

Shen Lang knew very well that it was not his teammates who wanted to help him in this wave, but that the big dragon was about to refresh, and the factory manager wanted to eliminate the last hidden danger before the Baron refreshed.

Seeing the jungler and the support in place, Shen Lang quickly cooperated, releasing skills to push the line of soldiers into the opposite defense tower, and then...

Directly call the sheep!


The familiar voice sounded again, and Jin Gong's heart instantly rose to his throat.

Before he could figure out the meaning of Shen Lang's operation, the barrel's ultimate suddenly flew out from the side jungle.


Jin Gong reacted to the fullest and used flash to dodge before the barrel's ultimate exploded.

"What a pity."

Shen Lang shook his head.

If this wave of barrel's ultimate could hit, he would use the ultimate to connect the control, and Kennen would not even have the chance to use flash.

But it is also a good thing to force Kennen to flash.

Kennen with flash and without flash are completely two different heroes, especially when EDG's mid laner is still Syndra.

The rules of the arena are that you can't kill if you use flash.

The factory manager turned around and controlled the barrel to walk towards the upper river.

20 minutes, the big dragon refreshed.

Meiko and his team cleared the surrounding vision in advance. The moment the Baron appeared, EDG's two Cs disappeared from the line at the same time.

Varus with sheep knife can rush the dragon, not to mention that EDG is holding the earth dragon buff.

So the moment Varus and his team disappeared, FPX became alert instantly.

"This wave of FPX is not easy to play. They only have Kennen's equipment advantage now, but Jin Gong has just been forced to flash, and Kennen's operating space is very small. And it can be seen from the small map that FPX's vision is basically black..."

Changmao began to analyze.

FPX walked towards the upper river in a group. After the distance was shortened, Lin Weixiang handed over the blue trinket eye from a distance.

EDG really didn't fight the dragon!

But the blue trinket eye was quickly eliminated by the barrel as soon as it was inserted into the dragon pit, and the last vision also saw the barrel releasing the Q skill at the dragon.

Is this a real fight or a fake fight?

FPX didn't dare to gamble, so they could only grope forward slowly.

"Let's start the fight directly. Just pay attention to Kennen. With my current equipment, I can fight casually."

iboy was very confident.

Hearing this, Shen Lang controlled Ornn to retreat and squatted in the bushes looking for an opportunity to teleport.

FPX quickly entered the river through the entrance of the jungle in the middle lane. Sejuani and Alistar were at the front, while Kaisa and Taliyah kept a distance from the front row to avoid being hit by the opponent's control skills.


Shen Lang said, and suddenly teleported to the trinket eye in the blue buff pit in the opposite jungle.

FPX didn't know that there was an EDG eye position at that position, and naturally didn't know that Ornn had already teleported.

Seeing his own top laner handing in TP, Zz1t directly handed in E flash.


Grand Barrel instantly stunned Alistar and Sejuani in the front, andQuickly use the ultimate skill behind the two.

[Exploding Gragas] blew up FPX's formation.

"Kill Gragas first, kill Gragas first!"

Lin Weixiang shouted in the voice chat, and hurriedly released the Q skill to Gragas, and the Taliyah next to him also released the skill in time to make up for the damage.

With the combined efforts of the two, Gragas's health dropped rapidly.

At this moment, Ornn teleported to the ground.

Shen Lang decisively used Flash to cross the wall, and then used the E skill to the position of Kaisa and the two.


FPX's two Cs were not prepared for the sudden appearance of Ornn, and Lin Weixiang could only watch himself being knocked away.

"Oh my god, Ornn's E skill!"

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed loudly: "Brother Weiwu's teleport and flash into the field are very deadly. The skill hits FPX's two Cs at the same time, and he is still working hard!"

"iboy decisively gave up the flash, Varus's damage was very exaggerated, and Kai'Sa was killed instantly."

"Kennen's teleport has also landed, but it was seen by EDG's vision in advance. Jin Gong gave up the E skill to enter the field and was directly arrested by Syndra. [Weak Retreat] was given in time, [Ten Thousand Thunder Prison] electrocuted the air... This wave of FPX exploded!"


Amid the hurried voice of the commentator, the team battle quickly ended.

In fact, this team battle lost suspense when Ornn knocked FPX's two Cs away at the same time. Under Varus's damage, Taliyah and Kai'Sa couldn't hold on for two seconds.

As for Kennen.

The moment he was forced to flash in the bottom lane, his fate was also doomed.

With a disadvantageous vision, the probability of Kennen without flash to play the famous "thunderbolt" scene is very small.


The system prompt sounded soon, and FPX was wiped out. Even the Gragas who entered the field first to attract attention on the EDG side was still alive.

"Nice, brothers, you played well, Brother Mighty!"

Even Meiko couldn't help but call Shen Lang's nickname.

If it weren't for Ornn's key E skill, they would have won this team battle, but they would never have won so easily.

Although Ornn's record is very poor, he played a very critical role in this game.

Just like Guan Zeyuan said.

Until the end, Shen Lang was still exerting his strength!


After winning the team battle, EDG quickly took the big dragon. The economic gap between the two sides quickly reached 7,000. The game completely lost suspense and entered garbage time.

The game time was finally fixed at 25 minutes.

EDG successfully pushed down FPX's main crystal base and won the third game.

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