Listening to Shen Lang's words, Nofe's defense broke directly.

Garen is like Gnar and Kennen?

You can't say such a thing without a 10-year cerebral thrombosis.

Looking at the speechless expression of the coach, Shen Lang was a little embarrassed.

His statement was indeed far-fetched, but there was no other way. Otherwise, the coach would never let him play a warrior hero.

Abu and Nofe are both stubborn people. It is not realistic to convince them with words. They can only act first and then ask for advice, just like in the previous game. Lock Garen down first and then talk about reason.

Psychological defenses are often broken through little by little like this.

If Shen Lang said before that he wanted to play a suicide Sion, the coach and manager would definitely not agree, but after the last game, Shen Lang said that he wanted to play a suicide Sion again, and the coach would at least consider the feasibility.

If Shen Lang's Garen performance in this game is still outstanding, then the next time he says he wants to play a warrior hero, at least Nofe's attitude will not be so firm.

"Let's just use Garen. We'll talk about it after the game."

Nofe didn't continue to argue.

It's impossible to reselect a hero. There have been cases of players reselecting the wrong hero in the past, but at least the voice chat should be able to prove that the player did not deliberately choose the wrong hero.

But now, Shen Lang clearly chose it on purpose.

Nofe was still relatively rational and didn't get angry on the spot. The most important thing at the moment was the game. No matter what problems the players had, they had to wait until the game was over.

In the venue.

The moment EDG locked Garen, the whole venue suddenly became noisy.

Garen was the first choice on the field. Even the LSPL teams didn't dare to do this.

"I declare that Brother Weiwu is a god!"

"First it was Sion who sent himself to death, then Garen in the top lane, he knows how to make things happen."

"The excitement of the Yunlan Sect battle is still rising."

"Oh my God, EDG picked Garen in the top lane, am I still asleep, I would believe you if you said tomorrow is the end of the world."


In the commentary booth.

The moment he saw Garen, Miller's first thought was that Shen Lang had chosen the wrong hero.

But the game was not paused, proving that his guess was wrong.

"Garen in the top lane? Could it be that EDG is going to play some new routines in this game?"

He hesitated.

Many teams will hide some new routines when they discover them, and wait until they are brought out in important games.

Today's game is indeed very important for EDG.


This is EDG?

It doesn't look like they will choose Garen in the top lane.

At this time, Guan Zeyuan explained: "Little knowledge, Garen is the hero used most times by Weiwu brother in ranking."


Wawa and Miller opened their mouths at the same time. They really didn't know this.

"It seems that we have a stereotype of EDG. From the last game's death-seeking Sion to this game's Garen top lane, it is obvious that they are making changes. Maybe this is why they chose Shen Lang. For a team that tends to play traditionally, I think it is a good thing that EDG can make such a change..."

Miller didn't know the details and thought that this Garen top lane was a strategy that EDG had prepared before the game.

However, what he didn't know was that when Garen was locked, Abu in the lounge immediately made a sharp explosion.


"He chose Garen!"

"He chose Garen on the court!"


Under the huge impact, Abu even felt a little mentally ill.

On the court

Seeing EDG choose Garen on the first floor, the RNG players were stunned for a moment, and when the referee's voice was not heard in the voice chat, everyone burst into laughter.

Can Garen play in the game?

What's the difference between this and giving away.

At this time, the director's camera was just given to the RNG battle seat, and the smiles of the five players were presented to the audience. Even across the screen, the audience could feel the joy in their hearts.

"You can see that the RNG players are laughing a little happily."

Miller teased.

Guan Zeyuan followed and said: "If it were me, I would laugh too. Although Weiwu often uses Garen in the ranking, we all know that there is still a gap between the game and the ranking. The defects of this hero are there, and it is difficult to play a role in the game..."


Wawa showed a surprised expression: "You said it is difficult for Garen to play a role?"

Guan Zeyuan immediately closed his mouth after hearing this.

Inadvertently, he made another prediction about the game.

"But it shouldn't be a big problem. Garen is hard to play a role in the game, so it shouldn't be a bad omen."

He thought to himself.

After EDG locked Garen, RNG quickly locked Kaisa and Minotaur.

Seeing the hero chosen by the opponent, Nofe glared at Shen Lang again.

Kaisa was not banned in this game. EDG was on the blue side and could have taken it first.

But because Shen Lang took Garen first, RNG got Kaisa, which is relatively strong in this version.

Feeling Nofe's gaze, Shen Lang lowered his head again.

This game really needs to be won, otherwise it would be unacceptable.

Without Kaisa, we can only settle for the second best. EDG quickly locked the combination of Ashe and Braum.

"It's not a big problem. We can beat the opponent without Kaisa."

iboy was afraid that Shen Lang would feel guilty, so he comforted him.

Although the two have only played a few games so far, iboy likes Shen Lang as a teammate from the bottom of his heart.

"Are you serious?"

Meiko showed an expression that said, "Don't bring me along if you're pretending."

iboy was a little embarrassed. The opponent was Uzi, so what he said was really a bit crazy.

"At least the bottom lane can be stable."

He continued to be stubborn.

As he spoke, the hero on the third floor of RNG was quickly determined -


A hero like Gnar met a real Gnar.

It is indeed not easy for Garen to play against Gnar in the laning phase, after all, the advantage of long arms is there.

From the perspective of the team, Gnar has more room to play than Garen.

No matter from which angle, Shen Lang seemed to be in hell mode in this game.

After the three selections, both sides banned two heroes again, and now only the mid and jungle positions were left without choices.

RNG still chose Qing Gangying as the jungler.

Mala Xiangguo was very dissatisfied. His Qing Gangying was indeed miserable in the last game, but he felt that it was all caused by Sion, and he was not beaten, so he still chose Qing Gangying in this game to prove himself.

As for EDG.

The jungler chose Zhu Mei, and the mid laner locked in Syndra.

The focus of this game is still the bottom lane. Uzi got Kaisa, who is his best player. This point cannot be ignored. Both Syndra and Sejuani can effectively limit Kaisa's performance in team battles.

For the final counter position, RNG still chose Ryze.

So far.

The lineups of the two sides for the second game have been determined:

EDG on the blue side: top lane Garen, jungle Sejuani, mid lane Syndra, bottom lane Ashe and Braum.

RNG on the red side: top lane Gnar, jungle Shen, mid lane Ryze, bottom lane Kaisa and Alistar.

"It is detected that the host randomly selects heroes on the field, awareness +1000."

BP ends, and the system rewards are credited.

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