Uzi used Vayne to get a pentakill in the middle lane, and Vayne has been labeled as such since then.

And now...

The same scene is happening in today's game.

"Can Weiwu brother do this?"

Miller shouted.

Everyone's eyes are on Vayne.

After entering the game with his ultimate, Shen Lang quickly finds Xia, who has no flash or ultimate.


Uni-attacks quickly, three rings are played, and Xia's remaining health is quickly taken away.

Hope of a comeback?

Kill with three arrows!

"Uzi was killed instantly!"

On the commentary stand, Guan Zeyuan explained loudly: "Vayne's damage is very explosive. After entering the field, she instantly killed Xia. It seems that no one on the RNG side can limit her."

"Brother Weiwu is still outputting, and Gragas soon fell under Vayne's crossbow. The hero Galio appeared on the field. Although he successfully restricted Vayne's output, other EDG players have come to support."

When Xia was killed instantly by Vayne, the team battle had lost suspense.

Compared to the victory of the team battle, the audience now cares more about whether Vayne can get a pentakill in this team battle.

"Pentakill, pentakill!"

In the EDG voice, iboy reminded his teammates loudly, and those who didn't know thought he was playing Vayne.

In comparison, Shen Lang seemed very calm.

It's not that he doesn't care about the pentakill, but his Vayne equipment is so advanced that no one can take away his pentakill.

After the big move, Galio also didn't last too long. Vayne is a very fast tank hero, and in this game, RNG didn't develop very well because they were sucked by Uzi.

Galio was killed, and the sound of a triple kill sounded.

Zzitai and Xiao Ming had already noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly controlled Braum and Gangplank to turn around.

It's just that Vayne's passive can provide a speed-up effect when chasing enemy heroes, and the Q skill has a cooldown of only two seconds, so Braum and Gangplank can't escape Vayne's clutches at all.

Penta Kill!

The system prompt sounded, and the venue instantly turned into a sea of ​​cheers.


"Brother Weiwu successfully got a pentakill. It's hard to imagine that a top laner can choose Vayne on the field, but it's even harder to imagine that a top laner Vayne can get a pentakill on the field."

"Wave, from today on, everyone in LPL will remember this name!"

Wawa excitedly explained.


The sound of the team wipe was heard late, which also meant that RNG was about to lose the last game of Bo5 today.

When the system sound sounded, RNG players held their heads helplessly, and Uzi covered his face with both hands, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Being defeated by the hero you are best at is definitely not a good feeling.

"Write an application? You should be the one to write the application, right?"

"I suggest that Weiwu brother's nationality be expelled, so that Uzi can still be the No. 1 Vayne in LPL."

"He is a JB No. 1 Vayne in LPL. I only admit that he is the No. 1 CJB in LPL."

"Before the game, they were crazy about it, but this is the result? The game was shut out, and those who didn't know thought RNG was so powerful."


The barrage started to make fun of it crazily.

The more rampant RNG fans were before the game, the more serious the backlash was after losing the game.

On the court.

After the opponent was wiped out, the EDG players gave up fighting the big dragon and went directly to the middle lane to push the line.

Although the hero's resurrection time is not very long at this time, since the RNG mid-lane inner tower has been destroyed, it is completely in time to bring the troops over and end the game directly.

Highland tower, crystal, front tooth tower...

When the RNG main crystal base was destroyed, the time was exactly seven o'clock.

"Brother Lang is awesome!"

The moment the game ended, the EDG players immediately took off their headphones and quickly came to Shen Lang's side.

iboy turned into a little fan and jumped on Shen Lang, and the others also surrounded him in the middle, patting his shoulders crazily.

If there was no Shen Lang, they would not be able to win the game today, let alone shut out RNG.

"Hey, hey, hey——"

"Calm down, get off me."

"Who is it? Who is touching my butt!"


It was not until the staff came on stage to remind them to shake hands that everyone got off Shen Lang.

"No kidding, there is a pervert among us!"

Shen Lang touched his butt, his eyes scanning among his teammates, as if he wanted to find the culprit who touched his butt.

"Hurry up and shake hands. The RNG players are waiting. They will be fined later."

The factory manager pushed him towards the RNG battle seat.

At this time, the RNG players and the pre-matchThe state is completely different. If this is according to the plot of the online novel, the players will even have demons in their hearts after this game.

How proud they were before the game.

In the entire LPL, they only take IG seriously. Including other regions, there are only a few teams that can catch their eyes.


It's just the glory of their ancestors!

After three games, the pride in their hearts was instantly shattered, and it felt like Guan Erye was killed by Xing Daorong.

"Well played."

Shen Lang walked in front and shook hands with Zizhi with a bright smile.

Looking at his smile, Zizhi had the urge to hit him.

He was deceived!

In the past, when RNG was training, he also used Captain to fight against Shen Lang, and beat Shen Lang every time, one shot at a time.

As a result, Shen Lang's Vayne suppressed him and showed off for 20 minutes under the tower.

How long has it been since Shen Lang left RNG? Can he really make such a big progress in just a few months?

Zizi didn't believe it.

So in his opinion, Shen Lang was definitely hiding his strength before, and only showed it after entering EDG.

In an instant, the image of an "old cunt" slowly emerged in Zizi's mind.

"You're not bad either."

Zizi responded rather awkwardly.

Shen Lang smiled and nodded, and continued to walk forward.

"Do you want to eat chicken tonight?"

When he walked in front of Uzi, he asked.

Hearing this, both teammates and opponents were speechless.

The game was so bad, and they still won the chicken!

Uzi suddenly had the urge to hit someone, but under the camera, he could only suppress the urge in his heart and squeezed out a reluctant smile: "I'm very busy recently, let's talk about it later."


Shen Lang was full of doubts: "RNG has no games later."


Hearing this, the factory manager behind him suddenly couldn't hold it anymore, and hurriedly pretended to cough to remind him.

Don't you have any idea why they don't have a game later? It's okay to eliminate them, but you're still mocking them at this time.

Uzi couldn't even force a smile now: "I'm worried that it will affect your training, after all, EDG still has a game later."


"It doesn't matter, I don't usually train."

Shen Lang said this, and the factory manager coughed louder.

It's okay to taunt others after defeating them, but he also said I didn't use any effort. How can there be such a mean person in the world?

"Okay, okay, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it next time. We still have to pay tribute to the audience."

He was afraid that if Shen Lang continued to talk, the RNG players would not be able to help but hit him, so he hurriedly pulled Shen Lang away.


"It is detected that the host taunted the opponent after the game, awareness +100."

The system prompt sounded in his mind, and Shen Lang realized that something was wrong: "Did I just... say the wrong thing?"

Factory manager: ...

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