Listening to Shen Lang's words, Nofe's blood pressure instantly rose.

Lee Sin on the top, is this something that anyone can come up with?

Originally, I thought that Vayne on the top was already the limit, but I didn't expect that there would be a master.

"Not really, I admit that it's my problem, okay?"

The factory manager was worried.

Shen Lang's face was serious: "Don't you know my Lee Sin?"

After saying this, the factory manager was speechless. Although he didn't want to admit it, Shen Lang's Lee Sin did have something in his opinion.


This is Lee Sin on the top!

"Okay, then Lee Sin."

Nofe thought of what Abu said before, and finally nodded in agreement.

Hero locked, Lee Sin Lee Sin.

Seeing this hero appear, the audience instantly boiled.

"EDG locked Lee Sin on the fifth floor, it should be the top single."

Guan Zeyuan shouted.

Since 4396, the factory manager has not used Lee Sin as a hero, and the possibility of Pig Girl playing in the jungle is undoubtedly higher.

"Brother Weiwu can still make a living, he knows how to play the game."

Rita also began to get excited.

Let's not talk about the effect of the top single Lee Sin, at least the show effect is full, and Shen Lang's courage to choose Lee Sin in such a game has been recognized by the audience and the commentator.

Seeing the hero chosen by Shen Lang, the RW people felt a little uncertain.

"It should be okay to line up against Lee Sin in the top lane?"

Niu Niu turned to ask Mouse.

Mouse was still confident: "No problem, play casually."

Just as Nofe guessed, RW finally locked down Nightmare, and the lineups of both sides were determined.

EDG on the blue side: top single Lee Sin, jungle Zhu Mei, mid single Taliyah, bottom lane Ashe and Braum,

RW on the red side: top single Sion, jungle Nightmare, mid single Ryze, bottom lane Varus and Tam.

"RW's lineup is still very strong in this game, but EDG's ability to find opportunities in the early stage is also very good, so the early rhythm of this game is very critical."

After the lineup was released, Guan Zeyuan began to analyze it.

Jide nodded: "The key is still to look at the top lane. The lineup chosen by EDG in this game is completely different from the previous game. Let us look forward to the performance of Wave players."

As he spoke, the game quickly loaded.

"Invade the jungle!"

The moment he entered the game, Shen Lang pinned the opponent's jungle.

Bronga Ashe, there is no reason to be afraid of the opponent. Even if you can't counter-jungle, it's good to be able to arrange vision.

EDG immediately took action.

"EDG played so fiercely in this game. It's different after Brother Weiwu came on the court."

Jide was full of praise.

Seeing EDG people coming towards the jungle in a mighty manner, RW people immediately became scared. Their lineup couldn't play at all in the early stage.

The blue buff and the entrance to the middle jungle were respectively inserted with wards, and the movement of Nightmare in the early stage was completely under control.

After placing the ward, Shen Lang quickly controlled Lee Sin to go to the top lane.

In the later versions, Lee Sin also went to the top lane, but that was because the damage of the E skill was enhanced and the Blood Coughing Axe was equipped.

Now the Blood Coughing has not been released, and the E skill has not been enhanced, but even so, Lee Sin is still not inferior to Sion on the line.

After going online, upgrade the E skill first, and start using skills to clear the line directly.

After reaching level 3, Shen Lang began to try to consume blood.

The Q skill hit Sion, and he attacked the nearby minions, and then directly released [Echo Shot]. Mouse released the Q skill in seconds, but at the moment of attack, Shen Lang gave up the W skill to avoid damage, and then opened the W skill to attack and recover blood...

When the two of them pulled away, Lee Sin's blood didn't drop much.

"Brother Weiwu is so fierce on the line!"

I remember sighing.

"It's useless!"

Guan Zeyuan said bluntly: "It's easy to suppress Sion, but it's not so easy to kill him. Lee Sin's damage in the early stage is not enough. After Mouse's health is suppressed, he just needs to go back to the city to replenish his status. Lee Sin has no chance."

"Don't we have a jungler?"

Rita added.

Guan Zeyuan immediately asked back: "Will EDG's jungler catch the top lane?"


Rita was speechless.

After the voice fell, the factory manager directly controlled the pig girl to walk towards the top lane.


Guan Zeyuan widened his eyes: "Not really, this is not the EDG I know."

Although Mouse was suppressed, he was not weak in the line. As for the reason, it was naturally because he thought that the factory manager would not catch the top lane.

He had been in EDG and thought he knew EDG very well.

There was vision in the grass in the river, and the pig girl stuck on the wall above and walked towards the top lane.

Seeing his own jungler coming, Shen Lang directly released the W skillTouch the eye and move forward.

Mouse counterattacked and charged the Q skill, trying to counter-consume Lee Sin's health, but at this moment, a scene that horrified him appeared-

Zhu Mei actually came behind him.

"No way."

Mouse hurriedly gave up the flash, but at the moment of displacement, Shen Lang decisively released the Q skill, [Heavenly Sound Wave] accurately hit, and then connected [Echo Shot] to close the distance.

At the same time, Zhu Mei released the Q skill and moved forward.

"Sion is gone!"

Rita looked at Guan Zeyuan next to her with gloating.

Without flash, Sion could not pull away at all, and Zhu Mei's E skill was quickly triggered, and Sion was frozen in place...

With Shen Lang's "intention", Lee Sin successfully got Sion's head.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded, and the RNG fans in the audience cheered instantly.

"Brother Weiwu is awesome!"

"It has to be Brother Weiwu!"

"How can RW win if Brother Weiwu gets the advantage?"


They praised Shen Lang crazily, and he was completely different from the previous EDG vs. RNG.

"This time, Mouse really had no choice. He was blocked by the vision of the Pig Girl and had no room to operate at all."

Remember to analyze it.

Guan Zeyuan still couldn't understand: "Is this still the EDG I know? The factory manager would actually gank at level 3. Who could have thought of this?"

"Maybe Mouse himself didn't expect it, otherwise he wouldn't be so tough on the line."

Rita said with a smile.

In fact, Mouse was really confused.

He didn't have this kind of treatment when he was in EDG before. It was rare for a jungler to gank at level 3, let alone gank at level 3. The gap between people was really like this.

"Keep it steady in the top lane, don't let Brother Weiwu get up!"

Hearing the kill information coming from his ears, Doinb hurriedly reminded.

Ryze hadn't reached level 6 yet, and without his ultimate, there was no way out, not to mention that Ryze wasn't that comfortable against Rock Sparrow yet.

"Don't worry, I won't let him find another chance."

Mouse suddenly became serious.

Top lane.

After getting the kill, Shen Lang smiled.

"I admit it's my fault now."

He said with a smile.

Just like Guan Zeyuan said, Lee Sin was good at suppressing Sion in the early game, but it was not easy to kill him.

But that was when the equipment gap between the two sides was not big. If Lee Sin got the advantage, Sion would be very difficult to play against.

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