The game soon reached the 15-minute mark.

At this time, the middle and lower lanes were still in a fierce confrontation, and the red and blue sides were fighting very closely, and neither side's outer towers were removed.

Let's look at the top lane again.

Garen destroyed the inner and outer defense towers of the blue side one after another, and was now laning with the captain in front of the highland tower.

Some people just started the laning phase, while others had already finished the laning phase.

After being killed by Garen at level 6, the captain was killed twice by a single person, and then was pushed directly to the highland tower by Garen.

Seeing that Garen's flash CD had been turned over, Zzitai was worried that he would be killed by the tower, so he could only call the jungler to come over again in the chat box.

Zhu Mei came to the top lane again, and the mid single Clockwork followed.

The three of them caught up.

Zzitai said in his heart: "Let's see how you run this time!"

Garen pressed the line very deep, and Clockwork and Zhu Mei easily completed the circling.

Seeing the two people behind him, Shen Lang was not too panicked, but controlled Garen to rush straight towards the Captain.

"Still want to come?"

His attitude was a little disdainful.

Garen had Flash, and if the Captain was pulled close, he could easily be killed by Flash Q, so when he saw Garen rushing up, he hurriedly retreated and frantically pinned signals to signal his teammates to take action.

Seeing this, the Pig Girl player hurriedly handed over the Q skill to close the distance, and then connected the ultimate move. The mid-lane Clockwork also rushed forward, trying to make up as much damage as possible after the Pig Girl's ultimate move controlled Garen.

At the moment when the Pig Girl's ultimate move was about to hit, Shen Lang handed over the flash.

The target was not the Captain, but the Clockwork behind him.

Garen's flash passed through the Pig Girl's ultimate move and successfully approached the Clockwork. Before the blue team's mid-lane player could react, Garen had already activated the Q skill to approach.


Shen Lang used his E skill, and after turning around twice, he decisively used his ultimate skill. The big sword fell from the sky and quickly took away the remaining health of Clockwork.

Shoot dried bamboo shoots!

"What kind of damage is this?"

Zizi was stunned and couldn't help but pin a question mark.

"You raised it, idol?"

Clockwork's player mocked.

He never thought that he would be killed by Garen in this wave of roaming in the top lane before he could use any skills, and he didn't even have the chance to use flash. If he had known this, he would never come to the top lane.

Clockwork was killed in an instant, and the remaining Pig Girl and Captain were not enough to kill Garen. Shen Lang controlled Garen and walked away under Zizi's nose.

"Flashing through the ultimate move of Pig Girl, what kind of reaction speed is this?"

"Why don't RNG fans say anything? Isn't it said that pirated versions can't beat the genuine version?"

"Tell me loudly, who is the pirated version?"

"Killing the mid laner in front of the top laner and jungler, what kind of plot is this?"


The live broadcast room started to scroll.

Seeing Garen killing wildly in the top lane, the teammates who had doubts before were completely relieved at this time, and kept typing "666" in the chat box.

In this version, the double C develops very slowly, and often have to wait until the three-piece set is used before they can play impressively, but the top lane is different. After the black cut comes out, the damage is already very considerable. In this game, Shen Lang's Garen developed very well, perfectly explaining what it means to be very tanky and have high damage.

In the mid-term team battle, the blue side ADC saw Garen rushing towards his face, and hurriedly retreated while outputting crazy damage, but his damage did not cause much blood loss on Garen. The damage number jumped out of Garen wildly, but the blood volume decreased very slowly.

After scraping the middle sha for dozens of seconds, Garen flashed and recovered.

Shen Lang directly gave up the flash and came to Ashe's side. Q was silence and E was swinging. The big sword suppressed the soul.

Instant kill!

"I'm waiting for flash, what are you waiting for?"

Shen Lang said with a smile.

With the blue side ADC being killed instantly, the team battle quickly lost suspense. At this point in time, no one could deal with Garen.


The system prompt sounded soon, and Shen Lang won the first game smoothly. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, this show must be wet for the audience in the live broadcast room."

He thought to himself, and then switched the screen to open the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room has indeed increased a lot, and the barrage is also rolling, but...

Why are there no gifts?

Not to mention paid gifts, there are not even free fish balls. This shouldn't be!

After a brief surprise, Shen Lang quickly reacted.

It's still the same old sin that caused all the viewers who gave gifts to be banned. Now the viewers in the live broadcast room are either freeloaders, cruel RNG haters, or fans who are afraid of being banned and dare not give gifts.

How to remind them in a tactful and polite wayWhat about the audience in the live broadcast room giving gifts?

After a brief thought, Shen Lang pointedly said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I played a game and I'm a little hungry."

"If you're hungry, just eat."

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand what he meant at all.

"I don't know why, my stomach has been bad recently, and it's uncomfortable to eat hard things."

Shen Lang continued to hint.

"Then you drink porridge."

The audience in the live broadcast room still didn't understand.

Just when Shen Lang was struggling with how to continue hinting, the gift special effect finally lit up in the live broadcast room.

Dai Mei Xiao Ba Wang gave rockets*2

"Thank you Dai Mei for the rockets, thank you!!"

Shen Lang shouted immediately, feeling very moved, and finally someone understood his hint.

Hearing Shen Lang's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was very surprised.

Wouldn't giving gifts lead to being banned?

"Why wasn't Dai Mei banned?"

The barrage asked one after another.

Shen Lang coughed lightly, released the fans who were banned before, and said, "Why ban? The audience in the live broadcast room are my bread and butter. Banning the audience who gave gifts, there won't be any anchor who would do such a wicked thing."

As soon as the voice fell, the live broadcast room was instantly filled with question marks.

"Good guy, split personality, right?"

"It was RNG and Wave who banned people, what does it have to do with my brother Weiwu."

"The anchor is more fickle than my girlfriend."


Although the barrage kept mocking, the deadlock was successfully broken, and many viewers also began to give gifts.

Shen Lang is still short of money now.

The salary paid by RNG was sent back home by him. Now he only has a few hundred yuan on his body, so he chose to live broadcast in the Internet cafe. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he doesn't want to ask his family for the money back.

"Thank you!"

Shen Lang opened the backstage and privately chatted with Dai Mei to thank her.

"It's nothing. Remember to take me to play PUBG when you have time. The gift is just for playing with me."

"Add me on WeChat."

Dai Mei replied quickly.

Shen Lang smiled and quickly took out his phone and added Dai Mei's WeChat.

The friend request was quickly approved. Just when Shen Lang didn't know how to greet her, Dai Mei directly transferred 20,000 yuan to him.

Oh my god, this is a rich woman. She just threw money at people.


Shen Lang didn't know what this meant.

"I heard that you were terminated by RNG and are now live streaming in an Internet cafe. You should not be well-off recently. I will consider this money as a loan from you. You can pay it back when you have money."

Seeing Dai Mei's reply, Shen Lang fell silent immediately.

The 20,000 yuan was undoubtedly a timely help for him. Although live streaming also brought income, it was definitely not available in a short time. Before being noticed by other clubs, he could only live in an Internet cafe.

After careful consideration, Shen Lang did not refuse: "Thank you, I will definitely pay you back tenfold when I become famous in the professional arena."

"I believe you, that day will surely come soon."

Dai Mei replied.

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