"How can Lee Sin survive this?"

Guan Zeyuan was dumbfounded.

You know, Shen Lang didn't have any tank equipment. After taking out Tiamat, Lee Sin started to synthesize Black Cleaver directly. This is why Taliyah was able to kill Varus with a little damage, because Lee Sin's ultimate had already kicked away half of his health.

But in this case, Lee Sin was able to hold on until his Q skill was used to escape with low health after R flashed and kicked the person. This is really a bit surprising.

If Lee Sin could be killed quickly, although the ADC was not there, RW would still have a chance to fight, and would not be in such a state of defeat as it is now.

Everyone stepped forward to make up for the damage, and Sion, who had no flash, became the unlucky guy again.

Doinb noticed something was wrong in advance and controlled Ryze to retreat and distance himself in time. Flawless also gave up his flash to distance himself. Only Sion and Tam, who had no flash, were stuck by Braum.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded soon, and with the help of teammates, Ashe successfully got a double kill.

The situation reversed again.

"Brother Weiwu's kick was a bit crucial!"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "The blind monk with flash is so unreasonable, teleporting directly into the front to kick Varus back."

"RW originally wanted Varus to go forward to trick the skill, but EDG didn't expect to use the trick and use the ultimate skill of Pig Girl to trick Tam's W skill, so that the blind monk with flash can kick Varus without flash back without any pressure.

And Brother Weiwu's reaction is also very fast. He can dodge Varus's ultimate skill just by using the W skill. Is this the reaction of an 18-year-old?"

Rita also analyzed it.

While talking, the wailing of the Rift Herald sounded.

"Blind Monk picks up the Eye of the Herald."

Zizi said in the voice.

With the health of the top lane defense tower, summoning the Rift Herald can directly destroy the defense tower. Sion has not been resurrected yet, and the opponent is obviously unable to defend.

But if it was Pig Girl who summoned the Rift Herald, it was inevitable that she would get a share of the tower bounty. The factory manager wanted Lee Sin to take the tower bounty alone, so he made such a suggestion.

With such a good thing, Shen Lang would naturally not refuse, and directly controlled Lee Sin to pick up the Rift Herald.

"Eh~ Your flattering look makes me feel sick."

iboy said with a sneer.

As an ADC, he had never received such treatment before, and judging from this posture, he probably wouldn't receive such treatment in the future.

The factory manager didn't care: "I call this rewarding according to merit. If you can C, you can eat anything. If you can't C... hehe."

iboy shuddered. He could feel that if he didn't C in this game, he, the ADC, might not even get the red buff.

After picking up the Eye of the Pioneer, Shen Lang summoned it directly in the top lane.

Under the impact of the Rift Herald, RW's top lane defense tower was quickly destroyed. Without the restriction of the defense tower, Lee Sin could roam freely next.

RW side.

The loss of the Vanguard teamfight greatly dampened the morale of the players.

Doinb did not think it was his fault at all, and still chose to synthesize Ice Heart first.

The 2-0 record was enough to make him stand up straight in front of his teammates.

"I feel that we should not take the Vanguard teamfight. We have no damage now, and we don't have any first-hand ability. We should avoid playing against the frontal team."

Doinb said loudly in the voice chat.

The teammates heard this and remained silent.

After a long time, Mouse spoke: "The opponent's top laner should roam next, you should pay attention."

With his current development, there is no way to limit Lee Sin.

Just as A Guang guessed, Lee Sin returned to the city to replenish his equipment and quickly returned to the top lane.

Opening the scoreboard and looking at Lee Sin's equipment, A Guang couldn't help but be amazed.

Black Cleaver + Tiamat.

At this point in time, Lee Sin with this kind of equipment can only be viewed from a distance, not played with, and will die if you look at it for a few more times.

Fortunately, Shen Lang had no intention of continuing to fight him. After pushing the troops across the river, he immediately disappeared from the top lane.

There was really no need to suppress Sion, who was 0-4.

As for restricting Lee Sin's roaming...

Relying on him, a Sion who hadn't even synthesized Sunfire?

After disappearing from the top lane, Shen Lang first controlled Lee Sin to enter the opposite jungle.

He placed the true eye in the bushes next to the red buff, and then controlled Lee Sin to move to the F6 position.

At this time, the bottom lane combination of both sides was still laning in the middle lane. Seeing the signal from Mouse in the top lane, Sima Laozei and Killua hurriedly retreated.

"Can Ashe give the ultimate?"

Shen Lang controlled Lee Sin to enter the F6 pit.

"MaybeCan't hit Varus. "

iboy replied quickly.

In this case, the opponent will definitely be on guard against Ashe's ultimate. If they are careful, they can dodge Ashe's ultimate by just moving around, not to mention that there is Tam next to them, so it's useless even if they hit Varus.

"Then shoot Tam."

Shen Lang continued.

iboy heard this and said nothing. He turned around and released his ultimate directly at Tam in front of him.

[Magic Crystal Arrow] was launched, Killua didn't expect Ashe to shoot him, and he was standing a little forward, so he didn't react at all.


Tahm was stunned on the spot.

At this moment, Shen Lang in the F6 pit suddenly shot.

Q skill and W eye touch were released at the same time, and the blind monk suddenly appeared under the defense tower, and [Sound Wave] accurately hit Varus. Varus.

When the distance is very close, the stun time of Ashe's ultimate is only 1 second.

The time is very short, but for Lee Sin, 1 second is enough to kill an ADC.

After the distance is shortened, Shen Lang decisively releases his ultimate, [Dragon Tail], Varus's health drops sharply, and he flies to the side uncontrollably.

Press the Q skill again, [Echo Shot] takes away a lot of Varus's health again, and finally connects with the E skill, and quickly takes away the remaining health.

"Vairus was killed in seconds!"

Guan Zeyuan widened his eyes. Lee Sin's operation just now took less than a second, and Varus didn't even have the chance to release his ultimate.

Looking at his gray screen, Sima Laozei, who rarely spoke before, couldn't help but speak at this time: "Why is the damage of Lee Sin so high? "

Looking at the equipment of the opponent, he suddenly felt that it made sense.

With Black Cleaver and Tiamat, Lee Sin's equipment can easily kill his ADC. If the damage is full, he will even owe a lot of health.

After Varus died, Tam recovered from Ashe's ultimate, but at this time, he was already passive by Braum.

The damage of Ashe and Braum may not be enough to kill him, but with Lee Sin, the damage is definitely enough.

Double Kill——

The system prompt sounded, and Lee Sin successfully got a double kill.

"Is this wave handsome?"

Shen Lang said with a smile.

iboy and the other two also cooperated: "Awesome!"

"I'll show you something even cooler later."

Shen Lang suddenly thought of a legendary operation, which is said that even the founder could not perform.

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