The coaches of both teams came on stage, and the third game began.

In this game, EDG was on the red side, and RW was on the blue side.

"Do you think the opponent will ban Lee Sin?"

Before the BP started, iboy said boredly.

"Of course!"

The factory manager interrupted, "My Lee Sin is so strong, it's right to be banned."

As soon as he said this, his teammates and coach Nofe focused their attention on him.

Meiko even ruthlessly complained, "Where's your face? Did you forget to bring it when you went out?"

Feeling the gazes of everyone, the factory manager laughed awkwardly, "Hehe, just kidding, don't take it so seriously."

"Banning Lee Sin is useless, Xiaolang has such a deep hero pool, there are too many heroes that can be taken out."

Nofe said confidently.

Shen Lang smiled immediately, "Coach understands me!"

As he spoke, the BP started quickly.

RW did not ban Lee Sin as expected.

In Niu Niu's opinion, Shen Lang's winning of MVP in the last game had nothing to do with the hero. Even if Lee Sin was banned, if he was not targeted, he could still achieve the same effect as in the last game by replacing him with another hero.

"Qi Jiang, the opponent looks down on you, why don't you teach Lee Sin a lesson?"

iboy continued to tease.


Everyone laughed.

It was obviously impossible to let the factory manager play Lee Sin.

Both sides quickly banned three heroes, which was not much different from the last game, and soon it was RW's turn to choose a hero.

Kaisa and Luo were both banned, and Varus became the first choice for ADC in the bottom lane.

Although the core strategy of RW is the roaming support of the jungler and the mid laner, due to the insufficient output ability of the mid laner Doinb, Sima Laozei in the bottom lane must bring out an ADC with relatively strong output ability.

But this time, RW did not choose Varus, but first locked Xia.

Without Luo, Xia is definitely not comparable to Varus.

The reason for making this choice is that Sima Laozei was scared by Shen Lang in the last game.

You should know that the support in the last game was Tam. In terms of protection ability, no support is stronger than it. In this case, Varus was easily killed, so it can only be said that it is not suitable to play Varus today.

Xia's output ability cannot be compared with Varus, but at least after reaching level 6, she has a big move to save her life, and she will not be easily killed in team battles.

Through the last game, Sima Laozei found that his teammates are not reliable at all. If he wants to survive, he can only rely on himself.

RW locked Xia, and EDG naturally would not be polite, and quickly locked Varus and Braum.

"The opponent's bottom lane was scared."

Nofe smiled, he didn't expect that the bottom lane in this game could get this combination, it was a surprise.

"The blind monk of Brother Lang in the last game was really scary, I would be afraid too."

iboy nodded in affirmation.

It was RW's turn to choose again. Tam was still outside, but Niu Niu signaled the player to take Minotaur.

Roaming support is indeed important, but it cannot be done blindly.

In the last game, they only thought about roaming support, resulting in no means of starting a team fight in the lineup, which made them very passive in the mid-term team fight.

Niu Niu learned from the lesson and just roamed in the middle and jungle. Since the ADC has already chosen it, there is no need for the support to force Tam.

As for the third floor, it still helped Doinb lock Ryze.

In response, EDG could only lock Taliyah.

Entering the second round of BP, Nofe still did not send Nightmare to the ban position.

In fact, this hero is the trap he prepared for RW. Although Nightmare can use the ultimate to gank remotely when he reaches level 6, before that, this hero can only focus on brushing the jungle and it is difficult to do anything.

The jungler couldn't do anything for nearly 7 minutes. If there was a little interference, this time might be even longer. In this case, the jungler couldn't participate, and RW's roaming support system couldn't work at all. Ryze is not Kled. The damage in the early stage is not enough. The jungler's assistance is necessary to do things.

After banning the hero, continue to determine the pig girl and give the last counter position to the top laner.

RW side.

Steak didn't notice anything wrong. Seeing that EDG didn't ban Nightmare, he decisively signaled the players to lock it down.

As for the last top unit.

EDG chose Braum, and it was not appropriate to take Ornn. Mouse's Sion didn't perform well in the last game. If the top lane wants to resist pressure, the only hero left is that hero.

"Take the tree."

He said in the voice.

Mouse looked up immediately after hearing this, and his heartbeat accelerated. Something dormant in his blood seemed to gradually awaken.

Hero locked, Twisted Treant.

Seeing this hero, the audience felt as if they were in another world. The hero was still the same hero, but things had changed.

"What should I use against Treant?"

Shen Lang was a little confused.

Otherwise, why do we say that EDG likes Treant? It's really hard to play an advantage against this hero.

Even though it is not as strong as before after the rework, its ability to withstand pressure is still there.

"How about Olaf?"

Nofe gradually began to learn to consider the problem from Shen Lang's perspective.

What version is strong and weak, all thrown out of mind, as long as it is a suitable hero, no matter how far it is from the truth, it can be used.

"Are you also a genius?"

Shen Lang said in surprise.

You really don't say, it's really good to choose Olaf in the top lane in this game.

It has enough strength in the early stage. After reaching level 6, you don't have to worry about Nightmare cooperating with Treant's control gank. After it develops, it can also limit the back row...

The hero was quickly locked.

Berserker Olaf.

Seeing this hero, the audience was very calm.

After so many games, they are now a little used to Shen Lang taking out all kinds of strange heroes. Compared with the top laners selected before, the top lane Olaf is so normal.

With Olaf locked, the lineup of the third game was released:

EDG on the red side: top lane Olaf, jungle Sejuani, mid lane Taliyah, bottom lane Varus and Braum.

RW on the blue side: top lane Maokai, jungle Nightmare, mid lane Ryze, bottom lane Xia and Alistar.

After the lineup was determined, remember that the two immediately turned their heads to look at Guan Zeyuan next to them.

Feeling the gazes of the two, Guan Zeyuan gritted his teeth and analyzed: "From the perspective of strength, the difference between the two lineups is not big. The key for RW is whether the mid and jungle can drive the rhythm, while for EDG, it depends on whether the mighty brother can play well."

"Everyone knows that if Olaf is just a hero who develops peacefully with the tree, it will be difficult to play a role in the mid-to-late team battle. The lineup is not good or bad, and it depends on the performance of the players."

I don't know if he is worried about the poisonous milk, he was very conservative this time.

Rita and Ji De were disappointed.

American five-star general MacArthur once said: LPL cannot lose Guan Zeyuan's poisonous milk, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem.

As they talked, the coaches of both sides shook hands and walked off the stage.

The third game started soon.

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