After taking down the stone beetle, Shen Lang left his trinket ward in the bush behind the RW top lane defense tower, and then returned to the top lane to continue laning.

Looking at the red buff under Jayce's feet, a mask of pain suddenly appeared on Mouse's face.

If there is anything more uncomfortable than a short-handed opponent with a long-handed opponent, it is definitely the opponent's long-handed hero with a red buff.

Mouse could bite the bullet and go forward to eat the line before, but now he can only rely on experience.

If he goes forward to last-hit and is stuck by Jayce's red buff, he may even be killed.

Fortunately, Shen Lang did not control the line of soldiers. After going online, he directly released skills to push the line of soldiers into the defense tower, and then took advantage of Sion's clearing to consume the health of the A tower.

10 minutes.

The Rift Herald appeared in Summoner's Rift.

However, it was also at this time that Jayce successfully destroyed the top lane defense tower.

During this period, Galio and Kindred also went to the top lane, but EDG had already noticed their tactical intentions. As long as Galio disappeared from the line, Xiaodi immediately controlled Ryze to move up, and Zz1tai's Pig Girl also wandered in the top lane for counter-camping most of the time, so that RW could not find any chance to catch Jayce.

As for catching the bottom lane, it was even more impossible.

The equipment gap between ADCs was even greater than that of the top lane, and Jayce and Ryze's TP was still in hand. If Flawless wanted to catch the bottom lane, even if he took Galio with him, they would be waiting for EDG's mid and top 2 TP support counterattack.

"Brother Weiwu is a little fat in this game!"

Looking at the equipment replenished by Jayce after returning to the city, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh.

In these few games, RW has targeted the top lane, but Shen Lang has always been able to develop under the opponent's targeting.

Phantom + Bright Boots.

At this point in time, Jayce can take out this kind of equipment, and it is absolutely no problem to kill the squishy skin in seconds.

After walking out of the fountain, Shen Lang went straight to the bottom lane, while Ashe and Braum returned to the city and switched lanes to the middle lane.

With Jayce taking the top lane tower first, the Rift Herald was far less important than the second Fire Dragon.

Shortly after the lane switch, the little dragon refreshed.

"I really can't think of how RW should fight for this little dragon. The bottom lane combination is at a disadvantage, and the top lane is also at a disadvantage. Just relying on Kindred's tiny advantage is not enough. The possibility of winning a team fight is less than 20%."

Seeing the EDG team walking towards the river, Ji De analyzed and said.

The RW players also knew this in their hearts, but they still wanted to struggle. If they gave up this little dragon, the subsequent games would still be very difficult to play. It would be better to try to fight a team fight.


Many times, team fights are not something you can fight whenever you want.

Seeing the RW team appear in the field of vision, Shen Lang and his friends were a little surprised, but they were very stable in the subsequent response.

Fight a team?

Wishful thinking!

Shen Lang quickly released his QE skill in the direction of Kindred.

The enhanced energy cannon flew out of his hand and accurately hit Kindred not far away, instantly taking away a lot of its health.


Flawless took a breath of cold air.

It hurts a bit!

Jayce's cannon directly took away one-third of its health.

"What can we do?"

Guan Zeyuan felt sorry for RW: "The chance of winning the team battle is less than 20%. Now EDG is not fighting with you, but using Jayce's Poke ability to consume health first. With Jayce's current equipment, it still hurts to hit the squishy."

Not long after, Jayce's skill turned good, and Shen Lang released it again.

This time it hit EZ, also taking away a lot of health. Kindred at least has the ability to recover, but EZ can only use the blood bottle on his body to slowly recover blood.

Youmeng and Luminous Boots can both provide cooldown reduction, plus the cooldown reduction provided by runes, Jayce's E skill cools down very quickly.

"Give it to the opponent."

Flawless felt powerless.

The C position was also suppressed, and it would be difficult to win even if Sion or Minotaur started a team fight.

A 20% team fight win rate could still be fought for, but after being hit by two shots from Jayce, the win rate might not even be 10%, so there was really no need to fight anymore.

RW quickly retreated, and EDG successfully took the Fire Dragon.

With two layers of Fire Dragon buff, Jayce's damage became even more exaggerated.

So for RW now, no matter what choice they make, it's actually wrong, and this is the helplessness of the disadvantaged side.

"Open the champagne!!"

"With two Fire Dragons in hand, I can't think of how EDG can lose."

"On behalf of all RNG fans, I announce that Brother Weiwu will be exempt from criticism before the World Championship."

"RW is really bad, they only care about their roaming support bodyThe problem is that there is no roaming support in the last game. I thought there was some trick to choosing EZ, but it turned out to be just this? "

"I thought Bo Shuai would come in the match point game, but it turned out to be La Tuo Da."


In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage scrolled wildly.

RNG base.

At this time, the players and coaches were also paying attention to today's game.

Seeing that EDG had such a big advantage in the match point game, the players and coaches couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were really worried that EDG would lose to RW, so they would miss this world championship.

Winning the Spring Championship, the MSI Championship, plus the Intercontinental Championship and the Asian Games...

With so many honors, it would be a bit embarrassing if they couldn't enter the world championship.

"Fortunately, Brother Weiwu is awesome. "

Uzi said with emotion.

They also saw the first game. When Ray came on the field, EDG's strength was obviously worse than RW, and the difference was not small.

"If Weiwu was still in RNG, wouldn't we easily win the championship this year?"

Mala Xiangguo said frankly.

Seeing that the factory manager casually entered Flawless's jungle area in these games, he envied it from the bottom of his heart.

The top laner of his team is so strong that he can completely treat the opponent's upper jungle area as his own and counter-jungle as he wants.

Hearing his words, Zzitai and Letme lowered their heads, and manager Quan Zhonghe clenched his fists with a ferocious expression on his face.

The better Shen Lang performed on the court, the more he regretted it in his heart.

If he had known this, he really shouldn't have let him go. He would rather destroy If you lose it, you can't let others get it.

Originally, EDG had difficulty even entering the World Championship, but after Shen Lang came, it has now entered the World Championship and even transformed itself into a strong contender for the championship.

EDG's victory over RW certainly made him happy, but as a manager, he couldn't help but think more.

Even if they advance to the World Championship, facing such a strong EDG, how should they defeat them and win the championship?

"The top laners should practice their ability to withstand pressure recently. No matter what, when we meet EDG in the World Championship, the top laners must not be beaten."

Quan Zhonghe said firmly.

At this time, he no longer expected the players to suppress Shen Lang in the laning phase, but only asked his two top laners not to be beaten.

Even though he hated Shen Lang very much, he had to admit Shen Lang's strength.

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