"It just so happens that the soldiers are recovering from their injuries this month. The casualties in Nangong Kingdom are more severe than ours. It is estimated that they will not take the initiative to send troops in the next month. You should take care of the people who left the clan before we plan to send troops!"

As long as the Li clan people do not provide poison to the Nangong Kingdom's army and disrupt the normal way of fighting, Di Shaowei believes that he can definitely capture Jiangdong County in three months!

"No, since the casualties of Nangong Kingdom are even more heavy, we naturally have to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. There is a saying that takes advantage of his illness to kill him!" After a month's rest, we can send out troops. In that case, if we want to capture the entire Nangong Kingdom, we have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

"Girl, do you have any good ideas? Now nearly tens of thousands of our soldiers have been seriously injured and cannot go into battle. The other soldiers have been more or less lightly injured. If the war starts again and the enemy uses poison again, we will Even if we can win, we will only sacrifice more soldiers! The gains outweigh the losses!" Di Shaowei does not suggest sending troops now.

The lives of soldiers are very important. You cannot joke with the lives of soldiers, nor use the lives of soldiers to capture the city. The city will always be there, but the lives of soldiers only live once.

If Xiaoer had no way to solve the problem of enemy poisoning, Di Shaowei would never agree to send troops!

That's not to attack the city, that's to die!

He is the general of the soldiers, and their lives matter!

"Poisons that can be fatal immediately must be eaten into the stomach. Medicines that seal the throat when bleeding is difficult to extract, and those poisons are not available in the streets. They are as rare as thousand-year-old ginseng!

Even the Li Clan would not be able to come up with so many poisons like this!

Therefore, the poisons that can be mass-produced can only cause skin itching, and even if the skin itches, it will only itch for three or two days and will be cured without medication! It is not difficult for us to prepare an antidote for this kind of poison.

As long as the soldiers take the antidote and go to the battlefield, even if the enemy uses poison, it will not have much impact on us.

And with my wound medicine here, are you still worried that in a few days, 10,000 soldiers will still be seriously injured? "Xiao'er explained.

"Sister is right. As long as you give me enough medicinal materials, I will be able to prepare the antidote soon. But I have to research what kind of poison the poison powder is extracted from." Such poison, It's just a common poison.

"At that time, the military doctor collected some from the soldiers' clothes. Take a look." Di Shaowei took out a paper bag from his arms and handed it to Xi'er.

Xi'er took it and opened it. There was a little white powder inside, which was very small.

She came closer and smelled it, but there was no smell. Then she put a little more on her fingers, rubbed it between her fingertips a few times, and applied a little more on the back of her hand, and then affirmed:

"This is a poison extracted from green moths and caterpillars, and then added with the juice of wild taro. Once human skin comes into contact, it will be extremely itchy, and the more you scratch it, the more itchy it will be.

However, if you don't catch it, the symptoms will disappear after a few days without the need for antidotes.

But when I first came into contact with it, it was really unbearably itchy! "

Xi'er repackaged the medicinal powder, then took out a box of ointment and applied it on the back of her hand.

Green moths and caterpillars can be seen everywhere in Nangong Kingdom in the summer, especially on some banana trees and some large banyan trees; and wild taro can also be seen everywhere and is a very common poison.

"Is the antidote difficult to find?" Dishaowei asked.

"It's not difficult," Xi'er said several medicinal materials in succession.

"It just so happens that in order to prevent people who have left the clan from helping the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom, I came here this time and prepared a lot of antidote medicinal materials. I also brought the ones Xi'er mentioned. The things are at Wanli Shitang. On the military ship, I will have someone send it over as soon as possible."

Of the twenty warships brought by Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi, there was a cabin on each ship that was always locked and no one was allowed to enter. The cabin was used to hide from others. It was empty when they set off. After arriving, Xiaoer I found an opportunity to fill the cabins of twenty military ships with things, including medicinal materials and food!

Of course, no one is allowed to enter or approach those cabins. Only those with tokens and keys can open the cabins and move things in.

Only in this way, if something is missing in the army, can Xiaoer have an excuse to take it out from the space.

Since the dozens of military ships left the factory, Shangguan Xuanyi personally locked the cabins, and they have always been a forbidden area!

A group of people built the ship, and after the ship was built, a group of people were ordered to guard it.

When setting off, another group of soldiers were replaced, so the soldiers in the cabin didn't know what the master put inside and why it was a forbidden area.

"Okay, then when the antidote is prepared, we will send troops to catch Nangong Kingdom off guard! Once Jiangdong County is captured, we can sit back and relax!" Di Shaowei said happily.

After seeing the wounded soldiers, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer went to live in a courtyard that Di Shaowei had repaired in advance.

This courtyard was originally the house of the richest man in Jiangyang County. The garden inside is very exquisite, with small bridges, flowing water, rockeries, lakes and rocks. Except for some precious flowers and plants that were taken away by wealthy businessmen, nothing else in the garden was damaged.

Moreover, the wealthy businessman was probably reluctant to damage the things in his home. All the furniture was locked in a warehouse, and only part of the roof of the house was lifted, making it look like it had been destroyed at first glance.

So Di Shaowei spent very little effort to have it repaired, and found the furniture left by the wealthy businessman from the warehouse, and decorated the whole room!

Di Shaowei, Jing Hao, Xi'er, Gu Qiling and others also lived here during this time, each with a room.

The main house was specially vacated, and Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer happened to move in.

"I didn't expect to find such a good place to live in this newly captured city." Xiaoer said after looking at the well-equipped and magnificent house.

"The rich businessman probably planned to come back, so he didn't want to destroy anything." Di Shaowei replied.

Xiaoer nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"You guys go and do your work! Don't worry about me, I'll decorate the house myself!" Xiaoer knew that Di Shaowei must have many things to discuss with Shangguan Xuanyi, so she drove the two of them out of the house.

Di Shaowei did have something to discuss with Shangguan Xuanyi. Next, we had to discuss how to arrange the war.

"You take a rest and wait for me to come back for dinner." Shangguan Xuanyi said to Xiaoer.


Xiaoer agreed, and then the two left.

Xiaoer took a look at the house, and then she and Yangliu Yangmei started to clean the house and decorate it themselves.

Soon the whole house became brighter, cleaner, simpler and warmer.

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