Shangguan Xuan Yao nodded: "Yes, so Nangong Kingdom made this move very well! We didn't expect that they would kidnap Sister Yun'er! The top priority now is to rescue Sister Yun'er!"

Regarding Nangong Guo's request, we should delay it as much as possible if we can, and agree to their request as soon as possible if we can't, lest they do anything to hurt sister Yun'er in order to force us to agree. "

yes! But they didn't expect that the people from Nangong Kingdom would kidnap Yun'er. They always thought that what they wanted to kidnap was just the roof! Xiaoer thought to herself.

At this time, Tiantian also knew where Yun'er was, and it said: "Yun'er is in Yanziling for the time being."


Bijiang County in the Nangong Kingdom is adjacent to Shanghe County in the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and Jiangzhong County in the Nangong Kingdom is adjacent to Bijiang County, with Yanziling in between.

In other words, the group of people who kidnapped Yun'er had just returned to Nangong Kingdom and were leaving Bijiang County, planning to go to Jiangzhong County through Yanziling!

Their escape speed was a little slower than Ri Geer's.

Probably because it’s inconvenient to bring a pregnant woman with you!

Xiao'er couldn't directly tell where Yun'er was, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain why she knew it, but she could give a hint!

"Brother Ri, you came here not long after Yun'er was kidnapped, right?" Xiao'er asked.

"Yes, Yun'er was kidnapped on October 16th. I have been searching for it for two days along with the clues. Then I found Yun'er's handkerchief and chased after her non-stop."

"If this is the case, those robbers should have just returned to Nangong Kingdom not long ago. Yun'er is a pregnant woman. If the robbers escape with Yun'er, they must not go very fast! Otherwise, if Yun'er has any shortcomings, Nangong Kingdom's plan Then we can't succeed!

Jing Hao, go and get a map of Nangong. Let's analyze the best escape route for the robbers in Nangong Kingdom! "

After Jing Hao heard this, he immediately asked the boy to go to his study to get a map of Nangong Kingdom.

The boy quickly took out the map.

Xiaoer took the map and spread it flat on the table.

Everyone gathered around.

Xiao'er pointed to the area adjacent to the Nangong Kingdom and the Eastern Jin Kingdom and began to analyze: "According to Brother Ri, after Yun'er was kidnapped, she returned to Bijiang County in the Nangong Kingdom from Shanghe County in the Eastern Jin Kingdom.

If you want to send the hostages back to Nangong Kingdom quickly and safely, the robbers should board the boat from Shanghe County and then arrive at Bijiang County. This can be said to be the shortest way back to Nangong Kingdom from Eastern Jin Dynasty!

There are two counties adjacent to Bijiang County, one is Jiangzhong County and the other is Jiangdong County! Jiangdong County has been captured by us, they will not come! Then we can only escape to Jiangzhong County! The robbers would definitely not walk quickly with a pregnant woman. Brother Ri rushed over quickly, and he has just arrived at our place!

So I guess they must not have left Jiangzhong County yet, maybe they are still on their way to Jiangzhong County. "

"From Bijiang County to Jiangzhong County, there is Yanziling in the middle! In other words, Yun'er is most likely on the way from Yanziling to Jiangzhong County, or has just arrived in Jiangzhong County!" Ri Ge'er He looked at the map of Nangong Kingdom.

Everyone thought Xiaoer's analysis made sense and nodded.

"Since everyone thinks this is the case, let's go without further ado! Let's hurry up and save Yun'er!" Xiao'er said when she saw that Brother Ri had understood.

"I'll set off to rescue Yun'er right now!" It will take several days to get to Yanziling. If we don't rush there, the robber will have gone a long way!

"I'll go with you!" Xiaoer said quickly.

Who can know Yun'er's whereabouts better than myself? She has this cheating tool during the day!

"I want to go too!" Xi'er quickly stood up.

Shangguan Xuan Yao stood up.

"I'll go too!" Jing Hao also stood up.

How could he stand by and watch when his sister was robbed?

Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time: "Wait a minute, there is no need for so many people to go! For the sake of convenience, there must not be so many robbers! I can go there with Brother Ri and Xiaoer!"

Xiao'er must go, otherwise no one would know where Yun'er is more easily than Xiao'er.

As for Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi will naturally accompany her if she wants to go, but it is true that there is no need for so many people to go.

"Jing Hao, please stay here and wait for Prince An to arrive. In addition, notify General Di to prepare to attack Pingyao County! As soon as Yun'er is rescued, we will start to attack Pingyao County!" Shangguan Xuanyi told Jing Hao.

The army has rested for a month, and it’s time to start the war!

Pingyao County and Bijiang County are close to each other. After hearing this, Brother Ri said: "I will also send a message back to attack Bijiang County! Let's attack from both sides and make Nangong Kingdom overwhelmed!"

If two countries go to war against Nangong Kingdom, they will indeed be overwhelmed!

If he could capture Nangong Kingdom together with the Eastern Jin Kingdom, Shangguan Xuanyi would not be unhappy at all!

His father was right, the world is so big that no one can unify it!

In fact, the emperor of Min Zeguo and the Eastern Jin Dynasty had already exchanged letters to discuss this matter.

But the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not agree at that time.

In fact, it would be difficult for Min Zeguo to digest the entire Nangong Kingdom. It would be a good thing to work with the Eastern Jin Kingdom to attack the entire Nangong Kingdom as soon as possible. At least the chance of winning is much greater!

As for who occupies how many counties? All we can say is that everyone relies on their abilities to fight for what belongs to them!

Shangguan Xuanyi also analyzed that the military and financial resources of the Eastern Jin Kingdom also determined that they could not capture the entire Nangong Kingdom! At most four or five counties will be unable to bear the burden.

"Okay, let's discuss how to attack specifically after we rescue Yun'er!" Shangguan Xuanyi agreed immediately after listening to Ri Ge'er's words.

In this world, no matter what kind of relationship it is, as long as both parties have common interests, they can cooperate.

After the two reached a consensus, they set off for Yanziling.

Because Xiaoer needed to take care of her children, it was natural to take a carriage to enter the space.

Seeing the serious dark shadow under Brother Ri's eyes, Xiaoer knew that he probably hadn't had much rest for many days, so he arranged a carriage for him.

Ri Geer wanted to rescue Yun'er quickly, but he refused.

A carriage is slower than a horse!

Seeing his refusal, Xiaoer said: "Even if we rescue Yun'er, we still have to let Yun'er come back in a carriage! Otherwise, how can she ride a horse with a big belly! Although she can buy it when the time comes, there are no carriages that can be bought outside. My customized carriage is comfortable!”

After hearing this, Brother Ri thought it was right, so he took the carriage instead.

And he was indeed tired! I didn't sleep for several days, and even if I did sleep, I would only sleep for an hour.

It’s not a bad thing to take a rest in the carriage now, gather energy and then go rescue Yun’er!

As the saying goes: If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools!

The fourth update~~

keep it up

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