Shangguan Xuanyi found time to drive away alone in a carriage for a few days, and when he came back, there were several more children in the carriage.

Since the children were too smart, Shangguan Xuanyi was worried that they would spill the beans and said to them:

"If someone asks you where you lived before? Just say that you lived in a very beautiful place with everything. But you don't know what the place is called. Don't say that you can see your father and mother and concubines every day. ?"

"Why can't we say that we can see our father, queen, mother and concubines every day?" Rooftop asked strangely.

They indeed live in a very beautiful place, and they can see their father and mother and concubine every day!

"Because the place where you live is a bit mysterious and cannot be known by others. If others find out, both the mother and the father may be in danger, and the father will be in a coma like the mother and concubine."

Although the four children didn't quite understand why their father and concubine would be in danger if they were told, they heard that if they were told, their father and concubine would fall into coma, so they quickly covered their mouths with their hands. They all said in unison: "I won't tell!"

Shangguan Xuanyi saw that several children agreed, and then continued: "My father is going to leave for a while to find medicine and come back to save my mother and concubine. You must obediently stay with my mother and concubine to accompany her, you know?"

All four children nodded: "I know!"

"Did the mother and concubine wake up when the father came back?" Nuan Nuan asked.

Shangguan Xuanyi paused after hearing this, and for the first time his tone was so helpless: "Father doesn't know either."

Shangguan Xuanyi told a few more children what he should pay attention to after leaving, and then he arrived.

Shangguan Xuanyi did not appear in front of everyone with his children in a high-profile manner.

He drove the carriage to the second gate, where he had already informed Yang Liu and Yang Mei to get rid of the irrelevant people.

From now on, only willows and bayberries will serve in this courtyard.

Normally, except Xier and the others who are the masters, no one is allowed to get even half a step closer!

Shangguan Xuanyi has arranged many people to guard outside the courtyard, which can be said to be heavily guarded.

Xi'er and others were so happy when they saw a few little buns.

Soon everyone was deeply impressed by the intelligence of these children.

It has been a long time since the children got along with so many people. They were not afraid of strangers at all, and they quickly became so involved with everyone that they even forgot about their father.

After Shangguan Xuanjun hugged the child, he handed a copy of the post to Shangguan Xuanyi.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened it and took a look.

This was a post sent by someone from Gong Qinghua. The post said that he had the Soul-Returning Pill in his hand. If Min Zeguo was willing to withdraw his troops immediately, leave Nangong Kingdom, and return the occupied city, he would hand over the Soul-Returning Pill in his hand. .

There is only one soul-reviving pill left in this world. If they don't agree, he will destroy the soul-reviving pill immediately!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the post and said nothing.

"Gong Qinghua made a good plan. He wants us to withdraw our troops and return those cities to him with just one soul-reviving pill. It's really a beautiful idea! He doesn't know whether his soul-reviving pill is true or not! Even if it is true, Aren't we going to snatch it from him? Sixth Emperor brother, this time I will go to the Nangong Palace with you to steal the soul-returning pill!" Shangguan Xuanjun was a little worried that Shangguan Xuanyi would ignore it and really promised Gong Qing Hua's request, he said quickly.

Shangguan Xuanjun understands how important Xiaoer is in Shangguan Xuanyi's heart.

But if you want to get the soul-reviving pill, you don't have to exchange it for the city.

In short, such a thing must not happen!

Let alone withdrawing troops, how many lives of soldiers have been sacrificed in Zezhou now occupied? The soldiers conquered this with their blood and sweat!

If he really agrees to Gong Qinghua's conditions, even if the soldiers don't rebel, they will be disappointed!

The soldiers have resentment in their hearts. How can they do their best to defend their homeland and open up new territories? !

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Shangguan Xuanjun: "No, I can go by myself. Don't send troops until I come back! Then send people to negotiate with the people of Nangong Kingdom, and send people to negotiate with the people of Nangong Kingdom. Negotiating, saying that we need to confirm that the soul-reviving pill in his hand is genuine, and showing some intention of our agreement, let Gong Qinghua think that we are considering it! Delay the time."


"It's just that we need to confirm the authenticity of the soul-reviving pill. How to confirm it?" Di Shaowei asked.

"It's just a slow move. Let's see how he convinces us." Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

Shangguan Xuanyi did not believe that Gong Qinghua would really hand over the Soul-Returning Pill. Of course, if he asked Gong Qinghua to hand over the Soul-Returning Pill first and let Xiaoer eat it and wake up, and then Min Zeguo would retreat, Gong Qing would Hua also won't believe that they will retreat!

Neither side trusts the other, so the two sides can deal with this matter for a period of time, which is enough for him to go back and forth to the imperial capital of Nangong Kingdom!

Shangguan Xuanyi of the Soul-Reviving Pill read a simple record in the book in the space study: The Soul-Reviving Pill is refined with magic. The biggest difference between it and ordinary pills is that if you look carefully at the pill, you will find a trace of green inside. The light is flowing.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Yangliu Yangmei to take care of several children, gave them some instructions, and then explained some things to Di Shaowei and others, then he changed his face and quietly left Zezhou and went to the Nangong Palace.

Along the way, Guan Xuanyi was working hard, day and night!

It only took him ten days to reach the imperial capital of Nangong Kingdom.

After Shangguan Xuanyi came to the imperial capital of Nangong Kingdom, he found an inn to stay, and then tried to find a way to get in touch with the spies in the Nangong Kingdom's palace.

He had to first understand the layout of the Nangong Kingdom Palace.

The palace of Nangong Kingdom was originally larger and more magnificent than the palace of Minze Kingdom!

In the past few years, I heard that the Nangong Palace has been expanding every year, and it is estimated to be even bigger now!

The next day, Shangguan Xuanyi contacted the internal agent in the Nangong Kingdom Palace, and that person quickly secretly sent someone to pass on a map of the Nangong Kingdom Palace.

A map of the tunnel is also included.

That tunnel allows for a secret escape from the palace.

The spy who had been hiding in the Nangong Palace for more than 20 years would secretly dig a little bit of this tunnel every night and then dig it out.

This is also to leave a way out for myself if one day she is exposed.

"The Soul-Reviving Pill should be hidden in the secret room of the Royal Study, which is heavily guarded and guarded. Recently, Gong Qinghua has made many arrangements secretly. The specific situation is not clear, so I advise the young master to think twice before making any move. .”

This man's real master is the emperor of Min Zeguo, so he calls Shangguan Xuanyi his little master.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the two maps in his hand and said: "Okay, I know what I know. You don't have to go back, just leave!"

"In order to avoid the Emperor Nangong getting suspicious and missing the young master's business, I'd better go back! I'll wait until the young master's business is settled before I leave."

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