Xiaoer slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Shangguan Xuanyi's handsome face that looked slightly haggard.

"Girl, you wake up!"

"Sister, you finally woke up!" Xier said slightly excitedly.

Xiaoer didn't understand why the two of them were so surprised, but it wasn't important. How long had she slept? Why are you so hungry? She looked at Shangguan Xuanyi: "Brother Shangguan, I'm hungry."

Shangguan Xuanyi was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He didn't expect that Xiao'er had been in a coma for several months, and the first thing she said to herself when she woke up was, I'm hungry!

But she's hungry! This is a very normal sentence! After drinking porridge and water for several months, can you not feel hungry?

Without Shangguan Xuanyi's instructions, Yang Liu heard Xiaoer's words and said happily: "What does the princess want to eat? I will prepare it now!"

"Anything you can eat will do. I'm so hungry right now that I can eat a cow!" Xiaoer found that her voice was a little hoarse, but she just slept, so how could her voice be hoarse? Moreover, my whole body was weak and my body felt very weak.

"Prepare a bowl of white porridge for the princess." It's been a long time since I've eaten, so it's better to eat something lighter.

"Yes!" Yang Liu also planned this. Otherwise, if he eats some greasy food all at once, he will easily get diarrhea.

After hearing this, Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi aggrievedly: "I don't want to eat white porridge!"

Why should you feed yourself plain porridge? Is this an attempt to torture your wife?

"You've been unconscious for so long. If you eat oily food, you'll have diarrhea!" Shangguan Xuanyi explained.

As long as she wants to eat, he can't get her any delicacies, but not now! Now her body couldn't handle it.

"Coma? Didn't I take a nap?" Xiaoer was so excited after hearing this that she wanted to sit up. But his whole body was limp and he had no strength at all. He couldn't even sit up.

Then she belatedly discovered that this was not Zezhou, but the palace of the Imperial City!

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed Xiaoer's intention and quickly helped her sit up, and put a pillow on her back to make her lean more comfortable.

"Sister, have you forgotten? Since you were injured by Gu Xuan, you haven't woken up even after taking seven healing pills! It turns out that your soul was traumatized and you have been in a coma until now! You have been in a coma for five months!" Xi'er saw. Xiaoer thought she just slept, so she explained.

But my sister also had a good sleep, but her sleep was really long!

"In coma for five months? What about the children?" Xiaoer's eyes widened after hearing this, and she quickly turned to look at Shangguan Xuanyi. However, her consciousness was a bit eager, but her movements could not cooperate, and she was a bit slow!

Xiaoer suddenly felt that her body was very difficult to use, but she knew that this was caused by the degradation of her body's functions after being comatose for too long. Fortunately, she could still speak fluently.

After Xiaoer asked, she immediately used her consciousness to explore the space, only to find that there was only an open space left, surrounded by white fog, and she couldn't see anything! Nothing is left!

Xiaoer was shocked! What happened to space? What about your own children?

"Daytime, Tianbai, Xiaohuang, Xiaobai" Xiaoer called out in her mind one by one, but no one answered her!

Shangguan Xuanyi knew what she was worried about, and said quickly: "Don't worry, I have taken the children back, and they are now undergoing enlightenment at the teacher's place."

Because several children over one year old were as smart as three-year-olds, Shangguan Xuanyi invited a great scholar in advance to enlighten them.

In fact, the most important thing is that the children are so naughty! There are many pavilions and pavilions in the mansion, and the garden is huge! The four children have short arms and short legs. I don’t know why they are so good at running, but they always hide secretly when no one is paying attention! Let people look for it everywhere!

It makes the entire palace fall on their feet every day!

Seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi simply asked them to learn something from his husband.

Take it back? It was when I was unconscious that the space automatically released the child!

Xiaoer immediately realized what Shangguan Xuanyi meant! They had agreed to announce that they had sent the child to a safe place. As for where, no one would tell anyone. Now Shangguan brother probably said that he would take the child back because there were outsiders.

"Master Yunfa?" Only then did Xiaoer see Master Yunfa sitting aside. Just now, Xi'er said that her soul was traumatized, so it was Master Yunfa who saved her?

"Did Master Yunfa save me?" Otherwise, none of them should know how to heal soul wounds!

"That's right. Fortunately, we have Master Yunfa. Otherwise, sister, you wouldn't even know how many years and months you would be in coma!"

At this time, Master Yunfa also adjusted his inner breath. He opened his eyes, looked at Xiaoer, and said with a smile: "Princess Rui, we meet again!"

Because Xiao'er was a little weak, she couldn't get down to the ground, so she didn't insist on going down to the ground to salute Master Yunfa. She bowed her hands to Master Yunfa on the bed: "Thank you, Master Yunfa, for saving your life!"

"Princess Rui, you're welcome, this is what I should do!"

"When did you meet?" Xi'er asked strangely.

Master Yunfa looked at Xi'er: "The donor and I also met when the donor was still an infant!"

Xi'er wanted to ask anything else, but Yang Liu came in with a bowl of white porridge.

Upon seeing this, Master Yunfa said: "I want to go outside and look around in the garden."

"Yang Mei, take Master Yunfa around!" Shangguan Xuanyi ordered.

Xi'er had many questions to ask Master Yunfa, so she quickly said: "I'll take Master Yunfa around!"

After she finished, she said to Master Yunfa: "Master Yunfa, the garden of Prince Rui's Mansion is one of the best in the imperial capital. It has more ornamental value than the Royal Garden of the Imperial Palace. Let me take you to enjoy it."


So the two of them walked out.

After Master Yunfa and Xi'er left, Shangguan Xuanyi said to Yang Liu, "Put the porridge down and go tell the young masters that their mother and concubine are awake."

Shangguan Xuanyi thought that Xiaoer must have several children in mind, and he was used to thinking first for Xiaoer, so he made arrangements before Xiaoer brought it up.

Yangliu retreated in response.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer had a habit of rinsing her mouth before eating after waking up. So he stood up, walked to the table, poured a glass of water, waited for Xiaoer to rinse her mouth, and then started to feed her porridge.

Xiaoer's stomach was really hungry, and the porridge was delicious.

After finishing a bowl of white porridge, Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi eagerly, obviously wanting to continue eating.

Faced with Xiaoer's pitiful expression, Shangguan Xuanyi avoided her sight, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, and said with determination: "You'll eat later, don't eat too much at once. "

Xiaoer curled her lips after hearing this, but did not persist because she had more important things waiting for her to do.

"Brother Shangguan, I don't know where they went during the day! I have to go into the space and take a look."

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