Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 201 Shocked Again

"Actually, many people make a living in the city by renting a small courtyard to live in. A small courtyard costs several hundred cash per month, or the rent ranges from one to two taels of silver. And buying a house with a small courtyard can even It’s shabby and costs at least fifty taels.”

"We sell these villas for 200 taels per set, but you can pay in installments. As long as you pay the down payment of 40 taels for the villa, you can choose to divide the remaining 160 taels in ten years, fifteen years or two. Pay it off in ten years.”

"For ten years, you need to pay one to two hundred to seven hundred cents per month. For fifteen years, you need to pay one to two hundred cents per month. For twenty years, you only need one or two hundred cents per month. As long as you pay enough, the house will last forever." It belongs to you."

"The suites are even cheaper. Sixty taels per set, and you can pay in installments. The down payment only requires twelve taels,..."

"This is something that many people who rent houses in the city can afford, not to mention the living environment is clean and comfortable, right?"

How many people work hard all their lives just for such a house.

The fact is that after the advertisement went out, many people have already inquired about it.

Zhao Youwei did some calculations. Although the installment payment may not sound like much money per month, after so many years, it has made dozens of taels more than before.

There are no shops in this city that cost more than five hundred taels, and the bigger they are, the more expensive they are. In addition, many of the shops are not just one floor.

The shops alone cost tens of thousands of taels, plus twenty garden villas and thirty suites.

In other words, these thirty suites alone are enough to earn back the money for compensation, and it is more than enough.

This deal really shouldn’t be underestimated...

If the house is built and it really looks like the drawings, then this area can be said to be the most beautiful residential area in Fucheng.

"When these shops are successfully opened, they will provide at least dozens of job opportunities for residents in the city." Shen Chengyao finally said.

Anyway, just to open their teahouse, supermarket, and hotel, they would need to hire at least fifty people to work. This is still a conservative estimate.

Now Director Feng has started to recruit and train employees.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. For him, this is the most important thing.


The weather has been fine for three or two days, and the wheat has matured rapidly visible to the naked eye.

The emperor and his party stood on the edge of the wheat field and watched the long-term workers of Shen Chengyao's family harvesting wheat.

"After the wheat harvest, can we plant another season of rice?" The emperor asked, holding a bunch of heavy wheat ears in his hand.

"It's in time, because the seedlings have been raised, so it only takes about three months from transplanting to harvest. Normally, the rice can be harvested in September, and then the fields can be tidied up and planted with wheat."

"This season of wheat was planted after the rice harvest last year. Who would have thought that this wheat is not afraid of ice and snow."

"I'm still scared, but we're not in an extremely cold area yet, and wheat can still survive the winter. In winter, wheat is covered with three layers of quilts, and next year you sleep with steamed buns on your pillow. The thicker the snow quilt on the wheat fields in winter, the better it can insulate the soil. The effect is that spring is here and the ice and snow melt. At this time, a lot of heat needs to be absorbed from the soil. The soil becomes very frozen, which can kill pests in the soil. The snow water melts into the soil and irrigates the wheat again. Auspicious snow is a sign. It’s a good year!”

"Good! What auspicious snow heralds a good year, Marquis Shengping, you have made a great contribution this time!" Even if only this county can grow crops for one season, that is still good, not to mention that there are many places in the country with similar climates to Shengping County. went.

"I heard that some areas in the south don't see snow all year round. In those areas, you can consider planting two seasons of rice a year, so that you can have white rice every day! I have also read in a book that coconuts grow in a On an island where there is no winter all year round and flowers bloom all year round, it is not impossible to grow rice for three seasons in such a warm place." Xiaoer thought for a while and finally said it.

In this life, due to backward transportation restrictions, she didn't know if she would have the opportunity to go to those areas. She didn't know if the Minze Dynasty had such a territory. Anyway, she hinted what she knew and let the emperor find a way to go there.

After all, all the people in the world are the emperor's subjects.

After hearing this, the emperor's mind really became active.

As the supreme ruler of the country, he may not have been to all parts of the country, but he still understands the environment and climate in various parts of the country. This is a required course for emperors.

The place County Lord Ruian mentioned really exists. Two seasons a year, three seasons a year, whether it is really possible or not, you have to try it to know.

There are two seasons a year and three seasons a year. Although not every season is high-yield, as long as it is not a loss, it is a harvest!

If something like this is beneficial to the country and the people, we would rather kill the wrong person than let him go!

This season, many people in the village started planting wheat. They all bought the seeds from Xiaoer's house. Xiaoer explained this before leaving for the imperial capital. People in the village who wanted to plant came to ask, so they sold the seeds to them and taught them. kind.

So this time the wheat harvest was very lively in the village, even attracting villagers from other villages.

They were even more anxious than the villagers in their own village.

An acre of wheat was quickly harvested, and the villagers in the neighboring village urged them to weigh it.

The output of each family is different, but the difference is only a few dozen kilograms.


Even the family with the lowest yield per mu has tripled its previous yield!

Although the weight is wet, the dry weight is almost the same, definitely three times more!

The villagers were shocked again.

"Three times, three times again!" the village chief said in a voiceless voice.

"I will never go hungry again!" Some villagers shouted loudly after hearing this.

"You can eat with your belly open!" someone shouted again.

"I want to use steamed buns as pillows!"

"I will eat rice and noodles every day from now on!"

"Three times, three times, three times..." a villager shouted while running around the field stalks.

The emperor has never seen such a scene of excitement and joy among the people!

He was suddenly moved!

An old villager stood not far from the emperor, excitedly clasping his fingers and saying to himself:

"Rice is three times as much as wheat is three times. In the past, you could either plant rice or wheat in a year. Now you can harvest both wheat and rice in a year. This means you can harvest two years of grain in one year. Then the output of each item is Three times as much as before... How many years of cultivation does this produce in one year? I'm confused..."

"Old man, this is equivalent to six years of growing crops in one year." The emperor and Aidi explained to him.

"Six years?" The old villager was so excited that he could hardly hold his crutch steady.

"Yes, six years!" The emperor repeated it tirelessly.

"Oh my god, this is it. I'm not afraid of the next two or three consecutive years of disaster. It's hard to go hungry..." The old man was so happy and sad that his tears fell on the field stalks. His daughter starved to death. It won't happen again. No one will starve to death.

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