Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 205 Isn’t the bed there?

At the wedding banquet in the Li Mansion, Mr. Li was very nervous because of the emperor's presence.

I want the emperor to sit on the main seat, but the emperor does not recognize that he is the emperor and refuses to sit down.

The emperor didn't even sit on the throne, so he didn't dare to sit down at ease, so he had to sit with half his buttocks, and he didn't dare to really sit down, so he was half squatting!

He was so tired that his old bones were about to fall apart! I really would rather not eat this meal.

Fortunately, he met the emperor after he had paid his respects to heaven and earth and drank his granddaughter-in-law's tea. Otherwise, he might not even be able to drink her granddaughter-in-law's tea.

Inside the new house

There were several people in the new house. Li Ruoqing accompanied Tan's sister-in-law and niece, Liu, Yun'er, and Xi'er. They all sat on the sofa and chatted around the coffee table while eating some fruits, dried fruits, wedding candies, pastries and the like.

After Xiao'er came in, Mrs. Liu hurriedly asked her to sit in the empty seat next to Yun'er.

Xiaoer thought that Liu Jingshu had not had a drop of water or a grain of rice since she got up in the middle of the night, so she asked: "Cousin, do you want to eat some pastries to satisfy your stomach first?"

"No, I'm not hungry yet. Ruoqing asked just now." Liu Jingshu was really not hungry. All her attention was focused on her neck. She felt that her neck was about to be broken by the phoenix crown on her head. .

At this time, Li Zhewei came in with a bowl of lotus seed and lily sugar water.

"Jingshu, you must be hungry and thirsty. Eat a bowl of sugar water first." Li Zhewei walked in and put a bowl of warm sugar water into Jingshu's hand.

"Only my cousin has sugar water to drink. So many of us are hungry and thirsty. Cousin, you are too biased!"

"I didn't think carefully. I'll ask someone to send some over." Li Zhewei hurriedly admitted his mistake.

"But cousin-in-law, you are too careless about my cousin! You bring sugar water to my cousin to drink. Don't you know it's inconvenient for her to go to the toilet in this wedding dress?"

"No, I just thought that she hadn't eaten or drank all day, and the sugar water might quench her thirst and make her hungry. I didn't think about the problem of going to the toilet, so I went to change it, change it!" Li Zhewei felt a little bit after hearing this. He hurriedly explained, fearing that Jingshu would misunderstand him, so he reached out to take away the sugar water from Jingshu's hand.

Jingshu turned aside and said, "Don't be afraid, I just want to drink sugar water too."

"Hey, when we asked you just now, you said you didn't want to eat. It turns out there's something wrong with you!" Tan's sister-in-law, Zhu, also followed suit.

"My aunt will make fun of me! I just happen to feel a little thirsty, and Mr. Li has brought it in."

"He just got married and now he starts helping his husband-in-law. It's really his daughter who got married who threw the water away!"

Li Zhewei's ears turned red at these words.

"Auntie!" Liu Jingshu stamped her foot.

Everyone in the room laughed after hearing this, but Li Ruoqing couldn't bear to see Li Zhewei at a loss anymore and started to help him out: "Brother, everyone is teasing you! The banquet is about to start in the front yard! Go and eat quickly!"

"Then I'll go out first!" After hearing this, Li Zhewei ran out quickly.

"Cousin-in-law, remember not to drink so much, otherwise you won't be able to get married when you're drunk!" Xiaoer still didn't let him go.

Li Zhewei stumbled upon hearing this, tripped over the threshold and almost fell.

The people in the room laughed again.

Mrs. Liu gently hit Xiaoer: "Do you still look like a girl? Do you know what a bridal chamber is? You dare to say anything to others!"

Xiaoer stuck out her tongue. She is from the 21st century. She has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away! Of course you know what a bridal chamber is! But she wisely stopped talking.

But these words reminded Li Zhewei that he didn't drink often and didn't know his drinking capacity. He had only had three drinks at most and he was not drunk at that time.

His cousin and grandfather both drank four glasses of wine. I wonder if I have inherited such good qualities.

Then after drinking two glasses of wine during the meal, he made various excuses. In the end, he couldn't make any excuses. After drinking the third glass, he pretended to be drunk!

He was afraid, afraid that if he drank four glasses of wine, how could he get married?

Later, and a long time later, he realized that he was the eccentric of the family - the one who would never get drunk after a thousand cups!

This is probably the opposite of everything!

But at that time, he was laughed at three times and laughed at for a long time, but he was content with it.

Li Zhewei was helped back to his new house.

The maids prepared a basin of hot water and said, "Young lady, if you need hot water, just call the slaves."

"Okay." Liu Jingshu responded.

The maids happily retreated and closed the door behind them.

Jing Shu smelled the smell of alcohol on Li Zhewei's body and thought he was really drunk. She felt relieved and a little disappointed at the same time.

Although she was covered with a hijab, Liu Jingshu lowered her head and could see Li Zhewei.

She just looked at the man who had become her husband quietly.

Li Zhewei waited until there was no movement outside before opening his eyes, and then he ran into a pair of smart eyes with flowing emotions.

Li Zhewei was attracted.

Very beautiful, very beautiful... This woman who is as quiet as a virgin and as active as a rabbit is very beautiful.

Jing Shu blinked her eyes and fanned her long eyelashes like a small fan: "Are you not drunk? Do you want to wash your face?"

Li Zhewei came to his senses and sat up.

"No rush, just sit down first."

Li Zhewei gently straightened Liu Jingshu's body.

Then he picked up the jade Ruyi on the table and lifted Liu Jingshu's hijab... He did the same thing with great piety, without missing a beat and completing every step required to get married.

Just when I was drinking a glass of wine, I silently thought in my heart: Don't get drunk and make a mistake. Don't get drunk and make a mistake...

"Jingshu, do you want to eat something?"

Liu Jingshu shook her head and nodded again.

Originally she didn't want to eat it, but she was afraid of what would happen next, so she nodded again.

"Then let's eat together. I haven't eaten much today." Li Zhewei pulled her to sit at the table.

The two of them ate the food on the table quietly, and Li Zhewei quickly put down his chopsticks.

He just sat there and watched Liu Jingshu eating quietly.

He knew that she was a little nervous. In fact, he was also very nervous, but after he noticed that she was nervous, he somehow became less nervous.

Being looked at like this, Liu Jingshu couldn't eat anymore, so she put down her chopsticks.


Jing Shu nodded. Her face was so hot and must have been so red that she didn't dare to look up.

"Then let's go to bed early." Li Zhewei gently pulled up Liu Jingshu, then picked her up and walked to the other door of the room.

Liu Jingshu let out a soft cry, and then quickly wrapped her hands around Li Zhewei's neck.

Liu Jingshu came back to her senses and saw Li Zhewei walking to the other side. Didn't he say to rest?

She pointed to the bed: "Isn't the bed there?"

"Let's go wash up first."

Liu Jingshu blushed even more after hearing this, and she couldn't help but bury her head in Li Zhewei's arms.

What a shame!

Isn't the bed there? Oh my God! How could she say this? She looked so anxious.

Li Zhewei smiled softly when he saw this: It's so cute.

Something will happen tomorrow, so I can’t guarantee an update. I’ll let everyone know in advance.

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