Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 208 A not-so-good date

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei discussed in detail the list given by Xiaoer.

After discussing for a whole day, Shangguan Xuanyi called ten secret guards and gave them one order after another.

In the dark night, messengers flutter their wings and fly into the night sky from time to time.

After receiving the encrypted letter, the emperor, who was not thinking about Shu, ordered to turn around and return to the imperial capital without changing his expression.

Soon, at different times, the generals stationed in various places received secret orders to order troops.

This year the political landscape of the Minze Dynasty will undergo a major reshuffle.

Di Shaowei left early the next day. He kept talking about it all day long: what should I take with me when I leave? More of this, more of that. But in the end, I didn’t even have time to bring them with me, and I didn’t even have time to say hello. , and left before the morning light came.

The sun is shining brightly today. In the lotus pond in early summer, the little lotuses are just showing their sharp corners. The flowers, plants and trees as far as the eye can see are all growing in a prosperous direction. Everything is so energetic and full of vitality.

"Girl, can I take you to ride a horse?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked Xiaoer, who was standing next to her admiring the pastoral scenery in early summer, remembering the pleasure of galloping horses on the grassland in the past.

"Okay!" What's wrong with this! Xiaoer readily agreed. With such good weather and sunshine, it was not a good day for an outing!

"You tell people to prepare the horses. I'll go talk to my parents and change into lighter clothes. Let's go for a picnic!" After saying that, Xiao'er ran back quickly.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer's cheerful figure, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

Xiaoer changed into a riding outfit and tied her hair into a ponytail. At first glance, she looked a bit like a young man, very heroic.

She originally thought that she was riding a pony, but when she came up with it, she only saw Shangguan Xuanyi's tall, black and handsome BMW.

"Where is my horse?" Goes to graze? Xiaoer looked around.

"This horse has a good load-bearing capacity. Let's ride one together. Come, I'll carry you up." Shangguan Xuanyi waved to Xiaoer.

"I can ride it myself." She was still thinking about two people racing a horse.

"It's a long way to go. Your little bean-like figure can't even be held in the horse's belly, so how can you ride it!" Shangguan Xuanyi ignored her words and directly picked her up on the horse, then climbed onto the horse himself.

Xiao'er couldn't believe what she said. She looked at herself from head to toe. Even though she had a figure like a little bean curd, she was much taller than her peers: "I don't look like a little bean curd!"

"Sit tight!" Shangguan Xuanyi chuckled and did not answer her words. He put one hand around Xiao'er, grabbed the reins with the other, and clamped the horse's belly hard: "Drive!"

The horse started running, faster and faster.

The wind was a bit strong, making it hard to open my eyes.

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled off his cloak, raised it with all his strength, and covered Xiaoer's entire body.

"It's windy, don't catch a cold."

Xiaoer pulled off her cloak and exposed her head. Are you kidding me? The wind felt so comfortable, how could I catch a cold?

"I'm not cold."

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled up his cloak again and said, "We'll be here soon. Just be patient. The wind is strong and it's easy to get blinded."

The oncoming wind in early summer was still very cool. She was so thinly dressed that she still had a runny nose when she was hit by the wind. If she had known better, she would have been allowed to ride in the carriage.

Xiaoer pulled down her cloak again to reveal her little head: "With my whole head covered, how can I see the scenery?"

"There's nothing interesting to see along the way, be good! The wind will blow on your face and your skin will get chapped easily."

She had never heard that the summer wind would make people's skin chapped!

Xiaoer took off her cloak again, "Brother Shangguan, do you think it's embarrassing to take me with you?"

"How could it be!" He felt proud.

"Then why do you have to wrap up my whole body!"

"I'm worried you'll catch a cold."

"I'm not cold, I'm still hot." Xiao'er was speechless. It's really not a good time to ride a horse!

After hearing what Zi said, Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and glanced at Xiaoer's smooth forehead, which was really wet with sweat. "I thought it was wrong. Wipe it with a handkerchief quickly."

Xiao'er breathed a sigh of relief, it's been a hard journey! Fortunately, she secretly wiped her forehead with space water.

"Brother Shangguan, I want to ride faster!"


The horse galloped forward, and Xiaoer couldn't help but open her hands and close her eyes to feel the pleasure brought by the speed.

Seeing that Xiaoer was happy, Shangguan Xuanyi increased his speed.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer to a suburb, where many people came here to practice horses and race horses.

The terrain is flat, with lush grass and gurgling streams.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer ran here for a long time before they found a deserted place and stopped.

He took Xiaoer off the horse and said, "Take a rest. I'll catch two fish from the river and grill them."

"Brother Shangguan, I'll ride a horse by myself for a while. I'm not satisfied yet!"

"No, this horse is too tall. If you want to ride it, I will take you to ride it later."

How can it be the same when someone else rides it and when you ride it yourself?

Besides, Shangguan Xuanyi and her didn't dare to ride too fast. She felt the horse's suffocation and wanted to run wildly.

"Brother Shangguan! Just once, I won't do anything I'm not sure about, and your horse is quite spiritual. I believe it won't throw me off the horse no matter what it says." Xiaoer stretched out an index finger on her right hand and said Acting coquettishly while flattering.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work! Besides, my horse is very proud and no one is allowed to ride it except me." If he hadn't taken her with him just now and had agreed in advance, he wouldn't have let her ride it. Shangguan Xuanyi took off his shoes and socks and prepared to go down to the river to catch fish.

"If it lets me ride, will you agree to it?"

"No!" It's too dangerous. What if the horse falls off? Even if Hei Lei couldn't let her ride, he couldn't agree.

"If I..."

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand to stop her from continuing, "Girl, no matter what you say, I will never agree."

Xiaoer was discouraged, she had known she would never come out, she was bored!

"I'll go down to the river to catch two fish and bake them for you. Can you sit down and have a rest first?" Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't bear to see her listless look.

This girl was always in high spirits. He brought her out because he wanted her to be happy, but it seemed like he was self-defeating.

Anyway, let’s solve the problem of eating first.

Shangguan Xuanyi went down to the river with his mind full of questions about how to make Xiaoer happy.

He found this problem more difficult to solve than anything he had ever encountered.

When Xiaoer saw Shangguan Xuanyi going down the river to catch fish, she planned to collect some firewood and make a fire later.

"Brother Shangguan, I'll go to the woods over there to pick up some dry firewood."

"Don't go, I'll pick it up later." The woods over there were a bit far away, and he couldn't see her.

"Soon, I'll be back after you catch the fish." Xiaoer dropped these words and ran away.

She began to feel that she could not discuss things with Shangguan Xuanyi, he was stricter than her father!

Just say something if you want to do it, and then just do it.

I'm a little stuck, I have to think carefully about the next plot. I'll update it tonight, sorry.

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