Xiaoer instinctively stretched out her hand to help Li Yuning, but Shangguan Xuanyi immediately pulled her hand back and pulled her away a few steps: "Be careful not to get sick."

Xiaoer: "..."

Dishaowei: "..."

Shangguan Xuanhao: "..."

Don't bring someone so cruel!

Li Yuning, who was just pretending to faint, was so overstimulated by these words that she felt a pain in her heart and actually fainted!

After hearing this, the Prime Minister's wife was so angry that she forgot to react. She didn't know that Li Yuning was so angry that she fainted. She couldn't hold her steady and fell to the ground.

After she came to her senses, she thought Li Yuning's fall was to act more realistically.

"Ning'er, Ning'er, wake up...Sixth Prince, the ground is cold and the cold is too strong. Please help Sixth Prince, please save Ning'er. Wuwu..." The Prime Minister's wife asked urgently with a face full of grief.

It's just that this expression seems to be wrong. It's just that he fainted, but he didn't die. Why is it so exaggerated?

Xiaoer was speechless looking at her exaggerated expression and tone.

"Only the second prince understands medical skills." Di Shaowei crossed his hands on his chest as if watching a good show.

It's a pity that the actor's acting skills are so bad.

"Who do you think I am? Is my superb medical skill just for others to see casually? Isn't it said that I have been taught by imperial doctors?" Shangguan Xuanhao glared at Di Shaowei.

A vixen who doesn't care about her own health and wants to seduce others by being sick. She doesn't deserve to be asked to help her see a doctor!

"Sixth Prince?" After hearing this, the Prime Minister's wife felt full of humiliation, but she looked at Shangguan Xuanyi without saying a word with a glimmer of hope.

The Xianggong said that he could test the Sixth Prince's intentions a little.

At this time, the eunuch and the maid came back with the little prince Xuanyao and Xi'er from the palace.

"Let's go! The banquet is about to begin." Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and said to Xiaoer. As for the words of the Prime Minister's wife, he seemed not to have heard them.

So a few people took two little babies and left without even looking at them.

When Shangguan Xuanhao left, he casually nodded to a palace maid: "Help the Prime Minister's wife help Miss Li go down to rest. By the way, see if the imperial doctor is coming soon."

After all, she is the prime minister's daughter. If she doesn't arrange for someone to take care of her, the prime minister won't dare to say anything, but her father will scold them for being uneducated if they find out.

"Yes!" The palace maid went to help the person after she was blessed.

The Prime Minister's wife secretly hated her when she saw this. She glanced at her daughter. She was obviously very beautiful. Even though she was fainting and lying on the ground now, I felt pity for her. Why couldn't she attract the attention of these people?

Obviously, so many people came to her house to discuss marriage that they broke through the doorstep of her house! She couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she tried.

At this time, the palace maid who had been sent away by Li Yuning returned.

"The lady's hairpin was not found."

"Really? Forget it then, let's help Ning'er get up first."

Women suffer the most from the cold.

The two of them carried Li Yuning down.

The Prime Minister's wife had been paying attention to Shangguan Xuanyi's performance and found that he really didn't take Yun Ning seriously at all.

Just like even if Yun Ning died in front of him right now, he wouldn't care.

If a person doesn't take his daughter seriously like this, his daughter won't be happy if she marries him!

The prime minister's wife was startled by her thoughts, but she was relieved when she thought that her husband was now the only prime minister, and that the eldest prince and the third prince were all trying to curry favor with their family.

It must be like what your husband said. The sixth prince is hiding deep. The emperor is now in his prime. If the sixth prince expresses his desire to compete for the throne so quickly, then he will not have to expect to sit on the throne in this life.

And if she wants to sit in that position, given her husband's position in the court, which prince wouldn't want to marry Yun Ning to get this help? With such a natal family, how could Yun Ning be unhappy?

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister's wife suppressed the intuition in her heart that something was wrong and felt relieved. The Sixth Prince was wise and would not leave them alone.

The end of the first year is her husband's birthday, so she will take the opportunity to invite the sixth prince to her home, and then let him and Yun Ning...

When the time comes, the Sixth Prince will definitely take advantage of the situation...

The palace banquet began.

The dishes on the table are rich and delicious.

The dishes of the palace banquet are different every year. Last year the main dish was bear paws, but this year the main dish is lobster and it is a seafood feast.

These foods are all high-quality foods purchased from Xiaoer's supermarket, and the taste is of course needless to say.

The Imperial Capital is a place of power and nobility where any stone thrown can hit a nobleman.

But Imperial Capital is an inland city. Thanks to backward transportation and fresh-keeping technology, seafood is mostly eaten in winter, but winter is the season with the least amount of seafood.

There are more of them in summer, but most of the seafood will stink when it arrives in the imperial capital.

So even if the emperor wants to eat fresh seafood in the hot summer, it is not easy.

In this case, it is almost impossible for the wealthy people in the imperial capital to enjoy a meal of fresh seafood at their doorsteps all year round.

But tonight’s palace banquet will all use fresh seafood! And the variety is rich!

Not to mention that these are all high-end products, just the words "vivid" and "fresh" determine that the taste of the two is definitely not on the same level.

Seafood is about umami, and whoever is fresh is better.

The royal chef cooks it himself, and the taste is not to mention.

With such delicacies, many people forget what restraint is and what etiquette is. Although they don't gobble it up, other than this is the most appropriate adjective, there is no more appropriate adjective!

However, the beauty's gobbling is elegant and pleasing to the eye.

Xiaoer's family can eat it often, so it doesn't matter.

It was different for others. Many ladies and ladies secretly regretted that they only ate one more piece of lobster and did not taste the sea cucumber.

Or if you eat a troublesome crab, the whole plate of sea urchin is missing.

Anyway, everyone feels like picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

There are many dishes prepared for the palace banquet, but adhering to the virtue of frugality, the quantity per plate is not large. Even so, there are still a lot of leftovers from the palace banquet every year.

Only this year, all that's left on every plate is sauce.

Looking at the empty plates on the table, the beauties blushed collectively, and then unconsciously touched their bellies.

"Queen, tonight's food is so delicious that I can't help but take a few more bites."

The old lady of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion blushed a little when she saw the Tai family, and hurriedly opened her mouth to help.

The other ladies all nodded in praise after hearing this.

Many people said it tasted so good that they couldn't stop eating it.

Some people with bold personalities even directly admit that they are full.

The queen was naturally very happy when she saw this scene, and she wanted to continue preparing a seafood feast for the palace banquet next year.

Then the queen ordered the maids to serve desserts and fruits after the meal.

The palace maid served everyone a glass of golden orange juice in a glass cup.

"This is juice squeezed from sea buckthorn fruits collected from the depths of the desert. It has the effect of digestion and stagnation. Aren't you worried about food accumulation? Drink some quickly." The Queen smiled.

This sea buckthorn is a new tribute from the Xihua Kingdom. The quantity is not large, and all of it is used in the juice for the palace banquet tonight.


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