The emperor nodded, and then looked at the eldest prince: "Is there anything you want to say?"

"My son, I just speculated based on common sense. I hope my father will understand clearly." The eldest prince replied respectfully.

The emperor nodded again, "Is it gone?"

"No more." The eldest prince nodded without hesitation.

"Okay." The opportunity has been given to you. If you don't repent, don't blame yourself for doing it.

The emperor nodded again, this time looking at the people in the hall: "Who else has something to say? Who else thinks it was the poison administered by Marquis Shengping."

All the ministers looked at me and shook their heads and replied: "I dare not jump to conclusions. This is a serious matter. I hope that the emperor will order a thorough investigation and never unjustly accuse good people."

"I knew someone was poisoned at the palace banquet after the fruits and desserts were served." The emperor stood up and walked slowly down the dragon ladder.

Concubine Yang swayed after hearing this, and the eldest prince quickly stabilized her.

The two looked at each other and saw two words in each other's eyes: It's over!

The ministers looked at each other in confusion. Did the emperor already know this? No wonder the detoxification potion was delivered in a blink of an eye, as if it had been prepared in advance.

The emperor saw everyone's reactions in his eyes before continuing to speak: "County Master Rui'an, please tell me what this poison is about."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiaoer was blessed and said calmly: "I have read in ancient books that sea buckthorn, new dates, wild dates, oranges, kiwis, prickly pears, hawthorns and other fruits cannot be mixed with shrimps. Taking a large amount of crabs and other crustacean seafood together will produce arsenic and even lead to poisoning. Among them, sea buckthorn, kiwi, jujube, hawthorn and shrimp are more likely to be eaten together. However, it is okay to eat a small amount, after all, arsenic can sometimes be used as medicine."

After everyone heard this, they immediately understood. No wonder everyone was eating at the same table, some were poisoned and others were fine.

People who are not poisoned are secretly glad that they were too full at the beginning and really couldn't eat any more fruits and desserts.

Or maybe I was glad that I didn't like to eat this sour and sweet fruit, so I only ate some grapes, honeydew melons and the like.

"County Master Ruian sent someone to tell me when he noticed that most of the fruits on the table were these." Shangguan Xuanyi said.

At this time, all the ministers remembered that during the dessert period, a eunuch had been talking in the ears of the emperor and the sixth prince.

Naturally, the female relatives also remembered that the maids beside the queen had also spoken to the queen.

Then I remembered that the queen had said that the sea buckthorn juice, jujube cake and hawthorn cake were specially prepared by Concubine Yang for everyone.

Thinking of this, everyone still doesn’t know anything! No wonder Concubine Yang didn't drink the juice herself. Even the cakes served by the queen herself felt as if she was taking poison!

At this time, the queen also stood up and knelt down and saluted: "I am guilty. I am responsible for organizing this palace banquet, which caused so many ministers and wives to be poisoned. I beg the emperor to forgive me."

"Get up and speak. He who doesn't know is not guilty." The emperor frowned slightly when he saw the queen half-crouching. Such a posture is not exhausting.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The queen stood up.

Concubine Yang secretly resented the queen's behavior when she saw it, so she would act coquettishly! She also knelt down quickly: "Your Majesty, my concubines are also guilty. The food eaters at this banquet also contributed to the idea. I beg the Emperor to forgive me."

"Okay, since the imperial concubine has confessed her crime! Come here! Relegate the imperial concubine to the status of a mere servant and throw her into the cold palace!" The emperor's face suddenly turned cold and he said coldly.

After hearing this, Concubine Yang was so frightened that she quickly kowtowed: "Your Majesty, forgive me, I am wronged! I am just as unintentional as the Queen! I don't know that those who eat the same food will be poisoned!"

The queen was fine, so why was she thrown into the cold palace?

"Father, please calm down. Mother and concubine did it unintentionally. Isn't it true that those who don't know are not guilty?" The eldest prince also quickly begged for mercy.

How can my father always be so partial!

"For those of you who don't know? Who said that the poison is arsenic? Brother, you won't forget it, right?" Shangguan Xuanhao's face was full of sarcasm.

"That's just a guess." The eldest prince glared at Shangguan Xuanhao angrily.

"People who are poisoned in the world are almost like this when they are attacked, and there are thousands of poisons. Why didn't the emperor say anything else but guess arsenic?"


Shangguan Xuanhao did not give the eldest prince a chance to quibble, and chased after him: "Forget this sea buckthorn fruit. I don't know. Originally, the queen mother wanted to prepare Buddha Jumping over the Wall as the main course of the palace banquet. It was Yang Chongyi who proposed the seafood feast." For dinner, as well as those hawthorns, wild dates and other things that are not on the table, Yang Chongyi managed to get them on the table! How can we explain this? "

Shangguan Xuanhao changed his tune so quickly. As soon as he was demoted, he immediately called Chongyi.

"I really have good intentions and want to make everyone feel better." Yang Guifei's face was full of grievances.

"Most of the fruits served at palace banquets in previous years were fruits with good meanings. Why are most of the fruits on the seafood feast this year poisonous if eaten with shrimps and crabs?! One is a coincidence, two, three, four... Who would believe that this was not a deliberate arrangement? Do you need me to call the imperial chef to ask for clarification?" Shangguan Xuanhao stuttered!

After hearing this, Concubine Yang fell to the ground. She knew that her fate was over, and every one of these people wanted to die! Even if he is unintentional, he will be charged with it!

Even the emperor whom he loved wholeheartedly was the same. He blamed himself for giving him a love potion while he was drunk with his father and brother while he was resting in his home, making him feel ashamed of his beloved woman for the rest of his life!

If she hadn't gotten pregnant the first time, she believed that he would never have let her in back then.

She has been living alone in this cold palace for so many years. What is the difference between living in a cold palace?

But nothing can happen to her prince. He is the eldest grandson of the eldest emperor and a prince-like existence!

She made a miscalculation tonight and dragged Huang Er into the water. Unexpectedly, others had been waiting for her to take the bait!

How could the imperial physician fail to tell what kind of poison he was poisoned after diagnosing his pulse? What’s more, he even drank the antidote decoction!

Thinking of this, she bit her lower lip, "Yes, I did this alone. The emperor caused all my people to be demoted to common people, exiled to exile, labor reform to labor camp, slaves to slaves! And I heard that I My parents couldn’t bear the pain and passed away, I just have hatred in my heart and want to take revenge!”

"Mother Concubine!" The eldest prince looked at Concubine Yang in disbelief! Is she crazy? How could you say these words!

"Eldest Prince, there is no need to say more. It is the mother-in-law who has caused trouble for you. Just now, the mother-in-law accidentally let it slip that the poison in everyone's body was arsenic, and dragged you into the water. You are kind-hearted and have always been filial. You have never been disobedient. Parents, you couldn't bear to expose the concubine before you said you guessed it was arsenic poison. You didn't say anything to me just now. But this matter was indeed done deliberately by the concubine. Now that the matter is over, there is no excuse for the concubine's crime. . Your Majesty, one person is responsible for his work. I hope that the Emperor will see clearly and plead guilty! I am willing to be demoted to the cold palace. From now on, I will eat fast and chant Buddha, pray for the Emperor and Queen, and atone for my sins!"

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