Because Brother Ri is about to leave, the whole house has been in a tense atmosphere these days.

The servants all secretly speculated that something was going to happen, why the atmosphere in the whole house was different, and everyone was becoming more cautious in doing things.

After Mrs. Liu had finished handling the household affairs every day, she just held her sewing basket in her arms and refused to sleep until she got home.

Shen Chengyao got up early and sent his three children to school before reporting to the Agriculture Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs. In the evening, he also went to the school to pick up his children as soon as he got off the government office, and then went home together.

The daily food at home is made according to Brother Ri's preferences.

Mrs. Liu wanted to spend the rest of her life doing everything she could to her children as much as possible to Brother Ri.

But before Ri Geer left, something happened.

On the 19th day of the first lunar month, after the morning court, I went to the imperial study room.

Several princes, General Di, the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Commander-in-Chief of the Beijing Camp, and others stood on both sides.

"I received an urgent report last night that the Japanese pirates were increasingly disturbing the people. The entire fishing village on the coast of Nanzhou was robbed, killed and burned. The troops were sent to suppress the oppression in Meijie. The troops were originally scheduled to be launched after the first month of the year, but now it is necessary to send troops In advance, is there any problem with sending troops ten days later?"

General Di stepped out: "Go back to the emperor, there is no problem."


"How are the provisions prepared?"

The Minister of War came out and said: "Back to the emperor, everything is ready and ready to go to war at any time."

The Ministry of War of this dynasty was in charge of military affairs, maps, chariots and horses, armor, armaments, food and grass, etc.

"Okay, now General Di is the chief general, General Lin is the deputy general, Wen Lei is the military advisor, and there are 50,000 water cavalry. We will set out on the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month. Since ancient times, the troops and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. The second son of the admiral and commander, Zhao Youhe, is the food and grass supervisor. We will transport one hundred thousand stones of grain and grass and set off in five days."

"I obey!" Those named came out to salute and receive the order.

All the details of sending troops to suppress the Japanese pirates had been discussed years ago, and the emperor didn't say anything more. He left his sons and asked several ministers to withdraw.

After Shangguan Xuanjun and others retreated, they asked for an order: "Father, I would like to go on an expedition with General Di!"

He had never fought in a naval battle and wanted to try it.

"The Xiyue Kingdom is about to make a move. I have received a secret report that the Xiyue Kingdom is secretly training and recruiting troops. You have been in Western Xinjiang for a while and are familiar with it. You'd better train your troops well and be ready to set off to Western Xinjiang with General Li at any time. "

Xiyue Kingdom can be said to be a kingdom in the desert. A real war with Xiyue Kingdom is actually more difficult than a naval battle.

Western Xinjiang has frequent wind and sand activities, a large temperature difference between day and night, and an extremely harsh living environment. It is close to the desert, and the shape of the desert dunes is ever-changing, sometimes even changing one day.

If you don't have experience and are led into the center of the desert, you will literally be trapped in the desert alive and never be able to get out.

"My son, I accept the order." Shangguan Xuanjun agreed after hearing this.

During the current national crisis, personal interests and hobbies can be put aside.

Xiyue Kingdom is the kingdom that most hopes to invade Minze Kingdom. The troops would rise up every one or two years, which was very annoying!

It is really because their living environment is harsh, supplies are scarce, and life is too difficult.

The only way to change this situation is to annex the rich lands of neighboring countries once and for all.

The history of human development is a history of war, full of plunder and resistance, and the strong survive.

"Yi'er, you also want to go with General Di to gain some experience, and call Shaowei by the way."

The only good generals left in the imperial court who are resourceful, prudent and prudent are General Di and General Li.

The other generals were either not careful enough and careless, or they were too courageous to bear the heavy responsibility.

The two good generals are no longer young and will have to retire due to age within ten or eight years at most. It is a top priority to train one or two outstanding generals as soon as possible.

In the future, the important responsibility of guarding the family and the country will still fall on the younger generation.

Taking this opportunity, the emperor decided to send out several people he was optimistic about to accumulate experience and train them well.

After all, talking about a flower on paper is not as good as winning a battle in actual combat.

Shangguan Xuanyi received the order.

The army will set off in ten days, and the food and grass will go ahead in five days.

Shen Chengyao is also in charge of the country's warehouses.

In the past few days, the supervisor was counting one hundred thousand stones of grain and fodder, which was enough to keep him busy.

The soldiers sacrificed their lives and blood on the front line to protect their homes and the country. This food was too important to them.

They must not be allowed to go to the battlefield hungry, and they must not be allowed to eat a grain of moldy food into their stomachs. This is Shen Chengyao's obsession!

In addition to preparing some necessary medicines for food and home travel for Brother Ri, Xiaoer also had to prepare some things for Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei to take to the battle.

These two people have helped themselves so much in this world.

Xiaoer was busy in the space at night. It is estimated that Shangguan Xuanyi will not relax for a day until he returns from the victory. She seizes the time to plant food and herbs in the space.

On January 28th, after several people had a farewell banquet at Four Seasons Restaurant, Shangguan Xuanyi sent Xiaoer back home.

In the carriage

Xiaoer handed Shangguan Xuanyi a brocade box.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened it and saw an exquisite yellow diamond ring lying quietly on it.

Xiaoer raised her left hand, with a pink diamond ring on her middle finger.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew at a glance that they were a pair.

"Put it on for me." Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his left hand and handed the ring to Xiaoer.

"Brother Shangguan, put a drop of blood on it."

Although Shangguan Xuanyi had doubts in his heart, he still took out a dagger and lightly made a cut on his fingertip, and dripped blood on the yellow diamond.

Xiaoer then took the ring over, then gently took Shangguan Xuanyi's left hand and put the ring on his middle finger. The ring was a bit big and it was easy to put it on. After putting it on, a magical scene happened. , the ring automatically adjusted its size and fit on the finger without being too loose or too tight.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer calmly, seeking an explanation.

"My master gave me this. You can study it after you return to the palace." Xiaoer handed him an envelope, "This is the method."

Shangguan Xuanyi took it. Although he was full of doubts, he still didn't ask.

Since the girl asked her to go back to the palace to study it, it means that it is not convenient to say it now.

"Tomorrow I will go to the city gate to see you off."

"No need, there are many people, so we won't bump into each other."

Xiaoer did not respond to his words, she would definitely go anyway.

Shangguan Xuanhao reached out and tucked a piece of Xiaoer's hanging hair behind her ear.

"If anything happens, just take the token I gave you and go to the palace to find your mother. She will help you."


"Take good care of yourself, grow up quickly, and wait until I come back."

"Okay." Xiaoer said in agreement, but she cursed in her heart: Time is not under your control. If you want to grow up quickly, just grow up quickly!

"If anything happens in the shop, just ask Xiao Fuzi."


"Don't do dangerous things!"

"Okay." She has no ability to distinguish between danger and non-danger. She only knows whether she can do it and do it if she can.

Alas, it turns out that Brother Shangguan is angry sometimes.

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