When we came out of the palace, it was already sunset, and the sky was filled with brilliant light.

It was really stuffy in the carriage, so Xiaoer opened a little of the curtain, looked at the busy traffic on the street, and took a breather.

The weather in May is already so sweltering, I don’t know how I will survive July and August.

When the carriage passed an alley, Xiaoer saw two familiar figures.

"Stop!" Xiaoer hurriedly said to Zhao Yong.

Although Xiaoer suddenly shouted to stop, Zhao Yong was not surprised at all, as if he had been waiting for Xiaoer's instructions with all his concentration.

With a "ha" sound, the carriage stopped steadily. Liu and Xiaoer's bodies had no inertia to lean forward at all.

The people sent by Shangguan Xuanyi were different, even the carriage's emergency braking was stable.

"What's wrong?" Ms. Liu looked at Xiao'er strangely.

"Mom, I see an acquaintance, please wait for me."

"Who is it?" Mrs. Liu opened the curtain and looked outside, but she didn't see anyone familiar.

"The daughter of the person I am planning to invite is in trouble. Mother, please wait for me in the carriage for a while." After saying this, Xiaoer jumped out of the carriage.

Xiao'er turned back to the alleyway where she had just been, and secretly poked her head out to take a look at the two people inside.

The potbellied woman standing at the door was indeed Shen Baoer.

The woman standing opposite her was Lin Yan, the daughter of Master Lin, the gold and silver craftsman she had come to ask him to do in the jewelry shop three times.

"I will tell you the truth today so that you can give up your determination. Do you think Mr. Li will really fall in love with you? You don't even take a mirror to see what you look like! You look like a piece of black coal, which makes people uncomfortable. It's off-putting just looking at it!" Shen Bao'er held a fan and circled around Lin Yan: "Master Li approached you because he was interested in your green skills. Now, you have taught us this ancestral skills. You will be able to retire with success, and you will no longer have any use value!”

"I want to see him! Call him out! I want to ask him clearly in person!" She finally waited for him to leave the house and followed him all the way. Today she wanted to ask him clearly no matter what.

"What are you asking? Are you asking if he is sincere to you? Or are you asking if he wants the child in your belly?" Shen Baoer chuckled and said, "Let me tell you, he is approaching you because of your family's ancestral craftsmanship. How can he be sincere?" ? As for the child in your belly, it’s not Mr. Li’s seed at all. Do you think Mr. Li can tolerate it just because you look like this? You’re simply overestimating your abilities!”

"No! This is not true! You lied to me! I don't believe it. You don't know anything. I want to see Mr. Li and ask him personally!" After hearing this, Lin Yan's face lost all color and she shook her head violently. Her hand touched her abdomen, her face filled with disbelief.

"I don't know? Then let me ask you, did you see with your own eyes that that person was Mr. Li that night? Weren't your eyes blindfolded? That person was just a random prostitute we found in Hualou that night! By the way, let me tell you how I knew it, because it was me who came up with the idea." Shen Baoer leaned into Lin Yan's ear and said the last words.

"You vicious woman! You don't deserve to die!" After hearing this, Lin Yan was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Shen Baoer.

Seeing this, Shen Baoer's maid hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Lin Yan!

"You dare to hit me! Xiaoling, slap me!"


Xiaoer knew something was wrong the moment Lin Yan raised her hand, and rushed forward to catch Lin Yan who was almost pushed to the ground.

But Lin Yan was very discouraged after the slap.

"Is it you?! Shen Xiaoer, I advise you to stop meddling in other people's business!"

"I will never interfere with your affairs, but Miss Lin is my friend. I am here to pick her up! Her parents are looking for her everywhere." I wish I would never see her again in this life, so why would I care about her? Nosy!

"Hmph! It's best like this! And let her father keep an eye on her and don't let her go out to look for the bastard in her belly. If people find out that she has done such an immoral thing, she will be punished. Soaked in a pig cage." Shen Baoer said viciously, stroking his face that was so hot from being beaten.

"She's going to be soaked in a pig cage, why don't you use it?" Xiaoer glanced at her belly with disdain, "Miss Li, let's go, your parents are still at home waiting for you." Xiaoer pulled Li Yan. Go outside.

Shen Baoer glanced at the two of them with venomous eyes and then returned to the room.

Li Yan was pulled by Xiaoer blankly and helped onto the carriage.

Mrs. Liu saw that the girl Xiaoer brought up looked dull, so she helped Xiaoer help her sit up: "What's wrong with this girl? Is she feeling unwell?"

Xiaoer shook her head at Mrs. Liu and motioned for her to go home.

Xiaoer first sent the person back to Liuyue Lane.

She supported Lin Yan, who was in despair, and knocked on the Lin family's door.

Lin Yinjiang's wife, Mrs. Lin, opened the door and was shocked to see her daughter distraught and with tears on her face!

Xiaoer only said that she saw her arguing with someone in the alley and sent her back by the way.

As for the reason for the dispute, Xiaoer didn't say it, leaving it up to Lin Yan herself.

Family scandals should not be publicized. If she talked about it to an outsider, it would only increase the embarrassment between them.

Besides, she was eavesdropping at the time, so she just pretended that she didn't know.

Back at the mansion, it was already dark. Shen Chengyao was holding Xi'er and Jingrui brothers at the gate of the mansion, looking back and forth. He had already sent someone to inquire in front of the palace gate, and knew that the Liu family had left the palace a long time ago, so he I don’t know what happened and why I didn’t come back so late.

Seeing the family's carriage appear in sight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Chengyao put Xi'er down and helped Liu get off the carriage: "Why so late? Didn't you leave the palace early?"

"Something happened on the way and I was delayed for a while. Let's talk about it after we go inside."

After Shen Chengyao helped Mr. Liu get off the carriage, he went to help Xiaoer.

"Mother, Xi'er misses you. Next time you will take Xi'er into the palace with you!" As soon as Mrs. Liu stood firm, Xi'er threw herself on her.

"Okay, I will take Xi'er into the palace next time." Mrs. Liu picked up Xi'er and agreed with a smile.

After the family had dinner, Xiaoer revealed what had just happened.

"In order to defraud other people's ancestral craftsmanship, you can do such an unscrupulous thing. It is simply too inhumane." Jing Hao was extremely glad that they had no relationship now.

"Why did Bao'er become like this? This is too..." It's vicious.

Ms. Liu didn't say the last three words, but everyone understood.

"Shen Bao'er has such a temper, this is her nature." Jingrui didn't even want to call her cousin again and called her by her first name.

In Jingrui's eyes, Dafang and his family are people who can do anything for their own benefit.

This is the nature, how did it become like this?

"What happens to her is none of our business, Xiao'er, don't get close to her in the future." Shen Chengyao frowned.

In order to get a craft, they can do anything like this. Now they are different from the past. They have a big family and a big business. Even when they had nothing before, they would make all kinds of calculations. What's more, now, if they get involved, they don't know what will happen. You should stay away from such relatives.

Shen Chengyao has been in the imperial capital for a long time, and has heard all kinds of secrets. He knows that in the face of power and interests, there are many things where brothers turn against each other, and the relationship between family members is worse than that of strangers, so he will no longer be unguarded.

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