Xiaoer spent most of this time running between several bridges with Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei.

It is not that simple to build such a bridge. All the talented people Shangguan Xuanyi knew were invited to come over and work together to solve some problems that were difficult to solve with backward technology.

Fortunately, the water level is still falling every day. In order to make construction more convenient, Xiaoer also had people pile up a lot of sandbags to intercept the water.

Moreover, only by cutting off the fourth stream can we continue to work well.

Time is tight and the project is huge. It gets dark earlier and earlier and lights up later and later. Every worker starts working as soon as dawn. When it gets dark, they still rely on torches and other lighting to continue working.

Everyone knows that if the construction cannot be completed before the heavy rain comes, everything done now will be in vain, or even all the previous efforts will be in vain! So everyone works hard and tries their best. Fortunately, the wages are generous, forty cash per day, and three meals are included!

In the meantime, Xiaoer asked Manager Xie to go to Taiping County to see if anyone was willing to sell the plain farmland.

Manager Xie went to Taiping County and asked a well-known local charlatan. He found that hundreds of acres of land were for sale.

He didn't expect so much, so he asked someone to find out about the situation. Then he couldn't decide whether to buy it or not.

Every year during the rainy season, God gives some face to these fields so that the Huaijiang River has no shortage of embankments, or if there is a small shortage, the fields will be soaked by the flood for a day or two. When God is not open, the floods will spread thousands of miles away, leaving no residue on the crops!

After the flood, if you have enough time, you will have to plant another one. If you don't have time, you will get nothing.

The cultivation of these fields is so bad that many tenant farmers are unwilling to continue farming after one or two years of farming.

Therefore, many landowners want to sell their fields and use the money they get to buy them elsewhere. Even middle- and lower-grade fields are better than this so-called fertile land!

After Xiaoer received the news from Manager Xie, she took the time to visit Taiping County in person.

She first followed Yashiro to look at the field.

"Girl, this field is good, but there may be flooding every year during the rainy season, so the price is a little cheaper. It doesn't happen every year, and it doesn't mean there is no harvest every year. It is definitely a bargain to be able to buy these fields at this price. It’s worth it!” What Yashi said was not too false. But it is worth the money, Xiaoer agrees. Not now, but in the near future!

"Which of the fields you have are connected into one piece?" If you buy them in one piece, they may be easier to take care of.

"They are all connected together! Girl, how much do you plan to buy?" Someone finally took an interest in the field that had been left out for several years. He wanted to sell it even if he made a little less! Otherwise, there won’t be this shop after passing this village!

If you wait for the next person who doesn’t understand the situation to buy it, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

"I can buy as much as I want!" Xiaoer looked at this endless field of hope and felt extremely satisfied.

Buy as much as you have? Ouch! I met a big fish today! No, I met a big lobster! If a lobster like this comes to your door, you must not let it go!

His voice could not hide his excitement: "Girl, since you are so generous, I will help you ask the owners of these lands to see if they can be cheaper."

"Excuse me! Can I know the answer this afternoon? I have something to do and I have to leave early tomorrow morning." That bridge was a critical moment every day, so she had to keep her eyes peeled, and she didn't want them to encounter problems and be unable to find a solution. Process!

"No problem!" No matter what problem she is willing to buy, it is not a problem in front of her!

Xiao'er had just had lunch when Yayi came to the inn.

The landowners all agreed to reduce the price by another half a tael per acre, which would be 50 taels and a half silver per acre.

Xiaoer was so happy! She agreed immediately and bought all the 500 acres of land!

After those bridges are repaired, a dike will also be built, and then some water conservancy will be built for this field.

The price of her several hundred fields has not yet doubled! By then, I'm afraid ten taels of silver won't even buy an acre of land here!

Seeing that Xiaoer was happy with the purchase, Yajie went to ask about the price. Someone received news that someone was willing to buy these hot potatoes, and two people wanted to sell them, a total of one hundred acres, so Yajia asked Xiaoer again if he could buy them. purchase.

Xiaoer naturally nodded: "The more the better, the less is free!"

After all the procedures were completed, it was still early, so Xiaoer and Manager Xie left Taiping County.

After Xiaoer left, he received news that someone was willing to buy some land. He rushed over to find Yao Yi, but he was very upset when he found out that he was late!

After Xiaoer returned to the inn, Di Shaowei asked her what she wanted to do in Taiping County.

"Buy a field!" Xiaoer looked at the map and studied how to build water conservancy, and replied without looking up.

"Buy a field? What field are you buying?" Di Shaowei suddenly thought of something and screamed in surprise: "Don't tell me, you are buying a field that is soaked in water every year!"

"Hmm." Xiaoer started writing and drawing on the paper as she thought of something.

"Girl, do you know the situation of that field! That field is flooded almost every year, and the court has exempted that field from taxes! But there are many people who don't want to farm!"

"I know."

"Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey after knowing that you still bought it? Wait, what are you doing with this map? What kind of road map are you drawing? Do you want to transform this field?"


"Girl, how much land did you buy? How much money per acre?" Di Shaowei felt something was wrong! He seems to have missed something important.

"Six hundred acres, five and a half taels of silver."

Five and a half taels of silver? ! so cheap! sky! He had to buy it too.

"Is there still Tianmai?" Di Shaowei asked without any hope.

"I've finished buying it, but I think there will be people who want to sell it." She left in a hurry, and the Yaji also said that if she still wants to buy the fields, she can contact him. There should be many people who want to sell those fields.

"Yes. Whoever owns that rotten field will be unlucky! Hey! No, I have to buy some, otherwise my children will not eat in the future!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer finally gave him a look: Whoever owns it is unlucky, so why should you buy it!

Dishaowei responded with an "I believe you" look.

"Someone is coming! Yang Zhong! No, what's the name of my little boy?... Someone is coming! Where is the person dead! Didn't you hear me calling!" Di Shaowei changed his name to a new boy, but he always Can't remember his name.

Xiaoer: "..."

The next day, Di Shaowei also sent people to Taiping County to buy land, and bought another 400 acres! The same is five taels and a half silver per acre.

The magistrate of Taiping County shook his head when he saw this. There have been people who have lost their minds in the past two days!

If they buy this field, they will find regrets in the future!

But he didn't care about this. He spent a lot of money to find someone to smooth the relationship, and his transfer order finally came down! Whoever cares about this hot potato should take over it! He's had enough too!

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