Most of the women who followed did not make any mistakes. After all, these things are what they have learned since childhood and are engraved in their bones!

So even if you can't perform abnormally, you won't perform abnormally.

Among them, Fu Ranhui, the daughter of the eldest princess, and Gu Qiqi and Yun'er, the granddaughters of the emperor's master Gu Wenyuan, are the most outstanding.

The Queen Mother couldn't help but nod.

Xiaoer is younger than the other women, but her height is in the upper middle, so she stands first in the last row.

Finally it was Xiaoer's turn to step forward and introduce herself.

The Queen Mother's eyes were as bright as fire, and all the wives also straightened their backs. Some people even wiped their eyes unconsciously. There was nothing they could do, their eyes were not bright enough, so how could they find trouble - come on, come on, come on! The game of finding fault has begun!

Xiaoer lowered her head slightly, not daring to look directly at the holy face. She raised the corners of her mouth to the right position, moved her lotus steps lightly, and her purple skirt rippled on the black marble floor like flowers blooming. Let it go, it’s so beautiful.

She doesn't wear too much jewelry, and the accessories in her hair won't fall off even if she jumps, so don't move.

But that doesn’t matter, everyone can look at her earrings. The long purple Yunying earrings swayed imperceptibly as I walked along.

Anyway, given the Queen Mother's eyes at her age, she would never be able to detect the sway in her eyes.

The ladies here couldn't understand. It wasn't dancing and they obviously didn't make any unnecessary movements. How could they feel not only graceful but even graceful in this elegant, calm and calm walking posture?

It really refreshed their previous understanding.

Xiaoer knelt down and saluted, and when she squatted down, her hair did not move at all. She opened her red lips lightly and spoke like an oriole:

"Shen Xiaoer, the eldest daughter of Marquis Shengping and the princess of Rui'an County, sends my regards to the Emperor and the Queen Mother. The Queen wishes you well..., good luck to the Queen."

It wasn't until Xiaoer finished her last word that the Queen Mother came back to her senses.

"No courtesy!" A smile appeared on the emperor's majestic face.

It was the first time I was given a marriage to my son, so I naturally had to choose the best one. I never missed it, and the performance of County Lord Rui'an at this moment also proved this.

If the postures of Ma Yuqing, Fu Ranhui, Gu Qiqi and Shen Yuner are as standard as textbooks, then what Xiaoer shows is the most authoritative textbook!

The whole process took less than a minute, but there wasn't a second where her performance could be fault-finding.

Although the Queen Mother wanted to find fault, she was too standard and couldn't tell where the fault was. She had never seen anyone do it more perfectly than her.

"Are you the Lord of Rui'an County? Raise your head and let the Aijia see."

"Yes!" Xiaoer raised her head and faced the Queen Mother's X-ray-like eyes. She was calm and calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

The Queen Mother was depressed. This kind of magnanimity should not be possessed by a peasant girl. Moreover, she is so beautiful even before she blossoms. When she really blossoms, she will captivate the whole country!

Could it be that the ancestors of Shengpinghou's family had a noble family in the previous dynasty, but they later retired from the world? Otherwise, how could a mere farmer produce such a talented woman!

In this round, Xiaoer won unanimously, and the crowd's eyes were sharp, even if they wanted to cheat for personal gain! Fu Ranhui came second, Gu Qiqi third, Yun'er fourth...

Except for Mrs. Liu, the wives and girls present felt quite unhappy.

Some people who wanted to follow the dragon and the phoenix even complained in their hearts, because they were already 100% certain that she was the sixth prince's concubine! Why are you still trying to steal the limelight?

Only twenty-four women were left in the second round, and twelve were eliminated.

Aunt Gui next to the Queen Mother gave each of the remaining girls a yellow note: "Girls, please come with me and follow the instructions on the note to choose clothes and change makeup. It will take a quarter of an hour. "

Twenty-four people followed in a neat queue.

Xiaoer glanced at the words on her note: Funeral.

The expression on Xiaoer's face remained unchanged, but she was complaining in her heart!

Yun'er's note said about the Lantern Festival.

Other people's notes include words such as palace banquet, flower viewing party in a certain house, festival, wedding banquet of such and such... etc.

In short, the most unlucky one is Xiaoer.

Aunt Gui led everyone into a large room. One side of the room was filled with clothes and dresses hung on racks. One side is filled with dressers.

There was only a quarter of an hour to find a suit of clothes that fit, and to change makeup. There were only three dressing rooms, and the time was too tight.

Xiaoer's goal was very clear, she was only looking for white dresses, so she moved quickly.

Gu Qiqi had noticed it a long time ago, and just as Xiaoer walked up to her, she couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "County Master Rui'an, why do you only bring white clothes?"

This is really not what she thought! Xiaoer thought to herself, then reluctantly handed the note in her hand to her.


puff! Gu Qiqi couldn't help laughing, and then quickly covered her mouth. After finally holding back her laughter, she said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, but I didn't expect such a question. This question couldn't come up. That's so unkind." And County Master Rui'an was so unlucky that she didn't say the last part of the sentence.

"It's okay, let's hurry up and find some clothes." Xiaoer shook her head and continued to look for suitable clothes.

The others all looked over after hearing this, but they were too preoccupied with their own business to be curious.

The clothes here are all mismatched, obviously deliberately messed up.

Some girls finally find a suit that is suitable for the occasion and suitable for their eyes. When they compare it with themselves, they find that it doesn't fit them. However, they become so anxious that their eyes turn red and they continue looking.

Most of the clothes here are in bright colors and are prepared for girls who are just about to bloom, so how can they not be gorgeous!

There are only two suits in black, one is a night gown, and the other is really an all-black mourning suit.

But Xiaoer couldn't choose this mourning dress. Although the note said it was a funeral, this was a competition. Dressing so regretfully in front of the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the Queen was seeking death!

There are too many clothes, but not many are suitable for Xiaoer. Strictly speaking, none!

Even the white skirt is embroidered with gorgeous or festive embroidery.

Xiaoer finally chose a white skirt with minimal embroidery. This skirt only had some red plums embroidered on the hem.

Xiaoer took off the red belt and took a light yellow belt from another skirt.

Then I found a light yellow shawl from other skirts.

There is a sewing basket on the dressing table. Xiaoer took out the scissors and cut off the whole circle of the red plum embroidered part of the skirt. Then she left the seam allowance on the light yellow silk fabric and cut it according to the cut edges. She cut out a piece of fabric and prepared to design a suitable skirt by herself.

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