Fu Ranhui took the handkerchief from the Queen Mother's hand and handed it to Xiaoer, then introduced herself: "Master Ruian, I embroidered this handkerchief myself. How do you think my embroidery skills go?"

The Queen Mother, who had her veil taken away, glanced at Fu Ranhui dumbfounded. That's all. Anyway, it would be fine to send a maid to go to class when the time came. She would go and make a name for herself and get a good reputation.

Zhixin College is a philanthropic college. Who would not want to take a position that can bring a good reputation for doing good things for the people? I just teach in person. There are probably not many people, the Queen Mother thought.

Xiaoer took the handkerchief handed over by Fu Ranhui and nodded: "The princess's female beauty is extraordinary. The college will start in October, and before that, the princess will prepare the teaching plan."

"Teaching plan? What teaching plan?" Fu Ran was confused.

"I can't explain it clearly at this moment. I will then order someone to send the princess a lesson plan. Princess, you will understand after reading it."

"Okay, thank you County Lord Rui'an. But you don't need to send it. I will go to Shengpinghou Mansion to find you tomorrow!" Fu Ranhui happily agreed.

Xiaoer nodded.

Lan Yue listened for a long time, thought about it for a while, and then said: "County Master Ruian, I'm going to be a literary teacher."

Being a wife of the Free Academy means doing good deeds for the people. As the eldest princess, she has to do some good deeds for her husband so that he can have a good reputation among the people. This will also show that she has the demeanor of a mother to the world. !

Lan Yue said this very rudely!


Is she going to be a literary teacher? The Queen Mother and Xiaoer had a rare understanding of each other, and they both thought of four words: misleading children.

"Miss Lan, I'm really sorry. Except for Nuhong's tutor, all the tutors from other courses have been invited." Xiaoer declined decisively.

"Who did you invite? County Lord Ruian can just fire her! Based on our relationship, County Lord Ruian, you won't not help me!"

What's the relationship between us? Xiaoer inexplicably remembered her younger siblings at the Guofu Temple.

Xiaoer felt like she was struck by lightning again, as if she had been shocked by electricity.

"Miss Lan, I'm really sorry. It's my principle to be true to my words and resolute in my deeds. Since I promised other girls, I can't just resign casually."

"Empress Dowager~, please help me to beg for mercy. After all, my daughter is the eldest prince concubine whom you personally granted marriage to." Lan Yue turned to the Queen Mother with a coy voice, hoping that she would speak for herself.

And she didn't speak clearly, but everyone here understood what she meant.

After all, she is the eldest prince's concubine whom the Queen Mother personally granted marriage to. If County Lord Rui'an refuses her request in front of the Queen Mother, doesn't it mean that he is denying the Queen Mother dignity?

The Queen Mother's face darkened after hearing these words: "Speak carefully!" Isn't it disgusting to have such a loud voice?

Although the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law is difficult to deal with, she is her own person after all. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face before looking at the Buddha's face. County Lord Rui'an refused without hesitation, wasn't he just insulting her face.

"Miss Lan, actually being a wife is not suitable for you now. You will get married to the eldest prince soon. You have so many things to do, so how can you have time to go to school, right?" Xiaoer saw the Queen Mother's expression change and said Knowing that she had been successfully provoked, she quickly reminded the Queen Mother before she spoke that if Lan Yue, the future eldest princess, did not learn some basic etiquette, the eldest prince would be in disgrace to the royal family during their wedding.

When a prince gets married, the etiquette is not ordinary and cumbersome, and there can be no mistakes.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother really thought of this: "Lanyue, you should learn the rules from Aunt Gui. Marriage is the most important thing."

If it weren't for your good horoscope, the Ai family would really want the eighth general to throw you out of the imperial city!

"The Queen Mother, you have learned the rules of a court lady very well. You will definitely not make any mistakes during the wedding. Don't worry, the Queen Mother, I still want to be a wife."

Fu Ranhui couldn't help but laugh after hearing her words: "Miss Lan, just now you are talking, your butt has moved three times. From the time I came out to now, you have moved it no less than thirty times. This is what you call the rules, okay?”

The Queen Mother's face became even darker after hearing this, "Learn the rules from your mother. If something goes wrong during the wedding, don't blame the Ai family for breaking off the engagement on the spot!"

Lan Yue was afraid after hearing this. She glanced at Xiaoer. Everyone was obviously the future princess, why didn't she have to learn?

"The Queen Mother, isn't County Princess Rui'an also the future sixth prince's concubine? She also needs to learn these rules, right? How about we learn them together?"

"Miss Lan, the rules of County Lord Rui'an are the best among all the daughters of aristocratic families. What else does she need to learn? Let her learn with you. Why not let her teach you what the rules are!" Fu Ranhui shook her head, There is really no self-knowledge at all.

"Okay, since Princess Rui'an's rules are so good, let me, the Bishop of Rui'an County, do it. This proposal from the Princess is really good." Lan Yue nodded and agreed to Fu Ranhui's words.

Fu Ranhui: "..."

The Queen Mother glanced at Xiaoer and considered the feasibility of this matter.

Xiaoer was so frightened that she almost spit when she heard this. She quickly straightened her expression:

"The Queen Mother, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. I am younger than Miss Lan. If I were to teach Miss Lan the rules, it would be against the rules!"

The Queen Mother nodded after hearing this. It was indeed inappropriate. The sixth prince's concubine taught the eldest prince's concubine the rules? If this spreads out, will the royal family still have any face left?

This Lan Yue not only cannot be put on the stage, but also the things she considers cannot be put on the stage. I almost fell into her trap!

I really pity her grandson, no! She had to choose two more concubines for the great emperor's grandson. At the critical moment, there would be someone who could hold up the scene.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother had no intention of caring about them anymore, so she said:

"Lan Yue should let the nun in the palace teach the rules! You all should step aside. The Ai family is a little tired."

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief and taught Lan Yue the rules? She won't do this thankless job.

The three of them knelt down together and walked out of the palace.

Because Lan Yue was there, Xiaoer didn't want to talk and just walked quietly.

Fu Ranhui almost got into trouble just now and caused trouble to Xiaoer. With Lan Yue around, she didn't want to speak.

This person doesn't know what politeness is, and he dares to make any unreasonable demands.

After leaving the palace, Fu Ranhui once again mentioned going to Shengpinghou Mansion to find Xiaoer tomorrow.

Xiao'er knelt down and saluted, "Xiao'er is here to greet the Princess!"

Fu Ranhui couldn't help but laugh: "Naughty!"

Lan Yue also wanted to get into the circle of the two of them, so she said: "County Master Ruian, I will also go to your mansion tomorrow to chat."

Xiaoer: Can I refuse?

Fu Ranhui: "Miss Lan, don't you have to wait at home for the nun sent by the Queen Mother?"

"Isn't she just a slave? Do you want me, the master, to wait for her? When she arrives, I won't be home, so she will just wait!"

"Go home and ask your mother if you should wait at home!" After saying these words, Fu Ranhui said goodbye to Xiao'er and got on the carriage at the princess residence.

Xiaoer also got on the carriage and left.

Lan Yue was left confused, not knowing what she said wrong.

Thank you Xian for the reward, and thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets

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