Yang Yong ran away. It would be false to say that he has no regrets, but Yang Yong is a person with an embarrassing identity.

This time Xiyue Kingdom finally had to abandon its weapons and surrender. Part of the reason was also because of his incompetence.

Carrying such a shackles, he would not get any good treatment when he returned to Xiyue Kingdom.

After two great defeats in both wars, the Xiyue Kingdom could no longer afford any war. What they needed at this time was to recuperate.

But for people living in barren lands, recuperation is also a luxury.

In short, in the past few years, Xiyue Kingdom has not been in danger.

As for the signing of unequal treaties such as letters of surrender and some cession of territory and compensation, General Li's presence is enough to handle it.

Tomorrow, Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi and the others are preparing to return to the imperial capital.

Xiaoer returned to her tent and found that the comb she had placed on the table had been moved.

Her pillow had also been tampered with!

For a person with a super memory, it is impossible for her to forget the original appearance of the objects in the space where she comes back to sleep every night.

Nothing was missing in the tent.

Xiaoer walked to the bed. Her pillow had no trace of her sleep when she got up in the morning.

Who has come in? What is he looking for?

I am a little soldier, well, soldiers don’t count, soldiers can still go into battle to kill the enemy! She is just Shangguan Xuanyi's servant. What is there worth worrying about in a servant's tent?

Only the comb and pillow had been touched, and nothing else in the room had been touched. What is that person looking for?

hair! That man is looking for his own hair!

Thinking of this, Xiaoer immediately walked out and asked the guard on duty nearby: "Have you seen anyone enter my tent today."

"Yao Bing went in to look for you." The guard thought for a while and said.

Xiaoer nodded.

Yao Bing is a confidant of General Dingyuan, so he took his hair and sent it to Xiyue Kingdom?

Stealing hair would not be used for DNA testing in this day and age.

Then only the magic method is left.

Shangguan Xuanyi's big tent was right next to Xiaoer, and he also heard Xiaoer's movements.

He walked out and asked Xiaoer: "What's wrong?"

Xiaoer shook her head.

If she said at this moment that the hair on her pillow was missing, the guards would definitely think that she was making a fuss and looking for trouble.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw this, he said, "I can't sleep. Come in and play chess with me."

Xiaoer nodded.

The two walked in one after the other.

"What did you throw away?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked directly.

"My comb and pillow had been tampered with and had my hair on them."

Shangguan Xuanyi's face became serious after hearing this. It is said that the wizards of Xiyue Kingdom can kill people by using hair and skin to set up altars.

It's just that this kind of practice is very harmful to your life and cultivation, and wizards generally won't do it.

"Feng Qing!"

"Master! County Lord!" Feng Qing walked in and saluted.

"Go and tie up General Dingyuan and Yao Bing! Torture them severely! Find out the whereabouts of County Lord Rui'an's hair." There was a hint of ice in Shangguan Xuanyi's voice.

What happened to the hair of Lord Ruian County?

"Yes." Although Feng Qing was a little surprised, he agreed without saying a word and hurried down.

Xiaoer remembered the golden python that was still monitoring Yang Yong in Xiyue Kingdom, and quickly contacted it with her mind.

"Xiao Huang, the hair on my pillow is missing. Can you find it over there?"

"Master, wait a moment, let me look for it." The master's hair also has the aura of the master, so it can naturally identify it.


After Xiaoer finished communicating with the golden python, her head started to hurt violently.

She couldn't help holding her head and squatting down.

"Girl?!" Shangguan Xuanyi hurried forward and held her in his arms.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked anxiously, watching Xiao'er holding her head in pain.

"My head hurts so much!" Xiaoer couldn't help but beat her head with both hands.

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly grabbed her hands to prevent her from hurting him, feeling heartbroken and angry.

After Xiaoer's hands were grabbed, she had such a headache that she couldn't help but hit her knees with her head.

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly grabbed her two small hands with one hand and pressed her head into his arms with the other.

"Feng Yang!" Shangguan Xuanyi shouted loudly. This was the first time he had lost his cool and called someone.

"Master!" Feng Yang, who was guarding the door, came in quickly.

"Let Feng Qing find out the whereabouts of County Lord Rui'an's hair as soon as possible, no matter what method he uses!" Shangguan Xuanyi

Feng Qing saw the pain on Xiao'er's face and knew that the matter was serious. She nodded in agreement and ran out.

"Don't be afraid, girl, you will be fine soon." Shangguan Xuanyi held her tightly and comforted her.

After a while, Xiaoer's head stopped hurting. She lay quietly in Shangguan Xuanyi's arms, seeming to be thinking about something.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw that she no longer hurt him, so he let her go.

But her eyes were dull, like a possessed doll, she stood up and walked out stupidly.

Shangguan Xuanyi's heart sank. He did not disturb her, but just followed her, maybe this way he could find the person who did it.

Shangguan Xuanyi followed Xiaoer out of the military camp and then walked towards the desert.

The golden python followed a faint breath and headed towards the desert.

It climbed very fast, which can be described as flying.

Because it discovered that it could not contact Xiaoer.

This situation will only occur when the owner's soul is controlled by someone.

The golden python glanced at the sky. There was a strange and unpredictable change in the dark sky that ordinary people could not see with the naked eye.

The golden python climbed faster.

It must stop this ritual from continuing as soon as possible. If later, all the master's souls leave the body and it interrupts the ritual, the master will either lose his soul or explode to death.

The golden python quickly arrived at the place where the wizard of Xiyue Kingdom in the desert set up his altar and practiced magic.

It turns its body black and becomes thinner than a silver needle.

It felt that the owner's hair was placed in a bowl carved with strange patterns and soaked in holy water.

The wizard held a mahogany sword and muttered something incomprehensible.

Two women sat cracking melon seeds and watching.

"Witch, as long as I lure her here, drip my essence and blood into her heart, and imprison her soul, she will become my puppet. Will she obey my orders?"

"That's right." A girl wearing fiery red clothes embroidered with supernatural patterns nodded.

"Is there a way to crack it?"

"Yes, dig out her heart and take out your blood essence."

If a person's heart is dug out, can he still survive? After hearing this, the woman smiled with satisfaction.

The woman thought of Shangguan Xuanyi's protection of the stinky girl again, and worried that someone would follow her, so she asked, "What if someone interrupts the ritual ceremony?"

"That woman will explode and die."

very good! After hearing this, the woman stopped asking.

If the ritual cannot continue, that girl will die!

The ritual was successful, and she had an extra puppet!

This is a sure-profit deal!

Thank you book friends for your votes~~~

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