In the palace where the princess lives, there are naturally many people waiting on her.

Many maids came forward to salute.

The fifth princess quickly excused herself: "No need to salute, hurry up! Luoxue, go prepare hot water! Luoyun find a set of clean clothes! Luomei Luoqing and I come over to wait for my cousin to change her clothes! Hurry and prepare the heater in the guest room. Come on! Luoying go to the kitchen to make ginger soup! Hurry!"

After hearing this, the maids quickly ran to work in an orderly manner.

After Di Shaowei put Ming Jingya on the bed, the fifth princess hurried away: "Cousin, go to the seventh emperor's palace to change clothes. It's cold in spring, so don't catch the cold!"

At this time, the two palace maids had already begun to help Ming Jingya unbutton her clothes.

He nodded and strode out, so as not to interfere with the palace maid helping Jingya change clothes.

At this time, Xiaoer, who had only half-learned martial arts, was holding on to a vermilion lacquer cylinder, panting like an ox. Flying half way through the Royal Garden with the fifth princess, she was exhausted!

Xiao'er saw Di Shaowei coming out and said quickly: "Brother Di, go change clothes first. I won't let anything happen to sister Ming!"

Dishaowei shook his head: "There's no rush."

The imperial doctor hadn't come to see him, so how could he feel relieved?

Xiaoer didn't try to persuade him any more, knowing that he was worried because the illness wouldn't hurt him anyway.

At this time, the fifth princess also came out. After hearing this, she said to the maid next to her: "Go to Xiao Fuzi who is next to the sixth prince and ask him to find a set of clothes for Mr. Di."

"Yes!" The palace maid saluted and walked out quickly.


After receiving the news, Shangguan Xuanyi rushed over with a set of clothes and Qinggong.

He handed the clothes to Dishaowei: "Go and change first!"

Dishaowei took it, nodded, and then went to the house to change clothes.

The maids quickly helped Mingjing take a hot bath and change into clean clothes.

The door to the house opened.

The imperial doctor also rushed over at this time, followed by a long list of ladies and ladies.

Di Shaowei had just changed his clothes and came out. When he saw the imperial doctor, he quickly stepped forward to support him and lead him in:

"Physician Luo, go and see your wife quickly."

Doctor Luo nodded and strode in.

Everyone else was waiting in the yard.

The queen asked the fifth princess: "What's going on? Why did Jingya fall into the lake?"

The fifth princess thought for a while and then told everything she knew.

"Where did the Tibetan Mastiff come from? How come there was a Tibetan Mastiff in the palace?" the Queen asked strangely.

After listening to the fifth princess's words, Mrs. Li scolded her grandson in her heart, and then saluted, "Go back to the Queen, I brought you here because of your inconsideration."

In fact, Li Mingjun insisted on bringing the Tibetan Mastiff in. Old Mrs. Li couldn't convince him, so she shamelessly asked the eunuch to ask for grace from the Queen Mother.

I hope the Di family’s new daughter-in-law is okay! Based on the old friendship between the two families, he should not care about a beast. After all, beasts have no humanity and it is normal for them to lose control.

The Queen Mother was also a little angry at this time. She had approved the Tibetan Mastiff to be brought in.

She, an old sister, had not entered the palace for many years. She finally entered the palace with a Tibetan mastiff, so she would naturally give her a face. After all, they were nearly seventy years old, and this was probably the last time they would see each other.

Unexpectedly, the Tibetan Mastiff who was promised to be obedient and would not bite would chase Ming Jingya and bite her.

If something happened to Ming Jingya, it would kill two people! She will also feel uncomfortable.

"That beast usually doesn't bite people, but it was obedient. I don't know why it chased Mrs. Shizi and bit it. Did Mrs. Shizi hit it with anything when she saw it?" Mrs. Li couldn't understand her own human nature. How can a Tibetan Mastiff bite people?

If she hadn't known that this Tibetan Mastiff understood human nature and wouldn't bite anyone casually, she wouldn't have agreed to bring her grandson into the palace. What if she bumped into the nobles in the palace!

Alas, as expected, beasts are beasts, and there will always be times when they become wild and out of control.

My grandson won’t be able to take it out on the street in the future!

"So what if it's true, so what if it's not? It's true that the beast forced my daughter-in-law into the lake! Does Mrs. Li say this because she doesn't want to admit her guilt?" The general's wife was very angry after hearing this.

"I didn't mean that, I just wanted to find out the truth."

"You were all present at the time. Did any of you see what happened?" The queen looked at Fu Ranhui and others.

"When I looked over, the Tibetan Mastiff was already chasing Mrs. Di. Mrs. Di took off her purse and threw it at it out of fear. Then Mrs. Prince was forced by the Tibetan Mastiff to lose her footing and fall into the lake." Fu Ranhui said.

"I looked over when I heard Crown Prince Di's cry. What I saw was the same as what the princess saw." Ruan Weizhen also said honestly.

"Me too." Gu Qiqi said.

The queen looked at Xiaoer.

Xiaoerfu Yifu said: "I was swimming in the lake with the princess and the others. From the corner of my eye, I saw Li Mingjun leading a Tibetan mastiff behind the rockery. At that time, one person and one dog did not go any further because Brother Di was also there. Not far away, Miss Li was also there, so I thought he was here to find Miss Li, and I didn’t pay attention. After all, just as Mrs. Li said, animals like Tibetan Mastiffs are humane and are led by their masters. He was still alive and would not bite anyone at will. Later I heard Brother Di’s cry. When I looked over, Mr. Li was still standing on the rockery. The Tibetan Mastiff was chasing my sister-in-law until she lost her footing and fell into the lake. Mr. Li blew He whistled and called back the beasts barking on the lakeside." Xiaoer told what she saw.

The expressions on the faces of the people standing in the yard became rich after hearing this.

The animals are chasing people and biting them, but the owner of the animals is still standing there?

The Crown Prince's wife slipped and fell into the lake, and the owner of the animal called the barking animal back with a whistle?

The meaning contained in this is self-evident!

"County Master Rui'an, what do you mean by this? You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. Are you slandering my son and deliberately letting the Tibetan mastiff bite people?" Mrs. Li almost jumped in anger after hearing this!

"I didn't say that. I just told what I saw. It's just that you think so too! I think so too. After all, if he didn't let it go on purpose, as the owner of the Tibetan Mastiff, he didn't call it back in time. Isn’t it suspicious that the Tibetan Mastiff is just there to watch the fun?" Xiaoer said bluntly.

"Xiao'er, are you telling the truth?" The general's wife excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Xiao'er's hand.

"This is natural! If you tell a lie, I will be struck by lightning and die!"

Everyone believed this at this time, and everyone present believed it when they heard Xiaoer's words.

Shangguan Xuanyi glared at Xiaoer: "Don't swear casually!" If there is a lightning strike, you will not die easily! These words cannot be said even if they are true!

"What are you afraid of? I didn't say panic." Even if I say panic, I'm not afraid, Xiao'er said disapprovingly.

The people in the yard became more convinced.

How much hatred does it take to let a dog bite a pregnant woman?

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