Li Mingfang couldn't get close. Even if he had internal strength, he couldn't hit the cow from a distance!

Feeling depressed, she said angrily: "County Master Ruian, you are despicable, you actually used a hidden weapon!"

Xiao'er sneered after hearing this: "You didn't say you can't use it! Besides, can you only say that if you don't use internal power, you won't use internal power, and if you want to use internal power, you will use internal power?"

"That's right! If you can't win, just admit defeat! Learn from County Master Rui'an, how humble you are!" Di Junya was almost overjoyed when she saw Li Mingfang being beaten into a dog-gnawed mud!

"Just now, County Master Rui'an said that her martial arts skills were not as good as Li Mingfang's and she refused to fight. They just pretended not to hear it. Now they can't get close to others. They also said that they used concealed weapons! I have seen such shameless people. I have never seen such shamelessness. Face." Fu Ranhui also said.

Di Junya and Fu Ranhui shared the same hatred, and they were having a great time sarcastically.

Li Mingfang was already impulsive and irritable, so after hearing these words, she used up 100% of her strength, waving her hands to block the flying silver needle, and using lightness skills to fly over.

Seeing her speed, Xiaoer was so frightened that she didn't care about the fairy scattering flowers and just ran forward!

Li Mingfang finally got close to Xiaoer, and she quickly hit Xiaoer on the back with her palm.

This palm was so fierce that Xiaoer knew without looking back that if this palm hit her, it would really make her vomit blood.

Shangguan Xuanyi rode back and saw Xiao'er galloping towards him from a distance, followed by Li Mingfang who was chasing after him.

Then he rode his horse faster.

Just when Li Mingfang's palm was about to touch Xiaoer's back. He turned over and dismounted, pulled Xiaoer into his arms, and struck Li Mingfang's palm with his palm.

Li Mingfang immediately took a few steps back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you okay?" Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and asked Xiaoer.

"No, I'm very good at escaping."

Worried about Xiaoer's situation, Fu Ranhui and others who followed him couldn't help but cover their faces after hearing this. Some people would so confidently say that they are good at escaping.

Li Mingfang adjusted her breath, walked over and said, "Sixth Prince, we were just competing in martial arts just now! How could you interfere!"

A martial arts tournament would use ten stamina to beat his girl? Do you think everyone is like her and her brain is modeled after a pig brain?

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer: "Why did she kill you?"

"Miss Li really meant a martial arts competition, but I have long said that there is no competition. I gave up and said that my martial arts skills are not as good as hers, but she still chases me to fight! Brother Shangguan, this is obviously to take it out on me!" Xiaoer! In front of Shangguan Xuanyi, his tone was a little aggrieved.

Is she really provoking someone? ! If I had known, I wouldn't have let Zhao Youwei help untie the two kites even if I were killed! Li Mingfang was so jealous that she couldn't resist it.

Fu Ranhui and others nodded in unison after hearing the action.

"County Master Rui'an, don't spit on others with your blood in your eyes. I didn't hear what you said at that time!" Li Mingfang's eyes flashed and he said.

"Miss Li, I didn't expect you to be deaf at such a young age! Well, I'll say it again now, I admit defeat, my martial arts skills are not as good as yours, please don't challenge me to compete with you next time! Now you listen clearly! Otherwise I will just I think you are deliberately trying to assassinate me in the name of a martial arts contest!" Xiaoer didn't want to offend this impulsive, jealous, and warlike woman.

"Yes, I heard everything clearly. Did you hear it clearly? If not, I can help you repeat it again." Di Junya said.

"Junya, why are you always targeting me? You weren't like this before!" Li Mingfang was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood again.

"I have always hated evil like this! Don't you know? Don't say that next time you compete with County Lord Ruian, County Lord Ruian will think you assassinated her on purpose! Even this time, I also think you did it on purpose! " Di Junya said matter-of-factly.

I didn't know before that she was so changeable, but she didn't dare to admit it, and let someone take the blame for her! She truly treats her as her future sister-in-law! Can it be the same? !

Xiaoer gave Di Junya a like!

Li Mingfang was so angry that she vomited blood again. Does this mean that she is a villain?

"Miss Li, let me compete with you! One palm will determine the outcome!" After Shangguan Xuanyi finished speaking, he struck at Li Mingfang regardless of whether she agreed or not.

After Shangguan Xuanyi knew the whole story, he always protected his shortcomings and repaid himself in the same way as others.

Li Mingfang's face turned pale with fright. The distance was too close and he couldn't run away, so he had no choice but to face him bravely.

The two palms struck each other.

Li Mingfang was hit by Shangguan Xuanyi and flew away.

Li Mingjun ran over and caught her. Seeing Li Mingfang vomiting a mouthful of blood, he glared at Xiaoer and Di Junya fiercely and said, "I won't let you go! Sister, let's go!"

After saying that, he helped Li Mingfang leave.

"The evildoer will complain first!" Di Junya showed no fear at all.

"It's simply an unreasonable thing! You can't tell right from wrong! Could it be that you are born with a love of fighting and killing, and now you want to find someone to fight if you don't like it?!" Fu Ranhui also said, and she felt that her thoughts were very possible.

"It's very possible. Everyone should be careful in the future. Don't one day she inexplicably asks someone to compete with someone, and then you refuse, and she doesn't even hear it! Half of her life is lost like this!" Di Junya said in a serious tone. He nodded matter-of-factly.

Hearing Fu Ranhui's words, the girls all changed their expressions, thinking: I don't know any martial arts, and I haven't even learned to run since I was a child. I only learned to walk slowly. How will I escape then?

Xiaoer just feels that character determines destiny. If Li Mingfang makes trouble again, the royal family will feel ashamed and her life will be sad in the future.

When everyone returned home, they told their mothers what happened in the suburbs today. Those ladies did not appreciate Li Mingfang's so-called personality of not liking red makeup and preferring weapons, and did not want their daughter to have closer contact with her. Now everyone has come to the conclusion: cherish life and stay away from Li Mingfang!


A few days after the Kite Festival, Xiaoer received a letter.

When she opened it and took a look, surprise flashed through her heart.

Fu Ranhui made an appointment with herself and said that she had something urgent to ask for. What could it be?

Xiao'er didn't think much about it. She would find out when the time comes to go to the appointment!

At the Admiral's Mansion, Zhao Youwei also received a letter.

He looked at the contents of the letter with surprise at first, and then deep thought.

The Lord of Rui'an County has something to ask of you. Can you please make an appointment with him?

What would she need to ask of herself? Zhao Youwei fell into deep thought.

She would date herself, so the Sixth Prince must not be able to help with this matter, but is there anything that the Sixth Prince cannot help with?

He thought of one person - Li Mingfang!

After he left on the day of the Kite Festival, Li Mingfang made trouble for the head of Rui'an County. He later heard from his sister that he was the one who caused her to suffer unreasonable disasters!

Could it be that Li Mingfang was looking for trouble with her again?

This happened to me, and I really need to solve it myself.

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