Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 82: My own child, I love it

When Mr. Shen saw his eldest son and his family coming back, he couldn't help but feel anxious: "Why are you back?"

"Dad, didn't you send someone to call us back with a message? Did you say there was something big going on?"

"I was the one who asked the uncle to go home. Yun'er has gone home. Isn't this a big deal? Yun'er has to thank the uncle!" When Liu spoke, it was actually Xiao'er who reminded her that she should also call Dafang's family back. Home.

"Why do you thank me? I didn't find Yun'er!" Lan sneered.

"Did you find it? You just let someone take it away to make amends!" Li gloated, and was the best at adding fuel to the fire.

"What did the second sister-in-law say? Yun'er was accidentally lost by me because I wasn't careful. Why do you think I was the one who took it away!" After hearing this, Mrs. Lan glared at Mrs. Li.

"I'm telling the truth. Back then we heard that you and your uncle were discussing giving Yun'er or Xiaoer to the couple as compensation for their daughter's life! You also said that one hundred taels of silver was too much to pay for the children of the third family. There are two more girls, so losing one of them is nothing, unlike my own family..."

"Nonsense! When did we ever say such bastard things!" Shen Chengguang yelled, spittle spitting out far away!

"Brother, don't deny it. I heard it with my own ears at that time. I can swear that I also knew..."

"That's enough, shut up!" Mr. Shen threw a cup, and he took a breath before speaking, "Boy, you must have heard wrong. Chengguang paid a lot of money to resolve that matter back then. I Post all my coffin copies."

Shen Chengyao looked at his eldest brother, second brother and father and felt so heartbroken!

Big brother, you sent your niece away to die, and you still don’t know how to repent, and you refuse to admit it!

The second brother, even though he knew about it in advance, he didn't stop him or tell him, which made him search for him for so many years! It's as if Yun'er is not his niece, but an outsider who has nothing to do with him. Even if outsiders know about it, they will inform her!

His father always prevents the truth of things from being revealed. He knew what his father was worried about. He was worried that the truth of the matter would be revealed, which would affect Wen'er's future official career and the glory of the Shen family.

After so many years, Yun'er has come back, and no one has felt sorry for her or said sorry to her. No one has opened their eyes and taken a good look at her, or cared about what kind of life she is living. It's been a long time without her parents around. How did you get here!

He never intended to seek justice or anything. All he wanted was for them to feel guilty and apologize to Yun'er. At least that way, Yun'er knew that everyone in this family was looking forward to her coming back and would not send her out again. , so that she can feel at ease.

Even a person with only a little bit of conscience will not feel any guilt at all!

Seeing Shen Chengyao's expression, Xiaoer understood. She pulled Shen Chengyao's sleeve, "Dad, let's take Yun'er home!"

We must find out the meaning of the truth. This is not a court and there is no need for the truth. No matter how clear you are, it will hurt your own heart.

Shen Chengyao lowered his head and glanced at Xiao'er. Seeing her concerned eyes, he nodded. He understood that his child could just feel pain by himself!

Mrs. Liu's heart felt as if someone had poured a basin of ice water with floating ice floes on it, which chilled her body and mind! Her heart throbbed painfully, for her husband-in-law and for her daughter.

"Dad, we won't pursue what happened back then. I know what I need to know. We went back to our house first. The house in the village has been built. We bought the furniture in the past two days and will move in on the 20th. Come, when the time comes, you and your mother can go over and have a wedding drink." After saying that, he led the family out of the upper room.

Mr. Shen looked at his third son's disappointed expression. He didn't mention that the eldest and second son should go, but he meant it to his heart. well! Let him be quiet for the time being, and wait until his anger subsides before trying to persuade him. In this life, a person will never be separated from his father, son, and brothers until death.

The eldest family and the second family are left alone, so let’s forget it?

When Mrs. Li saw the third family member leaving, she said, "Oh no!"

After saying that, she wanted to leave, but also wanted to be angry at the pearl Xiaoer gave her.

"Mom, that girl Xiao'er just said that these pearls are for the three girls to add to their makeup. I'm going to town tomorrow, or I'll take it out and sell it, and we can divide the money we get!"

"No need, the third brother's family has added makeup to the jade beads. You and the other family just didn't give them, so let's add some makeup to the pearls first!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was very dissatisfied. She was so partial!

"What pearls?" When Shen Baoer heard about adding makeup, she should be the one to do it. After all, she is also the girl in the family.

"It's okay!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang lowered his eyes, expressionless.

Shen Baoer had a look and did not ask further questions.

Back in the west wing, Shen Chengyao pulled Yun'er and Ri Geer to his side, "Yun'er, you have suffered, and your parents will compensate you. It's not that your parents won't help you seek justice, your parents are..."

"Dad, I know, I understand. I know you won't sell me and won't give me away. That's enough!" As for the others, she is not greedy. It is enough to have her own parents, brothers and sisters.

Shen Chengyao touched her head and said, "Good boy."

"Ri'er, don't take grandma's words to heart. Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen will definitely raise you. Jing Rui and Jing Hao will go to school next year, and you will go with them then. Uncle Shen doesn't ask you either. No matter how successful you are, if you can at least be literate and able to do arithmetic, it will be useful in the future, and it will be easier to support your family."

"Uncle Shen, I know." He has heard words that are even worse than this. He knows who treats him well and who treats him poorly. He also knows that it is impossible for everyone in this world to accept and like him.

"Dad, I will definitely come back with the top score in the exam! I will ask for my mother's fate!" Jing Hao said boldly.

"Father, I will definitely give you a meritorious service!" Jingrui secretly swore that he would see who would dare to sell his sister when he becomes outstanding!

"You're asking for your mother's death. You brat is a braggart! Look, you've boasted about everything in the family!" Shen Chengyao tapped Jing Hao's head gently with the back of his hand.

"My son said he wanted to take the No. 1 exam, but you are still not happy to ask for my life. How can you be a father like you!" Mrs. Liu scolded with a smile.

"Mom, dad wanted to take the exam himself and get a job for mom! Who would have thought that my younger brother would get the upper hand! Dad is really jealous!"

Xiaoer teased.

"Okay, now even dad dares to make fun of it!" Shen Chengyao feigned anger.

"My daughter is right. Yun'er's father, you really can give it a try. Didn't you also tell me that when you were in school, your master praised you for learning well and quickly?"

"Even you are laughing at me, right? How old am I now! Do I still go to school with my son! Where can I put my face!" Shen Chengyao couldn't help but shudder when he thought of sitting in the schoolroom with his son and listening to the class. shivered.

Xiao'er's thought came to her mind. In the ancient environment, there were more than 20 people who passed the scholar examination, and there were many people in their thirties. Shen Chengyao was only in his twenties. If she cheated a little and gave him something to eat, he might still be able to get it. I really can come back as a scholar. Yes, that's it.


When Shen Chengyao saw Xiao'er looking at him with shining eyes, he had a bad feeling in his heart, "What, what's wrong?"

"I think you really need to take the exam and come back as a scholar! Think about it, if you are a scholar and your mother is a scholar's wife, then who will dare to disrespect your mother in the future, right? Besides, scholars can also be exempted from taxes and You don't have to be a strong man, right? Scholars can still go to school, right? You see how many benefits there are, right? Brothers and sisters, who agrees with dad to take the scholar exam, please raise your hand." Xiaoer took the lead in raising his hand. The others raised their hands immediately.

Mrs. Liu was too embarrassed to mention it, so she just stood aside with a smile and watched the children quarreling with their father.

Shen Chengyao felt dizzy. In this world, don’t parents want their children to go to school? When will the child want his father to go to school?

"I remembered that the cows haven't eaten yet. I'll feed them!" Shen Chengyao ran away.

"Dad, the cow eats grass instead of eating! Don't feed it wrong!" Jing Hao shouted at Shen Chengyao's back.

Everyone in the room laughed.

Shen Chengyao stumbled and almost tripped over the threshold and fell.

The atmosphere at home finally became clearer.

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