Almighty in the city

Chapter 995: Meeting of Destiny (1)

Twenty-five years ago, it was the city of Rome, the city of Yancheng in the Thai country, located on the plain of the lower Tiber River, 25 kilometers from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

On the Capitol Hill, the site of the traditional town square in ancient Rome and the Middle Ages, is the town square in Rome.

At this time, in front of the Roman-era buildings in the Senate on the front of the Municipal Square, there were five handsome young men who were prosperous and business-oriented.

The handsome faces, tall figures of more than 185 meters, coupled with a stylish outfit, make these five young people who look at most in their early twenties very attractive to the attention of nearby women.

"Seventh stop, the Senate of Rome in Western Thailand." At this time, Fan Wencheng, the post-Fan Patriarch, who was the first heir to the Fan family, looked at the building that has been preserved since the ancient Roman era. Raising his hand and gently pushing the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said to the four companions around him, "How do you think about how to do it?"

"Think about it--" Xiao Ruhuo, the post-Xiao Patriarch who was also the first heir to the Xiao family, pouted his lips when he heard that, and said a little impatiently, "What is there to think about, of course it is the same as before. It's the same six times, just go up and do it, and when we get the things we want, we will be finished with the flashing person-what's more to say."

"This is Rome in the Western country of Thailand. If we are in trouble, we will only have to run away if we meet someone from the'God List'-maybe we don't even have a big chance of running away. If we get caught If we live, then our face will be lost to our grandmother’s house, not to mention the people who slapped the Illuminati at the party, I’m afraid it’s even our first successor position. I'm going to be impeached by my family's elder's house." It was the first heir of the Ye family who had the highest appearance among the five, and Ye Zhiqiu, the later Patriarch of the Ye Family and Ye Jiaoyang's biological father.

A man with a handsome appearance that is almost spooky, if he changes to a women's suit and wears a set of fashionable women's makeup, I am afraid that most women in this world will be ashamed to the point of sighing.

"Lao Ye is right. It's too close to the Vatican. The'God List' that is rare in other countries in Xizhou may be easy to meet here." It's also in his early twenties, and the distance is formal. Tang Yunfeng, the first-in-line heir of the Tang family who has been in charge of the Tang family for a while, nodded in agreement, "The five of us, together with the strength value, I am afraid it will barely be ranked 80th on the'God List'. In the future, it will be evenly matched. If you encounter someone who is ranked less than fifty, it is impossible to run away if you want to run."

After a pause, he looked at the ancient Roman building full of historical vicissitudes in front of him, and his eyes under the sunglasses gradually became serious: "Here, after all, it is the Senate from the ancient Roman era. , He changed this building designed by Michelangelo into the city hall of Rome. However, out of respect for the historical identity of the former Senate, the Holy See will definitely send someone to'protect' on duty, so, be absolutely sure , We should still step on a point first and work out a fairly stable plan before we start."

While speaking, he turned his head and looked at the Baishan River, who had been staring at this ancient Roman-era building and had never spoken: "Lao Bai, what do you think?"

"I don't have any opinion." The white mountain river with sharp short hair shrugged blankly. "Frankly speaking, if I don't have to rush to the party, I don't mind being in front of the old Roman elder. If there is a big disturbance in the courtyard, it would be better to attract one or two characters on the "God List" to fight, then it would be best-my practice has been stuck in the bottleneck period for some time, maybe with one There is an opportunity for a breakthrough in the battle against the'God List'."

"Forget it." Xiao Ruhuo's eyes hidden behind the sunglasses turned upwards, "Even if you make a breakthrough in battle, you are a newly-promoted'Master of National Art'. That's the God List. 'The one at the bottom of the 100th place, people have been in the'Grandmaster level' for so many years-the newly promoted grandmaster wants to challenge him, so don't have this pipe dream."

"He is daydreaming." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, "He is obviously swollen-fortunately, he is just stuck in the bottleneck of the promotion of the'Grandmaster of the National Sect'. If this is the promotion of the'Grandmaster of the National Sect' The bottleneck of the'Master of National Martial Arts', then he must not go directly to the Vatican and kill him to the holy See’s nest, St. Peter’s Basilica."

Bai Shanhe squinted at him and sneered: "Why, Lao Ye, are you jealous of my uncle's genius in martial arts practice?"

"Yeah, people are so jealous, Uncle Bai~~~~~" Ye Zhiqiu replied with a false voice.

At this moment, Bai Shanhe was not disgusting, but Xiao Ruhuo, Tang Yunfeng, and Fan Wencheng were all disgusting.

The three raised their hands, Qi Qi slapped Ye Zhiqiu on the back of the head, and laughed and cursed in unison: "Lao Ye, you are enough! If you dare to scream in front of the brothers, believe it or not to beat you into a pig's head-- Your sister, what do you want to challenge the sexual orientation of your brothers!"

After a while of playing around, the five people once again restored their previous standing appearance, looking at the building left over from the ancient Roman era not far away.

This Roman Municipal Square is located on the northwest side of Romanum Square in the center of ancient Rome. It was rebuilt by Michelangelo, one of the three masters of the Thai Renaissance, before becoming this asymmetrical layout at this time.

Michelangelo transformed the original front of this square into the back through the changes of the surrounding buildings, and changed the original back to the front. Then, on this front, he built this will dominate the entire ancient Roman Empire. The Senate.

On the right side of this Senate, there was originally an archive, which is also very old. The two are not perpendicular to each other and the angle is less than 90 degrees. The latter archive was destroyed due to the war. After reconstruction, it will be together with this Senate. It became the office space of the City Hall of Rome.

"Okay, don't look, let's go." Tang Yunfeng looked at the other four people left and right, "You don't really want to go to the city hall to find that thing without stepping on it?"

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