Almighty in the city

Chapter One Thousand and Two

"Guoguo, Guoguo, Guoguo--" Lin Wanyu shook Tang Guo's arm, "What are you in a daze? Did you sleep too late last night and wake up early today? What's wrong with your body?"

Tang Guo, who was sinking into the memory, was shaken by her like this, and the whole person was immediately summoned back to reality. The eyes that were originally somewhat blurred also instantly restored clarity.

"I'm fine, I just remembered something from my childhood." Tang Guo, who recovered, smiled apologetically to Lin Wanyu, "Let's go."

"Really all right?" Lin Wanyu looked at her a little worriedly, "If there is any discomfort in the body, please tell me, don't hold it hard."

"Don't worry, I have the physical quality of a'Master of National Martial Arts', and I rarely catch a cold at ordinary times—" Tang Guo smiled and took her arm. "Do you think I am like the kind of person who would wrong me? ——Let’s go, look at Lao Bai, they are all waiting in front."

"Really all right?" Lin Wanyu asked suspiciously.

Tang Guo smiled and nodded: "It's really okay."

Lin Wanyu looked at him up and down carefully, and saw that there was indeed no bad expression, so he was relieved and relieved.

Ahead, Bai Yifan, Xiao Ce, Fan Yi and Ye Jiaoyang were standing there, waiting for the two of them.

Seeing Tang Guo and Lin Wanyu finally coming over, Xiao Ce said with concern: "How about it, are you all right?"

"You wish we had something wrong--" Tang Guo sneered and cursed angrily.

Lin Wanyu smiled and replied, "It's okay. Guoguo just went into a daze. It is probably because she slept too late last night. She was pulled up from the bed early this morning. She was a little lacking in sleep and she was not fully awake yet. After the activity for a while, the body will naturally relax and it will be fine."

"I'm so old, I still want to stay in bed." Ye Jiaoyang shrugged, "In other words, it's in the realm of a'Master of National Art'. The small problem of insufficient sleep is not a problem at all."

"Poison tongue, look at your careful look. Didn't you just threaten you jokingly in the car? You really caught auntie and refused to give up--" Tang Guo rolled his eyes, and on both white palms Suddenly, there were seven or eight shiny metal balls that looked like pearls, "You have to target me again, believe it or not, grandma will make you a'hedgehog leaf' today."

The answer to her was Ye Jiaoyang's "hehe" with a deadly breath.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Bai Yifan was really afraid that these two people would be willful, so he fought in the courtyard of this monastery, and had to call it off helplessly, "It's important to do business-if it really itches. I want to find someone to learn from each other. When I get back to the hotel, I will accompany you to the gym to practice."

"Forget it, then." Ye Jiaoyang shrugged, "I don't have this special habit of looking for abuse."

"Ye Jiaoyang! If you don't stab me, I won't feel comfortable, right!" Tang Guo had already subsided from getting up, but she was really aroused now, "If you don't give you a lesson, you really can't be cured by being an aunt. You have to show you how powerful the Tang family is today! Wan Yu, what are you doing with me, don't pull me, I have to turn this guy into a hedgehog today!"

"Enough!" Bai Yifan frowned slightly, "I said, Lao Ye, did you really have too much breakfast and panicked, so you always wanted to find something?"

"N hasn't been seen for a long time, just kidding, let your feelings be more active." Ye Jiaoyang still shrugged indifferently, "Okay, well, I was wrong just now, I'm sorry Miss Tang, please keep your temper. Now, at noon, my brother will invite you to eat the most famous "One Piece"-BBQ squid."

"Huh, it's rare!" Tang Guo let out a cry, and handed him two middle fingers disdainfully, "As long as you want to be my brother, it's almost the same for me as your sister."

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's do business first." Bai Yifan looked at the two people who were still quarreling, and smiled helplessly, patted Xiao Ce and Fan Yi on the shoulders, and turned to continue toward this place. Walking deep into the monastery.

Xiao Ce and Fan Yi also gave a bitter smile rather helplessly, and then turned and followed Bai Yifan and walked inward.

Ye Jiaoyang shrugged and gave Tang Guo a grimace. Then he laughed and turned and chased the three people in front of him.

"This guy's careful eye is truly extraordinary and holy." Tang Guo despised, "I guess there will be no man with a smaller mind than him in this world-no, it should be said that there is no longer a mind smaller than him. Humans."

Lin Wanyu "chuckled", leaning to her ear, and said narrowly: "But how do I think this'old leaf' seems to mean you in that way."

"He?" Tang Guo snorted disdainfully, "Forget it, the five of us have known each other for almost 20 years, and anyone with a birthmark on their buttocks is clear-this guy is born with a small eye, no medicine. ."

"Maybe it's just that his way of teasing girls is wrong." Lin Wanyu smiled, "It's like the way I saw many male classmates chasing girls before I was in college, it was all kinds of tricks that changed the law."

Tang Guo glanced at her, and said with no anger: "You, I really think too much, Ye Jiaoyang has a "goddess" in his heart, but his "goddess" just doesn't call him-this The point is just the opposite of Lao Bai, one is "to ask but not to", the other is to be "to be asked but not to be", so yeah, until now, they are still single dogs."

These words made Lin Wanyu laugh.

The two girls whispered, also chasing the four people in front, and walked towards the depths of the monastery.

The Ayia Napa Monastery, in the island city of Ayia Napa, is called the "Ayia Napa Monastery" by the locals and has a history of more than 600 years.

Even though it has now been transformed into a tourist attraction in Ayia Napa, the monastery also has meeting places, western restaurants and cafes, but it retains the peaceful, quiet and serene atmosphere, even if it is manic Once people stay here for a long time, they will become calmer because of the environment here.

"I said, what is the purpose of our coming here?" Tang Guo asked the four after catching up.

"Of course it's the new recruiting mission of the Illuminati." Fan Yi smiled, "Didn't I tell you everything just now."

Tang Guo rolled his eyes, "I'm asking, what is this so-called'Illuminati' recruiting new people?"

"Why, hasn't Uncle Tang ever talked to you about the recruitment of the Illuminati?" Xiao Ce turned his head and looked at it strangely, "This is the first heir of our five families must know and understand. Yes, even if Uncle Tang forgets, the elders of your Tang family have forgotten—"

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