Almighty in the city

The first thousand and six chapters are more nervous

Just as Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, Tang Guo, and Lin Qiaoyu were sitting under the open-air umbrellas of Starbucks in Ayia Napa Monastery, drinking coffee and chatting, waiting for the chapel to open on time. The off-road vehicle with the Ayia Napa license plate is driving on the mountain road by the sea, towards the ancient monastery attractions in the city.

"In the subperiod, whether your news is accurate, are you sure that the recruiting examiner of the Illuminati will appear here?"

"Yes, the information I collected is that the recruiting examiners of the'Illuminati' will go to the'Heir Gathering' to select members who meet the conditions for joining the'Illuminati' and invite them. There is only the invitation at this time, and the invitee can choose to refuse without worrying about being killed by the Illuminati or revenge."

"Although there is still some time before the start of the'Heir Gathering', we will not affect our scheduled itinerary if we go to Cyprus first, but I am afraid that we will be excited for nothing-that kind of feeling, you know that in the first period, it is very Unhappy eh."

In the second off-road vehicle, there were four people including the driver and the passengers. They were the four young people of summer descent from the shadow family that Bai Yifan met in the lobby of the Ayia Napa Hotel last night.

At this time, the one who was driving was Lin Ziqi, a descendant of the former Financial City real estate tycoon Lin Shize.

Sitting next to him in the passenger seat was naturally Chen Feiyang, the tallest of the four, from the new hereditary Marquis Chen family.

As for the two in the back seat, there is no doubt that they are the former Yunnan king, Wu Yinglong of the new hereditary earl Wu family, and Hao Lianwuji, a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty imperial family. Children only catty.

Lin Ziqi, who was driving and following the car in front, was very confident facing the questions of the three companions in the car. Hehe smiled and said, "Don’t worry, my source is absolutely accurate—that In the monastery called'Saint Napa' by the locals, there is definitely a recruiting examiner from the Illuminati, and there will definitely be an admission token that allows one of us to join the Illuminati. You and Worrying about the accuracy of my information, it’s better to think about how we can find this person and the'membership token' kept by him."

"As long as people and things are indeed in that monastery, it is not easy to find them." Chen Feiyang said, but frowned, as if suddenly thinking of something important, he blurted out in exclamation, "No it is good!"

"What?" Wu Yinglong and Hao Lianwuji sitting in the back seat. Beier only heard the words and looked at him subconsciously.

Even Lin Ziqi, who was driving, turned his head and glanced at him strangely.

"I can basically be sure that there is no problem with the intelligence of the child period." Chen Feiyang's face at this time is no longer as easy as before, but has become extremely gloomy. "If no accident, the Ayia Napa Monastery Here, there should really be a recruiting examiner from the Illuminati and a token for joining the Illuminati that allows people to directly join the Illuminati."

"This is a good thing." Wu Yinglong became more and more weird. "How come you fly so badly?"

Chen Feiyang snorted coldly, and said with a gloomy expression: "Good thing? I think it's a big bad thing—have you forgotten who we met in the hotel lobby last night."

"That Bai Yifan who claims to be the'only in-line heir' of the Bai family, the head of the five Yanxia people's anonymity families? And the three men and two women who are suspected of being the'first in-line heirs' of the other four Yanxia people's anonymity families?" Lin Zi Qi, Wu Yinglong, and Hao Lianwuji. Beier Zhijin suddenly stunned together.

Then, Lin Ziqi, who reacted the fastest, the face that was originally filled with excitement and excitement, also instantly became as gloomy as Chen Feiyang.

"This bunch of bastards, shouldn't they have got the same information, they came here to snatch our membership tokens!" These words almost popped out of his teeth with gnashing teeth. of.

Wu Yinglong and Hao Lianwuji, who were sitting in the back seat, immediately reacted upon hearing these words, their complexions changed drastically, and their faces became gloomy almost instantly.

Wu Yinglong was even more reminded of the humiliation of those people who had been humiliated by the poisonous tongue last night. For a time, new hatred and old grievances rushed into his heart, his face suddenly became savage, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Bad! I said how could it be? What a coincidence! At this time and at this place, I have encountered the five most famous hot summer people from a family with an incognito family, and the damn heirs who are going to attend the "Heirs Gathering" like us! So they are! I also fell in love with this'membership token' of the'Illuminati'!"

"It seems something is wrong--" Hao Lianwuji and Beier Zhijin sitting next to him, his brows were furrowed, and the gloomy color on his face began to change to doubts and suspicions, "If these six The five of the people are really the five'first-in-line heirs' who are going to go to this'Heir Gathering' of the five hot summer people with anonymity. In their status, as long as they want to join the'Illuminati' , I’m afraid that the Illuminati can’t ask for it, and even high-level officials will be sent to handle the ceremonies for the ‘Enrollment’. There is no need to come here to find the Illuminati’s recruiting examiner and the ‘Meeting token’ ."

"Wuji is very reasonable." While driving in the forest, after listening to Hao Lian Wuji's question, the original nervousness suddenly became loose. Holding the steering wheel, the muscles were also Not as tight as before, "If five of these six people are really the'first in line' heirs of the five Yanxia people's reclusive families, then that'membership token' would be insignificant."

"What if it's not." Chen Feiyang in the passenger seat said coldly, "The'first heirs' of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family, none of us have seen them, and we haven't even had a photo of them. I’ve seen it, but I don’t know what they look like. Moreover, there is no evidence to prove that out of the six of them, five of them are the'first heirs' of the five great Yanxia people in the hermit family. They are just our own. Presumably, people have never reported themselves."

There will be another update later, before ten o'clock.

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