Almighty in the city

Chapter 1017: Recruiting New Examiners

The chapel seems to be such a small one, but the internal space is not small at all.

Like the interiors of common churches all over the world, the roof of this chapel is extremely high. On the walls and ceilings around, there are paintings of various characters from the Bible and classic allusions.

Rows of benches are neatly arranged on the left and right sides, leaving only a two-person wide aisle.

On these benches, many believers and tourists have been seated one after another at this time.

With the appearance of a middle-aged priest dressed in divine clothing, the door of the chapel was slowly closed, and the classic melodious music in the "Bible" began to sound, echoing in the whole chapel.

As his voice sounded, the people sitting on the benches on the left and right sides, whether they were believers or visitors, made a prayer gesture of clasping their hands together and bowed their heads against their foreheads. Up this prayer gesture.

"Starting to pray." Lin Qiaoyu saw that Bai Yifan, Xiao Ce, Fan Yi and Tang Guo were still standing there in their own way, looking around these people who were sitting on the benches and began to follow the priest in worship and prayer. Can't help but remind in a low voice, "Shall we sit down first?"

"Sit down for what?" Bai Yifan smiled, "We are not believers. We didn't believe this in the first place. Why do we pretend to be hypocritical--and don't you think now is the best time to find someone?"

At this moment, except for the five of them who are still standing, the rest of the people sitting on the benches closed their eyes and bowed their heads, maintaining a prayer posture, following the priest, chanting prayers in their mouths. Eulogy--

"You are the ruler of the heavens and all things, and you are the unique true God. If you say you have it, you will stand by your command. You are the true God of love, justice, holy, and faithfulness. We should worship you and praise you!"

"We are the dust on the earth, you have made us have your image, we are sinners in the world, and you are not abandoning and let us receive your grace. You know that the suffering of sin cannot be afforded by humans, you Even more unwilling to let our souls sink, in order to save sinners, you actually gave your beloved Son, Christ the Son of God, to bear our sins, and use his blood as our sin offering and atonement offering, so that we can be safe. Go back to Heavenly Father in fear!"

"The grace of the Father is so complete, we can only sacrifice our gratitude to you and give glory to God the Father who created us! Pray in the name of Christ the Lord God and Son, amen!"


Following these whispered prayers, whispered chants from the mouths of these believers, and gradually, an inexplicable solemnity and solemnity appeared in the entire chapel.

Even those tourists who originally just came in for a visit and saw the prayers of the week began to be infected by this atmosphere. They did not know the prayer words at all, and began to chant the syllables of "Amen" in their mouths. .

Under the influence of this atmosphere, the five Bai Yifans who were still standing behind the rows of benches became more and more out of place in this chapel, and even Lin Qiaoyu felt a hint of shame and embarrassment.

But whether it is Bai Yifan, Xiao Ce, Fan Yi, or Tang Guo, who is also a girl, they still have a calm expression. They don't seem to feel that they are standing here like this now, looking at everyone present. People are a kind of blasphemy against this prayer.

"No in the first five rows on the left." Xiao Ce whispered after monitoring one by one.

Fan Yi shrugged: "There are none in the first five rows."

"There are no five rows in the back left." Tang Guo said, looking at Bai Yifan.

Bai Yifan just shrugged and said faintly: "There are no five rows in the back right."

"People aren't here?" Xiao Ce frowned, "Or, because of the noise of Lao Ye outside, the recruiting examiner who was going to come here finally changed the original plan?"

"No, people are here." Bai Yifan shook his head, his eyes swept over the crowd of people who bowed their heads in prayer, and finally stopped at the front of the middle-aged priest standing under the sculpture of the cross of the Son of God. There are no people praying below, so there will only be the reciting person standing above."

"Father?" Fan Yi frowned. "As far as I know, the member above and the Luojiao gang have always been in good water and not in the river, and they rarely have any contact with each other-even if they do, they mostly find fault with each other. ."

"That's right, so, isn't pretending to be a priest just looking for fault." Bai Yifan smiled, and his eyes fell on the chest of the middle-aged priest's black costume, where light golden silk thread was used. Embroidered with an English name——

"Samuel." Fan Yi also quickly noticed the name embroidered on this divine suit. "A very normal name. If I remember correctly, this is a Hebrew name, which means'being "The people God hears" comes from an allusion in the "Bible"-the "Bible" says that the mother of the prophet Samuel regarded his birth as God's return to her prayers. The priests in the Romanian religion, especially the priests And nuns, aren’t they all named like that? It’s like those who became monks in Kyushu. When they became monks, the master or the monk who held the ordination ceremony for him gave him a dharma name, which means that he will be with him since then. The world of the past cut off the connection, and a new life began."

"Of course there is no problem with the name." Bai Yifan smiled, "Because this is originally the name of an orthodox priest. However, whether this dress belongs to him is open to question."

"You mean—" When Fan Yi heard this, he also reacted instantly, "This person is not Father Samuel, but a fake who stole his costume to pretend to be?"

Xiao Ce frowned and said: "No, there are so many people here, most of whom are local believers. Wouldn't you know the priest in this chapel?"

"Of course you can't pretend under normal circumstances." Bai Yifan smiled and pointed to these people who were praying with their heads down. "But in this state of prayer, will anyone carefully distinguish the appearance of the priest? To recognize people, you have to Wait until this prayer is over. As a pretender, it’s ok to leave early—for example, now.”

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