Almighty in the city

The first thousand and twenty-seven chapters below the surface

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Yifan, Xiao Ce and Fan Yi hung behind the counterfeit middle-aged priest and came to a cave.

The figure of the fake middle-aged priest had disappeared in the dimly lit cave at this time.

"How about it, can't you enter?" Xiao Ce asked at the entrance of the cave, looking at the visibility of less than ten meters in the cave ahead.

"Although I knew that this guy would prepare first, I didn't expect it to be the most troublesome one." Fan Yi also looked at the path leading to the dark depths in the cave ahead, his brows were already He screwed it up, "Growing so big, for the first time now I feel that my height is a bit too tall."

The height of the cave in front of him is obviously not as high as Bai Yifan, Xiao Ce, and Fan Yi, but at the height of his nose.

Therefore, if the three of them want to enter this cave smoothly and smoothly, they have no other way except to bend over and walk.

Before we are not sure whether the cave will go higher or narrower, it is obviously not wise to enter this cave, which is likely to be arranged with some traps, with such a large bending and walking posture. Things.

Even if Xiao Ce and Fan Yi among the three are both "Masters of National Martial Arts" who have developed "Dark Power", they will be restricted to the greatest extent possible in martial arts in a narrow space.

What's more, the fake middle-aged priest who just entered this cave is not an ordinary character, not to mention his "Jiu-Jitsu" attainments, but the technique he has mastered in the field of hypnosis is one that cannot be ignored. potential threat.

Being able to block the "instant hypnosis" once or twice does not mean that you can be immune to "hypnosis" and ignore "hypnosis".

If it were outside, such as in the open space where the three of them were standing, Fan Yi would definitely not put this fake middle-aged priest in his eyes.

As long as the hypnotist can't hypnotize the martial artist for the first time, then, the martial artist has a way to make the hypnotist no longer be able to display his hypnotic skills.

But once you enter the cramped environment like this cave in front of you, the identity and mobility of the warrior will be restricted to the greatest extent, which means that the hypnotist has the opportunity to "attack" the warrior multiple times.

And once a hypnosis master is given unlimited opportunities to perform hypnotism, let alone a martial artist of the "Master of National Magic" level, even a "Grandmaster" martial artist, there is no guarantee that he will not be caught by the hypnotic suggestion. "Living puppets" at the mercy of a hypnotist.

However, in the face of Xiao Ce's question and Fan Yi's concerns, Bai Yifan's answer was only a simple word: "Jin."

Before he could finish his words, he bowed his head and bent over, and walked into the cave first.

Xiao Ce didn't hesitate at all, followed closely behind him, bowing his head and bending over, and followed.

Seeing that these two people actually walked in like this, Fan Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He could only bend over and lower his head to follow.

This cave was obviously not dug out by man, but more like a natural place for wild animals to live.

The road leading to the depths of the cave is a dirt road without any development, with potholes and undulations.

The three of them walked forward for about four or five minutes, and the light in their sights had already begun to become extremely weak.

Bai Yifan, who was walking in the front, had already taken out the fruit, clicked on a flashlight app inside, and used his phone as a flashlight directly.

"Strange, why is this cave so deep?" Fan Yi, who was walking at the back, suddenly said, "We have walked more than 100 meters since we entered to the present, but the height of the top of the cave seems to be different. There is not much elevation, which is a bit inconsistent with the common sense of geography. Ayia Napa is a semi-island-shaped city. Although there are many hills in the urban area, there is absolutely no mountain type of this size. According to the depth of more than 100 meters Without an open area calculation, the mountain we are now entering is at least a large mountain, and one is equivalent to one-third of the city of Ayia Napa. This is obviously absurd."

"Are you trying to say that we have unknowingly caught that guy's calculations? We have been hypnotized now?" Xiao Ce frowned, "But, I don't think I have been caught by any hypnotic cues."

"Then how do you explain the current situation?" Fan Yi asked back.

"Lao Fan, you are preconceived." Bai Yifan, who was walking in the front, said at this time, "You have been guarding from the beginning not to fall into the hypnotic calculation of the hypnosis master, so once a special situation occurs, your first reaction is My five senses have been affected by hypnosis-this is a kind of self-hypnosis in itself, and it can be regarded as a small psychological trap designed by that guy."

"Then Old Bai, how do you explain the current situation?" Fan Yi asked.

In the darkness, Bai Yifan did not look back, but in this narrow and silent cave, he chuckled: "It's very simple. In a small space with severely insufficient light, people's vision, hearing, and ears The small ears in the Tao, which are used to help the brain to judge the sense of direction and balance, will have a physiological impact. Even the'Master of National Magic' or even the'Master of National Magic' are useless. The same will have an impact, but it will be more than ordinary. People are less affected. This is determined by the physiological structure of human beings. You will not be able to ignore this physiological influence just because you have cultivated'dark energy'."

After a pause, he shook the mobile phone that was being used as a flashlight in his hand: "That's why I took out the mobile phone, not only for lighting, but also to use the gyroscope and barometer that comes with the fruit. Cooperate with the app software to determine whether we are going up or down."

Xiao Ce glanced at the bright mobile phone screen, and a sudden look suddenly appeared on his face: "It turned out to be a barometer. Although the accuracy of this app is not comparable to a professional instrument, it is only used to judge whether it is up or down. Then there is no problem at all."

"The conclusion that the app tells us is—" Is Fan Yi at the end, with Xiao Ce in front of him. Although he can see a little light, he can only see one corner of the screen.

"Atmospheric pressure is rising." Bai Yifan said.

"That said, we always go down again." Fan Yi frowned, "The inclination angle of this road is too small."

“It’s not necessarily the angle of inclination, but the unevenness caused by the potholes on the road, and the small space here affects our five senses.” Bai Yifan said lightly, “From the increase and change of the atmospheric pressure on the app, I think, We are now below the surface."

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