Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Four

Several guards looked at each other, the leader of the captain frowned and looked at Bai Yifan and said, "Is that so? You admit to assaulting this foreign guest?"

"Foreign guest?" Before Bai Yifan spoke, Qu Fairy sneered and took the stubbornly. "This is a foreign gangster through and through! Scum! Have you ever seen foreign guests who openly molested women in public?"

The guards suddenly looked at each other again.

The captain of the guard waved his hand and asked coldly: "Of course we will investigate the cause, course, and result of the incident. Now, I will ask, who did it?"

"Me." Bai Yifan smiled.

"And me." Hu Yifei said with disdain, "This kind of scum, beating him is considered light, and he should be allowed to eat in prison for a few years before he knows how to write the word lesson and how to write it!"

The captain of the guard gave Zeng Xiaoxian a cold glance and asked, "Just you two?"

"Then how many do you want to catch?" Bai Yifan shook his head and smiled. "I think this little translator is right. You should report this matter to your leader and let him take care of it."

"You dare to follow me after hitting someone?" The guard captain's face was instantly black.

Bai Yifan chuckled lightly and didn't bother to explain to him.

The captain of the guard suddenly became angry, raised his hand, and ordered the people behind him: "Handcuff! Take it away!"

Several guards were about to come up to handcuff people.

Bai Yifan didn't speak, but just glanced at them coldly.

This glance caused the guards to tremble all over, and their footsteps stopped in an instant. For a while, they were afraid and hesitated. No one came up to execute the command of the captain.

At this time, the vicious white man spit out a series of German.

Where the guards could understand this, their eyes immediately turned to the translator A.

However, before Little A could speak, Bai Yifan’s teasing voice sounded first: "He said that he is a player of the will to participate in the tennis competition of this international exchange meeting. One of the team members is going to report to the residence of the Will Team in the Olympic Village today."

"What?" The captain of the guard was shocked.

Translator A said coldly: "Yes, that's it! So, you'd better handle this matter carefully, otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility."

"The real-time translation level is pretty good." Bai Yifan glanced at him, and the corners of his mouth raised, and the arc of contempt became more and more obvious. "Your parents seem to have spent much time training you to be a foreigner's running dog."

"You dare to insult people!" The translator A furiously, "You have caused a serious disaster! I tell you, just like you, you can't escape the three to five years of prison!"

Bai Yifan laughed blankly: "I haven't heard that anyone who is brave enough to be legally liable, what you said, shouldn't it be the law of the will."

"I've said enough!" The captain of the guard screamed for a while, and then looked at Bai Yifan, "If you are brave enough to fight in a public place, we will investigate and collect evidence. Now, you still have your companions, or Come with us!"

Bai Yifan shook his head: "Sorry, my friends are shocked. I'm going to send them to their place now. If you have anything to do, you can go to the tennis club of the Metropolis Sports Center to find me later."

After a pause, Bai Yifan smiled at him, "My name is Bai Yifan."

The tennis club of Metropolis Sports Center?

The captain of the guard and several guards were taken aback again. That place, they knew, was the training center of the national team, where all the national team trainings for sports events were located.

The captain of the guard suddenly got more headaches. He already regretted why he didn't apply for a rest break today, then this matter would not be on his head.

Looking at this young man called "Bai Yifan", he looks confident, obviously from the national tennis team, and he should still be a seed player.

At this moment, the opening of the International Sports Exchange Conference is imminent. At this time, how could the netizens allow their seeded players to be taken to the police station for investigation.

But it doesn’t work if you don’t deal with it. It’s a player of the Will team who was beaten. Looking at the appearance of that Will guy, it’s obviously impossible to be private.

Horse, why does Laozi carry it like this!

The captain of the guard sighed in his heart and hesitated for a while.

"Why don't you arrest people!" Translator A became a little impatient, "This is within your scope of responsibility, and you all eat—"

With a "pop", before he could finish speaking, Bai Yifan lightly raised his hand and slapped him away.

The captain of the guard was stupid.

The guards were stupid.

The will guy who is holding his brother is also a bit silly.

Everyone present was stupid.

"A good Chinese person is improper. I have to go to Baba and run to be a foreigner as a dog. I don't care if I bear you once, and I've gotten up on my nose." Bai Yifan shook his hand in disdain, and ignored the guards. In response, he turned his head and said to everyone, "Let's go, let's take you to stay in Hilton first."

With that, he stepped forward, took a look at Eucalyptus, and asked, "Is it better?"

"It's much better." Eucalyptus drank a whole bottle of pure water. At this moment, the mood was obviously stabilized. "Thank you, old Bai."

"It should be." Bai Yifan smiled and tilted his head. "Let's go."

Eucalyptus looked at the guards and said with some worry: "You won't be in trouble? How about I call Lao Tan and let him handle it?"

"No need" Bai Yifan smiled and was reminded by her. He took out his wallet and took out a white business card from it, then took the phone and dialed the number under the business card.

The call was quickly connected, and the voice of the middle-aged fat man that day came: "Hello?"

"Old Zhang, it's me." Bai Yifan said, "I want to trouble you for a favor."

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