Almighty in the city

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters

"Maybe it may not be two sets, but except for the one that was used by the president, the other three are deliberately vacant, just to allow the right people to live in this floor at the right time--" Ye Jiaoyang sneered. , The tone was full of mockery, "For example, now, we."

"There may not be such a possibility." Fan Yi nodded in agreement. "And judging from the development of the current situation, this possibility accounts for at least 70%."

"Not 70%, but 10%, 100%." ​​Ye Jiaoyang said in an unquestionable tone, "Coincidence? Hehe, I never believe there will be any coincidences, because, all coincidences They can all be arranged perfectly through detailed arrangement."

Rarely, this time, even Tang Guo, who has always been used to antagonizing him, nodded in agreement, and did not habitually raise the bar or refute.

Although this season can be said to be the off-season for tourism in the Ottoman country, with the existence of the JW Ankara Marriott Hotel level, its high-consumption suites, especially the'presidential suite', will not be affected by the off-season and peak season.

The truth is clearly laid out there--

Ordinary tourists visiting the Ottoman country will rarely choose super five-star hotels such as JW Ankara Marriott Hotel as their accommodation. Even if they choose, they will basically not consider the presidential suite.

For those local tyrants whose money is just a bunch of numbers, they can come to Ottoman country to relax at any time throughout the year as long as they want, and they choose JW Ankara Marriott Hotel to stay. For them, they choose homestays or homestays with ordinary people. The same is true for the express hotel. As for the presidential package, it is nothing at all.

In fact, most of the time, presidential suites in super-five-star hotels such as JW Ankara Marriott Hotel are basically booked in advance. This is the first place for the Tang family that monopolizes the high-end hotel industry in Chinatown. For Tang Guo, the successor in line, it was something more common sense than common sense.

There is no need for Ye Jiaoyang to talk too much. When Bai Yifan jokingly said that the two presidential suites of Xiao Ce were actually on the same floor as the room reported by the "informant" on the phone, Tang Guo had already determined This seemingly "coincidence" coincidence is actually not a coincidence at all, but a secret arrangement of some people or some forces.

As for why the other party arranged such a "coincidence", she could not think of it temporarily.

This is not to say that her IQ is not enough, but that the information she can get is too little.

In many cases, when you feel that something looks incredible or unexpected, it is not that your IQ is not enough to see through the key, but that your vision on the matter is not high enough——

With the same vision, standing at different heights, you can see completely different things.

The person standing on the top of the mountain can overlook the lake in the distance; the person standing on the mountainside can only see the lush trees; the person standing at the foot of the mountain can see nothing but the stone in front of them.

If these three people were asked to evaluate their own views on the mountain, then the person standing at the foot of the mountain would definitely say that it was a barren mountain with nothing but rocks; while the person standing on the mountainside would say The woods on this mountain are very lush and can be contracted as a forest farm.

As for the person standing on the top of the mountain, I would definitely say that I saw the beautiful lakes and mountains today, and can build a large eco-tourism experience area relying on this mountain and that lake.

The superiority of vision, just like this, directly determines the fate of these three people——

The person standing at the foot of the mountain can never see the business opportunities in this mountain. The person standing at the mountainside can only see the business opportunities in this mountain. The person standing at the top of the mountain has already seen the business opportunities in this mountain. Huge business opportunities around.

Therefore, there is a saying that "the vision determines the pattern, the pattern determines the roots, and the roots determine the destiny".

The biggest gap between aristocratic children born with golden keys such as Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, Tang Guo, and Lin Qiaoyu, and their peers from ordinary families, lies in this perspective.

For people in their circle, the gap between them is also reflected in this "vision" and "pattern".

"Lao Bai--" Xiao Ce looked at Bai Yifan with questioning eyes.

Bai Yifan naturally understood what he meant. He nodded and said lightly: "First, go to the room to put the luggage. There are four of us, and Guoguo, you and Wan Yu are in the same room. It's okay."

"What can be wrong with this, here are our two girls--" Tang Guo took another room card from Xiao Ce, "However, you are not allowed to leave me this time. You were in the monastery before. I said it."

"Don't worry, I will bring you." Bai Yifan smiled, "Let's go, go to the room first, rest and clean up by the way, when I go to the presidential suite, I will call you."

Under the guidance of the doorman, the six people quickly took the elevator to the floor where the two presidential suites Xiao Ce had just been located. Then four boys entered one, and two girls went to the other.

Half an hour later, the six people who had been cleaned up and took a short rest, met again in front of the presidential suite with 1701 hot gold number.

"This is it?" Ye Jiaoyang asked.

Seeing Bai Yifan nodded, he also nodded. Then, in the next second, Lin Qiaoyu saw him suddenly lift his foot and kicked directly towards the thick door of the jujube wood inlaid with gold rim at 1701.

Before she could say something, she heard a "boom" in her ears. The thick door, which she pushed up slightly with difficulty, was like a piece of paper, directly connected to the door at the foot of Ye Jiaoyang. Fly with the door frame to the living room of the presidential suite.

"Uh..." For a while, Lin Qiaoyu didn't know what to say.

Tang Guo, who was next to her, didn’t seem to be surprised at all. On the contrary, she laughed and mocked: “Ye Jiaoyang, when have you become so'civilized'? It’s just a kick at the door. You’re not embarrassed when you kick it like this. ."

"Idiot--" Ye Jiaoyang didn't even look at her, and said casually. At the same time, people had already strode into the living room of this 1701 presidential suite, "Not bad, I can't think of seeing a martial artist of the same age. This is the best way. When the province is back, you go home and ask an adult to file a complaint, saying that the children of our five great Yanxia people in an invisible family are not careful and bully you with big things."

Ah ah ah ah, ipad plus bluetooth keyboard code word is simply a sinkhole, it is too torture!!!

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