Almighty in the city

The first thousand and forty-four chapters are not even qualified to be slapped

"What do you mean?!" At this moment, Al suddenly had a feeling of being stripped naked and seen from the outside to the inside.

This terrible feeling has never been felt since he came back from that island and began to change himself step by step and pretend to be himself.

However, today, in front of a person of his age, he suddenly had this long-lost feeling that made him involuntarily panic and couldn't stop it.

This feeling, to him, is both strange and familiar. The most important thing is that this is the feeling he once vowed to never want or experience again——

It's terrible!

"Do you feel panic, uneasy, and at a loss--" Bai Yifan's faintly mocking voice seemed to be able to see through his heart. At this moment, he once again hit the weakest and most feared deep in his heart. "Are you thinking now: How much does Bai Yifan know? Why would he say such things directly? Did my forbearance and disguise have not played a role? The patriarch and family elders will Elders, have you known from the very beginning that I pretended to be? Did the missions they sent me in the past have been just testing, testing the truest side of me, including this time?"

"Enough! Shut up! Shut! Up!" Al suddenly roared hysterically.

At this moment, his stereotyped "poker face" was already full of terrifying hideousness, and even his eyes began to congestion, and a lot of bloodshot eyes were constantly crawling up the whites of his eyes.

"Those who like to play conspiracies and tricks are resourceful and resourceful if they are awkward," Bai Yifan smiled faintly, and looked at him with a faint, pitying look. "If you put aside these other people's comments , You will find that the essence of every person who is fond of conspiracies and tricks, ancient and modern, is the power he possesses. Compared with the purpose he wants to achieve, it is really too weak."

"I don't know if you know anything about the history of Kyushu."

"In Kyushu, there is a well-known saying called—Huguang General, Jiangzhexiang, Shaoxing Shiyehuan General."

"In the ancient times of Kyushu, there were people like staff and counsellors around when officials were officials. Among them, those who had formal official positions were'shiye'. The meaning of this sentence is to find staff and counselors, preferably from Shaoxing, because They are smart and good at planning."

"And your position in your'Savoy' family, in my opinion, is the role of Master Shaoxing."

Facing Bai Yifan's fluttering tone, Al, who had calmed down again, just sneered coldly: "Really, should I thank you for the praise."

"Hehe, Lao Bai said this, but he was not complimenting you--" Ye Jiaoyang mocked, "A counselor, he looks very tall, but in the final analysis, he is a follower who comes up with ideas to work for others." 'You should know what this word means-if you don't know, just look at the four guys behind you, um, yes, they are the'follows', your followers."

"The'first heirs' of the five most dignified hot summer people in an invisible family, are they just five guys who like to humiliate opponents after victory?" Al snorted, mockingly, "say my pattern is too small In this way, your pattern is not much bigger."

"It seems that you are not only lacking in layout, even the brain seeds needed to be a counselor are not enough." Tang Guo saw that Ye Jiaoyang was about to speak again, for fear that this servant would just wrap up the mocking job by himself. Now, I rushed to open the mouth and cut off the stubborn words. "Isn’t what Lao Bai just said is not clear enough-ancient and modern, everyone who is fond of conspiracy and tricks, the essence of which is the power he has and what he wants to achieve Compared with the purpose, it is too weak."

She looked at Al’s gaze, unabashedly showing a trace of pity: "The more carefully you calculate, the more you represent your strength-too weak. If you have enough strength, you will have strong self-confidence. With confidence, I don’t even bother to calculate anything. For example, we, before this, have already noticed a strong taste of conspiracy, but because we have strong enough strength, we simply don’t bother to try to figure out your thoughts and directly break in. I want the "Memorial Token" of the Illuminati, and I am not afraid that you will not give it."

"Hey!" Not only Al, but even Gabor, Sabin, Sogar and Billy behind him have an urge to laugh back.

I have seen arrogant, domineering and arrogant people, but I really haven’t seen anyone who humiliates people so arrogantly after the opponent is softened!

Don't even need the dignity of the top family family!Is there any more nobleman’s basic chivalry?

How could the "first in line" of the five most dignified Yanxia people's reclusive families behave like those upstarts!

It's just plain sweeping!

However, even if they were angry, they had to force restraint.

Al's performance just now shows that in his opinion, the two men and a woman standing in the living room in front of him, and the two men and a woman who have not yet come in, are not something they can hardly get.

The reason for this is probably not only because there is a huge gap in the status of the two sides, I am afraid there is a huge gap that cannot be compared even in the fists——

Everyone in the circle knows that the five hot summer people have a long history and a profound inheritance. They are at the top of the world's food chain, especially in terms of national arts.

Not to mention that the Bai family, the head of the five families, possesses the inheritance of terrifying national arts that allows the tribe to "leapfrog and challenge". It is the Ye family recognized by the five families with the shallowest historical background. Its family inherits national skills and can also allow the Ye family to be at the same level. In heads-up combat, he has a winning rate of over 80%.

Don't think that the winning rate of 80% is nothing remarkable. You must know that behind this winning rate, every point is piled up with the blood and life of the enemy.

To put it simply, it's like the Ye family playing "Stud" with their opponents. When both sides play "Stud", Ye family's children can win more than 8,000 out of 10,000!

This is such a terrifying data.

They didn't dare to act rashly if they were just a Bai Yifan who could suppress them. Adding a Ye Jiaoyang, it really made Al even the idea of ​​wanting to resist with force to come out.

What's more, in this living room, there is also a Miss Tang family who is well-known throughout the martial arts circle for her hidden weapons and body skills!

The living room of the presidential suite is indeed not small, but if you have to face the hidden weapons of the Tang family, there is no difference between such a space and without it.

What's more, the distance between the two sides is so close.

At this distance, I am afraid that even the lethality that a grenade can cause is no better than the hidden weapon used by the Tang family!

Not to mention that the Tang family's eldest lady is standing here now. To say that she does not carry the Tang family's hidden weapon of mass destruction, it is purely challenging everyone's lower limit of IQ.

So although Al is extremely angry, his reason has allowed him to maintain maximum restraint.

It’s a thousand miles away from status, and it seems to be a thousand miles away from fist——

Therefore, the so-called choice does not actually exist.

"This is the'membership token' that we got from the recruiting examiner of the'Illuminati'." Taking a deep breath, while letting out a dark sigh in his heart, Al still put a golden square pattern on it. Zhang handed it over, "This thing should have been given to Larson Brown, the first in line heir of our Savoy family."

"Church coat of arms." Ye Jiaoyang took it casually, took a brief look, and then threw it to Tang Guo who was staring at him, "Looking at the shape and heraldic pattern, it seems to be something from the Crusade period."

"This'Illuminati' is really rich and powerful, and it uses invaluable cultural relics as'membership tokens'. The handwriting is considered large enough." Tang Guo carefully looked at the exquisite church coat of arms in his hand. Can't put it down.

"Are you an idiot--" Ye Jiaoyang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words. "The so-called'membership token' is not the'letter of introduction' for joining the Illuminati. You want to join the Illuminati with it. ', it must not be returned to the past. The'Illuminati' is just showing it out, and it will eventually be recycled without losing a piece of meat. What a big deal."

Seeing that these two people started to chat and quarrel after they got the "Membership Tokens", it was because Al knew that he had to endure now, he couldn't help but mocked: "The next generation of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family. The first candidate for the Patriarch is so impatient to join the Illuminati!"

Ye Jiaoyang glanced at him lightly, and didn't bother to explain.

Tang Guo was playing with this pure gold church coat of arms so much that he didn't even want to take care of it.

Bai Yifan, on the contrary, smiled slightly, glanced at him, and said faintly: "So, you have always lived wishful thinking in your own imagination. You have no role in your Savoy family at all. It’s as big as I imagined. I don’t even know the traditional face slap project of our five hot summer people in the incognito family-boy, you are not as good as the four we encountered in Ayia Napa, even the one who got slapped. No qualifications."

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