Almighty in the city

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters

The six Bai Yifan only spent two days in Ankara, Yancheng in the Ottoman country. This was because Tang Guo had to take Lin Qiaoyu to the commercial district of Ankara to go shopping. It took him a day, otherwise he had met the Savoy family. After those people, they will leave Ankara the next day and go to the next place where the "Illuminati" recruits new examiners.

"It's really boring. I thought it was a trip to the mountains and rivers, and by the way, I took the Illuminati's "Membership token"——" On the international flight to Aswan, the capital of the southern Egyptian city of Aswan, Tanguo Some depressed complaints against Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce and Fan Yi.

After meeting at the international airport in Cyprus, in the past few days, they have gone to Ayia Napa in Cyprus, Stambul in Ottoman and Ankara in Yancheng, Yancheng in Damascus in Syracuse, and South Lebanon, the capital of South Lebanon. Saida, the fourth largest city of the Promised Land Country, Rishon Lezion, along the territory of the central interstellar country on the world map, travels north to south. Now, it has flown to Egypt with this flight.

It took less than ten days in five countries and six cities, so it's no wonder that Tang Guo was a little bit old.

Where is traveling, it is clearly completing the "task".

"I want to visit the mountains and play, I have some time." Facing Tang Guo's complaints, Ye Jiaoyang didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. "But the recruiters of new examiners will not stay there waiting for you stupidly. Come and go late, things may be picked up by others, even if no one is going to pick them up, they will leave as soon as the time is up, and they will put away all the'horse feet' that have been deliberately exposed before. Then, where to go Find them."

"Now this season, it's not a good time to travel here." Fan Yi smiled and soothed. "When the weather is the best in April and May next year, if you want to come and play, we will accompany you again. "

"It's boring." Tang Guo murmured, but did not continue to complain.

Although the "Illuminati"'s public offering of new recruits is "open", the information about the "recruiting of new examiners" is kept secret.

Even with the intelligence network of the five major hot summer people with anonymity, they can only find out the city where these people will appear and the approximate location in this city. As for the specific names, heights, looks, etc. There is also no way to get information, and Bai Yifan needs to respond by themselves.

Moreover, the recruitment of new examiners by the "Illuminati" is not all good.

For example, Bai Yifan saw the recruiting examiner in the Ayia Napa monastery in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Not to mention whether he was a survivor of the Adolf family, but only said that when the two sides met, this person was in secret. Attempting to hypnotize them with "instant hypnosis", and after discovering that the hypnosis was not successful, they also set up several traps, and even used the local security administration in Ayia Napa to try to use the Cyprus national violence agency to deal with Bai Yifan and them. It can be seen.

If it weren't for Bai Yifan, who came from the five great Yanxia people from an incognito family, they have a natural resistance to "hypnosis" because of family traditions. If they were to be replaced by Chen Feiyang, Lin Ziqi, and Hao Lianwuji. The four of Beier Zhijin and Wu Yinglong first found the new recruiting examiner. Perhaps these four successive successors from the British knighthood family have become "living puppets" at the mercy of the imposter priest.

Although, in the subsequent recruitment of new examiners, there was no person like the fake priest again, but taking the "membership token" of the "Illuminati" from them still made Bai Yifan six people spend a little time and energy.

The easiest thing to say is, in fact, it is directly "taken" from the hands of other aristocratic children who have already obtained the "membership token".

In addition to the hapless ones of the Savoy family, during these days, Bai Yifan and the others also “got” a piece of the “Illuminati” from another dé family member named “Wittelsbach”. "Membership token."

The situation of the Wittelsbach family is similar to that of the Savoy family. They belong to the old-style Xizhou aristocrats who "have been lavish from their ancestors". They have profound historical background, but due to various reasons, they have become worse than they used to be. Although it cannot be said to be a "failure in the family", it is a fact that one generation is worse than one generation.

For these ancestors who used to be lavish, reviving the glory of the ancestors has almost become a religious education that every family child must receive since childhood.

For this reason, they can even pay at all costs, even if they know that the "Illuminati" can develop and grow to this day, it is the result of the deliberate indulgence of the top celebrities. The purpose is to "actively and passively" the family celebrities all over the world. Clean, but in order to seize the opportunity of the family's possible rejuvenation, even if it is only to keep the family's current status and not let it continue to decline in their own hands, the helms of these families are also willing to try this "drinking poison to quench thirst" option.

It's a pity that although they are willing to "drink poison to quench thirst", they are targeted by Bai Yifan, but they can't even keep this chance of "drinking poison to quench thirst".

As soon as the "membership of membership" was taken away, the children sent by the Wittelsbach family used their mobile phones to transmit the news back to the family.

As a veteran aristocratic family that has ruled Bavaria for nearly 800 years, those in power within the Wittelsbach family naturally know that one of the five invisible families of Yanxia people publicly slapped the "Illuminati" at the "Heirs Gathering". Traditional, so when I heard the report from my family’s children, I immediately knew that it was my own bad luck, and unfortunately hit someone’s weapon.

However, apart from anger, the Wittelsbach family had no other way.

The current Wittelsbach family, even the Savoy family, is far worse, not to mention to provoke the top five Yanxia family incognito even among the top elite circles.

This breath, whether you swallow it or not, you have to swallow it.

It’s just that the Wittelsbach family, who is holding a sullen breath, is not a "soft persimmon" that is oppressed by others. Although they dare not go to the five great Yanxia people, they will let the wind go and give the five great Yanxia people anonymity. Several successors in the “Illuminati” who wanted to face the “Illuminati” at the “Heirs Gathering” caused a little trouble, but they still managed it.

Therefore, just before the international flight carrying Bai Yifan's six people has landed at the international airport in Aswan, Egypt, a piece about the first-in-line successors of the five hot summer people in an incognito family is giving all people a bright The news that those who will join the “Memorial” have already circulated in some secret channels and the circles of the family.

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