Almighty in the city

Chapter 1049: Rockefeller

The borderless swimming pool on the top floor of the Burj Al Arab Hotel originally had the most rare view of this area. Now with the security measures jointly implemented by the Royal Family of the United Arab Emirates and the Cape Family, it has become the only place with a global view within a radius of 20 kilometers. .

The swimming pool connects the two sides of the hotel in the shape of sails. On the side of the hotel building facing the Persian Gulf, there are three huge aprons. On the apron, three helicopter gunships are parked at this time.

Along with the "ding" sound of the elevator, the direct elevator leading to the borderless swimming pool on the top floor suddenly lit up with brilliant colorful breathing lights.

After a one-second pause, the closed elevator door slowly opened, and a few tall young men in white towels walked out of the elevator.

Although today’s weather is very good, the wind is beautiful, the sun is shining, and it happens to be two o’clock in the afternoon, when the temperature of the day is the highest, but after all, it is already late autumn in October. It was so wanton in the summer.

However, for these young people who are tall and well-built, this little cooling does not seem to allow them to experience the feeling of the word "cold".

They were all in swimsuits, only wearing a pair of briefs, and their upper body was dressed casually with a deerskin bath towel. They talked with each other, and walked towards the pool leisurely.

The huge borderless swimming pool is equipped with an intelligent constant temperature system. The water in the pool always maintains a constant temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, which is the most comfortable water temperature for most people.

To keep such a large pool of water on the top floor of the hotel with a constant temperature and alternating currents, the daily expenditure of the Burj Al Arab Hotel on this item is almost more than a year's salary of an ordinary working class.

However, whether it is for the Burj Al Arab Hotel or the young people staying here at this moment, such trivial things are simply out of their consideration.

A few young people walked to the edge of the pool, randomly found a few open-air lounge chairs close together, threw up the deerskin bath towels on them, and then entered the water in a very graceful and athlete-like posture. Entered into the warm swimming pool.

After swimming back and forth like warming up, one of them had a golden version of bright blonde hair, and his eyes were as delicate as sapphires. He dived from the pool and caught a single-person boat floating in the pool not far away. The whole person Turned over and sat up: "Tsk, it's Apache again—"

He glanced at the gunship helicopters parked on the three tarmacs not far away with some boredom, curled his lips, and said lazily: "I thought I could see the latest type of gunship helicopters this time. It's still Apache, at most it just added some new parts compared to the last time I saw it. It's boring, really boring."

Whispering in his mouth, he turned to look at one of his companions who had just come with him: "I said George, your family is also a professional manufacturer of various armed aircraft, so you can’t provide the organizer with a friendly and up-to-date armed aircraft. Gunship? As soon as I saw it was Apache again, I couldn't even lift my interest in addiction after piloting it."

Ten meters away from his lonely hovercraft, a young man with blond hair but palm-colored eyes was lying quietly on the water, hearing this, he didn’t even blink his eyelids, just Faintly responded: "There are new models. Even if they are test machines, I can get them out of the laboratory as long as I want. The question is, even if we dare to provide them, the organizers dare to use them?"

This young man with the most popular name "George" is indeed one of the American military giants and the first heir to the Rockefeller family, one of the top giants, George R. Rockefeller.

The Rockefeller family is no better than Savoy, Wittelsbach and the like, "the ancestors used to be lavish", but now because of various reasons have been squeezed out of the first echelon of the veteran family wealthy, as a family of family members born and raised in America, Rockefeller and Aramco Like most of the giants in Lika, they belong to the "new faction" of history and not too long ago.

From the time when John Rockefeller, the ancestor of the Rockefeller family, created this huge family business from scratch, the history of the entire Rockefeller family has only been a mere 150 or 60 years.

For one hundred and fifty-six years, let alone the old aristocrats in Xizhou, even among the wealthiest families in the Amerika country, they belonged to the "junior generation."

However, the energy held by this "junior generation" is absolutely qualified to be ranked in the top ten of all the family members in Amerika.

These top family members in Amerika have one thing in common, that is, they have the absolute right to speak in a certain field.

Just as the financial family Rothschild family controls the world's largest financial market and financial resources, and controls the world's top financial talents, the Rockefeller family controls the world's largest oil company, Mobil.

It can be said that more than half of the world's oil resources are all under the control of the Rockefeller family. As long as they want, they can always let the global oil market go up and down according to their wishes.

It is precisely because of controlling this huge oil resource that the Rockefeller family can become the only super military-industrial group in America that can compete with Boeing for orders for armed aircraft.

It's just that under the famous name of the "Boeing Series" of civilian airliners developed by Boeing, many people don't know that in the field of aircraft manufacturing, there are Rockefeller families in America, which are not comparable to Boeing.

In fact, if it is really better than the technology and energy in the aircraft industry, the well-known Boeing Company is actually even worse than the Rockefeller family.

Sixty percent of the orders for armed fighters, bombers, helicopters and other armed aircraft types used by Amerika are in the hands of the Rockefeller family. Boeing, which is famous in the aircraft manufacturing industry and regarded as the world’s number one by people, only controls It's only a small 40% order.

Therefore, for the current first heir to the Rockefeller family, it is very likely that George R. Rockefeller, who is the best candidate for the future Patriarch, may not be necessary if he wants to transfer the latest test machine from the laboratory. What is difficult.

But as he said, even if he dared to provide the latest model of armed helicopter, as the organizer of the Cape family and the local landlord of the United Arab Emirates royal family, they may not dare to use this new model that has not been tested and used for many years. Serve as the guard force of this sailing hotel.

After all, compared to "the most advanced", what is needed most at this moment and place is just "the most secure".

"The Apache is not safe, right? I remember that in the Ayi Republic a few years ago, this type of Apache was bombarded from the sky with two AK47s -" Sitting cross-legged The young man on the solitary boat waved his hands boringly and yawned, "By the way, are we a little bit early this time? There are still a few days before the party officially begins. It is completely unnecessary to come so early. "

"No way, who means home? God knows what they think-it's not like letting us come and associate with those'old school', I don't want it, it's too shameful." Another one The young man leaped from the bottom of the water, half standing in the water, "Rather than getting along with these self-deceptions and refusing to admit that I have begun to be eliminated by the times, I would rather touch those five of the five most invisible families of Yanxia people. Guy."

"They, I don't think so." George R. Rockefeller stood up, from a floating state to an upright position, raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "The water in there is too deep, and one is not careful. People will drown—to paraphrase an old saying in Kyushu: A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Without sufficient benefits, we can’t provoke the Illuminati, and those who point to join the Illuminati, The guys who use the resources of the Illuminati to revive their family, who knows when they will become mad dogs who bite people. The five most reclusive families of Yanxia people dare to go to the muddy water because of their five families. Moving forward and retreating together, the size of the unity is terrifying. If we can be so prosperous and lose everything, of course we can not put those families in our eyes. The question is, can we?

There are a lot of issues this year, so I won’t talk about the specifics. Let’s start writing as much as possible tomorrow. There is no guarantee as to how much you can write.The past two months have been an eye-opener. It turns out that there are so many domestic gray production and the industrial chain is so large...

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