Almighty in the city

The first thousand and fifty one chapters cause and effect

Egypt, Cairo, suburbs, Giza Pyramids, 7 pm.

The setting sun of late autumn had already submerged below the horizon more than half an hour ago, and the starry sky led by moonlight had already opened the bright curtain.

In the past few days, the maintenance organization of the Giza Golden Pagodas is maintaining and refurbishing the surrounding large searchlights at night. Therefore, the Giza Pyramids, which are usually open until 10 in the evening, have already been around 5:30 in the afternoon. Closed early for tourists to visit.

At this time, apart from a team of engineers who were still nearby for final inspection and maintenance of one of the searchlights and two teams of security guards on patrol, there was no longer half of the tourists in sight of the huge Giza Pyramids.

"The foreigner's work attitude is really laid-back." On the head of the Great Sphinx, Bai Yifan looked down on the surrounding sand dunes that had gradually fallen into the night, shrugging humorously, "If this is in Kyushu, These engineering teams must be working overtime and working overtime. Like here, when the time is up, the large units will pack their tools and leave work."

"Isn't it all like this?" Ye Jiaoyang squinted at him, "This is also normal in America - since it's time to get off work, of course it's time to clean up and leave people, is it possible that you still count on it." Can the working party, like the workers before the Second War, be allowed to oppress by capitalists?"

"Lao Bai, frankly speaking, if it wasn't for the elders at home to press down, I would have recommended going to the Kyushu State Development Corporation branch." Fan Yi stepped up, raised his hand and patted Bai Yifan on the shoulder, "You know, What I admire most is the overtime system of Kyushu State Corporation-only a small amount of overtime pay can increase the work progress by more than ten percentage points, and it can also make the most of the holidays. Tsk Tsk, think about it. Passionate."

"Evil capitalist." Xiao Ce despised.

Fan Yi rolled his eyes at him: "You don't seem to be talking about it-the world is as black as the crows, so don't play white lotus here."

"I am not a white lotus, nor a capitalist——" Xiao Ce smiled, "My main task now is to hit the'soft' stage, and I have not taken over all the family affairs at all. Even if I want to become a capitalist, then I have to wait until I enter the realm of'hardness and softness'."

"Then you are not as good as Lao Fan." Ye Jiaoyang sneered. "Although Lao Fan is an all-evil capitalist, you can't even compare to an all-evil capitalist - you are clearly a prodigal now."

"Hahahahaha!" Fan Yi laughed, "It's rare to hear a compliment from Lao Ye's mouth. This trip to Egypt is really not in vain-the prodigal son, the old Xiao, hahahahaha, the prodigal son."

"A wicked capitalist, a prodigal son, I can't tell which of these two titles is complimenting." Bai Yifan turned his head and glanced at these two people, a little amused, "You should be the word "Poison Tongue Leaf Hot Sun". The title was called in vain? Don’t have the picture Tucson broken."

"Hahaha—" It was Xiao Ce's turn to smile. He glanced at Fan Yi and spit out two words, "Mentally retarded."

Fan Yi rolled his eyes, then gave the other three people above the sphinx a vicious look.

That's right, at this time, the only people standing on top of this great sphinx were him, Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, and Xiao Ce.

Because it was in a place like the Giza Pyramids, and it was already night, for safety reasons, Lin Qiaoyu was not allowed to follow this time.

Because Cairo at night is not 100% safe, and also out of safety considerations, Tang Guo volunteered to stay with Lin Qiaoyu (actually, he found an excuse to take Lin Qiaoyu out of the group to visit the Cairo Night Market).

The four Bai Yifan had no opinion on this. After all, in terms of the strength and action of the four of them, one more Tang fruit and one less Tang fruit would not have any effect on the result. Simply let her stay with Lin Qiaoyu, at least The personal safety of both girls is guaranteed.

"It's almost mid-October." Ye Jiaoyang looked down below and said lightly, "There is only less than a week left before the start of the'Heir Gathering'. Unless we split up next, I'm afraid that I won't be able to take everything "Membership tokens" are in our bag."

"What you can do is count." Bai Yifan didn't have any "perfectionism" complex on this. He shrugged and said, "Always leave some hope for the next generation."

"That's what I said." Xiao Ce nodded, "If we grab all the'members of membership', then 20 years later, our next generation will have no chance to surpass."

"It seems that we can grab them all." Ye Jiaoyang rolled his eyes. "Even if we split up and get all the'members of membership' known to the intelligence, there is no guarantee that this is the'Illuminati'. All the "membership tokens" that I took out—in fact, if I want to say that this is a meaningless thing, it was caused by the pains of our ancestors. If you want to talk about the Illuminati, it’s directly from politics and economics. I just don’t believe it. With the combined strength of the five of us, the Illuminati can’t be beaten.”

"It's not that simple." Bai Yifan shook his head, "From the birth to the development of the Illuminati, this small upper head has long been transformed into a political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific research and development, etc. There are dozens of aristocratic families attached to it alone. Even old nobles like Savoy and Wittelsbach have given birth to the desire to openly attach to the Illuminati. It is conceivable that , To what extent will there be more families that have already been online with the Illuminati in the dark."

After a pause, facing the night breeze mixed with sand and haze, he shrugged helplessly and looked up at the bright galaxy in the night. When he lowered his head, he sighed and continued with a helpless tone. Said: "Today, the interest groups and beliefs represented by the'Illuminati' are not the'theists' and'Gods' at the beginning of their establishment, but the declining old aristocrats and the newly-emerged families. The conflict of interests between them. Those old aristocrats who have been arrogant in their ancestors do not admit that they are being eliminated by the times. They still want to rejuvenate and regain the glory of their ancestors."

"However, the resources in this world are always limited. If the old aristocrats want to rejuvenate, it is bound to compete for resources from the emerging families. You say, the emerging families will be willing to give up their resources. Go out?"

"Impossible, no one can give up their own resources in vain. Therefore, they can only start a'war'-the winner and the loser, every war is a redistribution of existing resources. Process. And in this process, the Illuminati will only become more and more detached from the original heart of its founding."

"To this day, the'Illuminati' can be said to have been kidnapped by those'old antiques' and the'dead souls of old antiques'. It is precisely because of the existence of these'old antiques' and their'dead souls', the'Illuminati' Only in this way can we enter into the "heirs gathering" in a fair manner, and can openly launch this kind of public fundraising."

"Have you ever thought about a problem--" Bai Yifan turned his head and looked at the three behind him, "Since'Bright' has deteriorated and now represents the interests of'Old Antique', why is Rothschild as the representative of the emerging family of power? The families of Germany, DuPont, Rockefeller, Ford, Pritzker, Lauder, Wharton, etc., did not stand up openly with them. Instead, the five of us came forward? You know, divided by historical background, Our five are also in the'old antique' camp."

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