Almighty in the city

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters arrive

As time approaches the day when the "Heirs Party" begins, the Burj Al Arab Hotel welcomes more and more young handsome men.

These "first in line heirs" who came to attend the meeting on behalf of their families, some came in groups, calling friends and accompany; some were generous and left alone to the meeting; With a lot of bodyguards and companions, I am afraid that others will not know that he is the first heir of the XX family. Some have brought a lot of bodyguards and companions, but their behavior is very low-key and gentle. Calm...

The luxurious suites reserved for the entire Burj Al Arab hotel, with the arrival of these "first heirs", the vacancies began to disappear one by one.

In contrast, the five-kilometer area of ​​the Burj Al Arab Hotel faces the land, but it has become more and more lively.

With the arrival of various family bodyguard teams and entourage teams, the deserted atmosphere originally created by the temporary relocation of local residents was immediately swept away.

Various shops, bars, cinemas, and markets have all become lively, and their popularity has skyrocketed day by day. The nightlife of drunken gold fans is more of a latecomer than it was before it was demarcated. The blue is better than blue.

As for the guest rooms in the Burj Al Arab hotel except for the luxurious suites, as more and more "first in line heirs" arrived, the "vassals" who followed them to "see the world" booked rooms. , Got the room card.

These "vassals" who followed are not simple characters. Normally, they are also the existence that can be called famous in the second echelon of the family circle, although they can't be like the first echelon. Turning hands for the cloud, covering hands for the rain, but it is still very easy to engage in trouble in their respective fields.

In the past, if they came to Diguo and stayed at Burj Al Arab, the only seven-star hotel in the world, they basically stayed in luxury presidential suites or presidential suites. The lowest minimum must be a luxury suite level, and rooms below this level. Even in other rooms like the Burj Al Arab, they disdain to stay.

But now, as long as they can give them a room card of the Burj Al Arab, even the cheapest two-person "standard room", they will feel very satisfied.

Because, in this time period, a room card of the Burj Al Arab Hotel is not just a room card, it also represents a confirmation of identity and status, representing the entire circle to you, the person behind you A recognition of family strength.

And this is simply not something money can buy.

You know, the current Burj Al Arab hotel has been completely contracted by the Cape Family, and all the waiters, hotel managers, chefs, doormen, cleaning staff, etc. in it have all been replaced by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates. Servant, the security level is more than the security level that heads of state can enjoy.

Except for the first-in-line successors who hold the "invitation letter" sent by the Capé family, they can move in here unconditionally. Those family children who do not have the "invitation letter" in their hands and follow the "heirs gathering", follow the rules , Just like those bodyguards and companions, living in the area within five kilometers is not qualified to stay in the sailing hotel.

However, the rules are dead, but people are alive. In addition to restricting people to obey, the rules are made to show the extraordinaryness of those who can break the rules.

Therefore, the ordinary guest rooms in the Burj Al Arab Hotel have their value at this moment.

For those family children who do not have an "invitation letter", if they can get a room card of the Burj Al Arab, it not only means that his family is recognized by the organizer and the entire circle; it also means that the person who brought him here, The strength of his family has been recognized by the entire circle.

And as the days when the "Heirs Party" began getting closer, the difficulty of obtaining room cards for those ordinary rooms in the Burj Al Arab that were not included in the plan has become increasingly difficult.

When the Cappe family undertook the entire Burj Al Arab hotel, they only made Zhou Xiang's planning for the suites above the luxury suite level. This plan was even detailed to which suite the first heir of the family would live in. In the suite adjacent to this suite, which family’s first-in-line successor should be arranged, and which floor suites belong to which family's first-in-line successor, etc., the relationship between each family and each All factors including changes in the family's overall strength in the past five years must be taken into consideration.

This is also the biggest reason why the organizers will only take turns in the first echelon of this circle for every "heirs gathering".

Being able to host a "heirs party" is certainly a manifestation of the supreme status of one's own family, but if you want to successfully hold a "heirs party", not all family members can do it.

Even in the first echelon, the family members who have the ability to be the organizer only accounted for more than half. Other families, even if you dare to give them the hosting rights, do they have the courage to follow? It has to be said.

If the "Heirs Gathering" is done well, the organizer will naturally show up in the whole circle, and its status will be higher than before; but if it is not done well, it will directly throw its face in front of the whole circle members. Will become the biggest laughing stock of the family, at least three generations will be ashamed to be ashamed and low-key.

Therefore, even the "title" family of the Capet family, for holding this "heirs party", they have mobilized as much of the family's upper-level resources as possible, and have repeatedly considered all the details that need to be considered. , And also bring in the royal family of the United Arab Emirates, who has a close relationship with their family, to accompany and assist.

Under this circumstance, the energy of the Cape family is basically spent on the arrangement of suites above the deluxe suites, how can they plan for those ordinary rooms.

To put it more bluntly, if you have the qualifications to stay in a luxury suite, then the Capé family doesn't care what you think.

Under such objective circumstances, ordinary guest rooms of the Burj Al Arab will naturally follow the public rule of "first come, first served".

Those who come early, when there are not a few people in the ordinary room, want to get a room card for an ordinary room, naturally, they will come later than those who come later when the room in the ordinary guest room starts to become tense. Much easier.

As the days approach, more and more "first heirs" arrive, and the availability of ordinary guest rooms naturally becomes more and more tense.

Three days before the official start of the "Heirs Party", the normal guest room Jiulong City in the Burj Al Arab Hotel has released the room card, and the remaining 10% has really become a "plan" at this time. Several "first in line heirs" who are eligible to stay in the most high-end luxury presidential suites are reserved.

After all, no one knows if these "first in line heirs" will bring people from other families together and leave a few empty "standard rooms" just in case. It is always right. .

Naturally, with a room card of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, by this time, it is already possible to pretend to be among the members of "No Invitation Letter".

At this time, if someone is willing to transfer his room card for an ordinary guest room, he will definitely be able to sell it at a price that makes ordinary people jaw-dropping.

The day before the "Heirs Party" officially started.

At this time, basically the "first in line heirs" of the various family members who received the "invitation letter" from the Cape Family have already moved into the Sailing Hotel.

Those families who were not eligible to receive the "invitation letter" but were thinking about seeing the grand event and doing everything possible to brush up on their presence also sent their children to Di Country early.These people have either found a way to live in the ordinary guest rooms of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, or temporarily settled within five kilometers or ten kilometers.

The entire country of Di has temporarily entered the highest state of alert in "wartime" at this time, and the security management and armed departments have formed two alert forces, one light and one dark.

Although at first glance, it seems that nothing has changed much in the city of Di State, what should be done or what everyone should do, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that in the streets of this city, The number of security tubes has obviously increased, and the frequency of patrolling security tubes has more than doubled than usual.

Among the pedestrians on the street, from time to time, you can see some sturdy, bright-eyed "passers-by", their eyes are shining to observe every car passing by and every pedestrian passing by them. .

The royal family of the United Arab Emirates even sent out two-thirds of the guards directly under the royal family, either to assist the security management or to command the military. The rest were disguised and placed in ten kilometers and five. In the two major "recreation areas" of kilometers, the most elite special forces are incarnations of security guards, doormen and waiters. Together with the royal servants, they provide services and services to the "first heirs" in the Burj Al Arab Hotel. help.

At 5:30 in the afternoon of this day, just when half of the sun had sunk to sea level, a Boeing 747 Airbus crossed the blue sky of Diguo, leaving a flying shadow on the sea, and finally landed slowly. Inside Diguo International Airport.

The plane taxied on the runway for a while, and then under the guidance of the airport ground handling vehicle, it steadily docked into the airport gate passage.

After the docking was completed and the stability coefficients of the cabin doors and passages were checked, the cabin doors opened. With the sweet smiles of the stewardess, six young people came out one after another from the business class at the front of the airliner.

These six people, four men and two women, all smelled of being a servant. They were Bai Yifan who took a flight from the international airport in Cairo, Egypt to Diguo, the United Arab Emirates to participate in this "heirs party".

"I knew this was the case. I might as well take the time to take the international flight from Yanjing." Tang Guo looked at the sky outside the passage window, with a little depression on his face, "It's really boring, say yes. By the way, traveling is actually just rushing to the market one by one."

"That's good. The four of us are doing the rest of the work. Haven't you been playing with Wan Yu all the time." Fan Yi said with a smile, "Speaking of which, the four of us are hard-working. After all, you ate and drank and went shopping."

"Time is still too tight." Ye Jiaoyang sighed lightly, "There are still two places too late."

"Fortunately, I understood that I didn't go, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to catch this flight." Xiao Ce shrugged and said non-committal.

"Okay, don't complain. At any rate, I took seven'membership tokens', four of which were snatched from others." Bai Yifan stretched out, raised his feet and walked forward. "At least It has prevented the four companies from getting in touch with each other on the bright side, and it is considered a small achievement."

"But I didn't encounter a'God List'. This is worse than our father." Ye Jiaoyang was a little unwilling. "Although the number is one more than them, the process is better than them. It’s too much, and I’m not embarrassed to take this to laugh at him when I look back.

Xiao Ce rolled his eyes when he heard it, and was a little speechless: "I said, Lao Ye, you almost counted it, what a special "God Bang", I really want to meet the "God Bang", I think you can't even cry— -It’s true that all the people on the “God List” are all vain names. Our father was nine dead back then. If it weren’t for Lao Bai, his father had made a breakthrough on the spot, and defeated the opponent, there would be no five of us in this world."

Very large chapter, close to the number of words in two chapters, cough cough, even if I am a double update (the author is so shameless)

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