Almighty in the city

The first thousand and sixty-three chapters who gave you the courage

"Do you think we are making fun of you?" Kuran from the Hanover family couldn't help but let out a sneer at this time, "Do you find it difficult to screw up this Olympia held in Kyushu next year? "

"It's difficult." Frank said unceremoniously. "You have to understand that Kyushu is not a multi-party ruling system like the Eurasian country. As long as they are willing, they can easily mobilize the nation to organize this. At the first Olympia Congress, there is no such thing as an opposition party dragging its feet. And the current military strength of Kyushu is not weak. If you want to hire those terrorists to carry out any attacks, I am afraid that those people are all Before entering Yanjing, they were all taken down or killed. The nickname "Forbidden Land for Mercenaries" is not just a talk."

Speaking of this, he also sneered: “Don’t think that the 9/11 incident in the American Congress can also happen in Kyushu. It happened in the American Congress because no one at the time could have imagined that there would be daring to be big. The horror of blatantly attacking the country of America exists. Moreover, the country of America is a country where weapons can’t be suppressed. In Kyushu, let alone weapons, you’re holding a small gadget like the Swiss Army Sabre. I can’t get on the high-speed rail. I want to use terrorist attacks, panic and other things to mess up this Olympia meeting in Kyushu next year. Hehe, I think you five geniuses really think too much."

"Who said that we are going to use the horror to mess up the Olympia meeting in Kyushu next year?" Miss Vidili from the Gorse family seemed to have a bad impression of him, and immediately sneered again. There was a mockery, "With your IQ, you can probably only think of so much. But your own IQ is not enough, don't think that others' IQ is not enough either."

"You are trying to find the difference, right?" Frank stared at her coldly.

Miss Gorse stared back without showing weakness.

"Okay." Charles opened his mouth and said roundly, "Frank, you really wanted something wrong. We never thought of using a'destructive' way to mess up the Olympia next year in Kyushu, because This is simply a way of harming others against oneself."

He said unhurriedly: "If even Kyushu, a country with a nationwide ban on weapons and a very high rate of personal safety, would suffer terrorist attacks when hosting the Olympia Convention, there would be no guarantee that players from all countries would come to watch Olympia. The personal safety of the people at the conference, then, may I ask who would dare to visit the Olympia conference in the future? If no one came to the Olympia conference, then what about the tourism industry and the commercial value development of the land I just mentioned? ?"

"Oh, is there any other way to mess up the Olympia Conference in Kyushu?" Felanke disapproved. "It's not like letting the newspaper media discredit Kyushu all the time, or hiring naval forces to smear public opinion on the Internet-- With all due respect, of the five newspapers and media that you can control, few Kyushu people will read it. They even rarely read Kyushu’s own newspapers and TV. As for the Internet navy, hehe, you can launch How many people? Is there one in ten Internet users in Kyushu?"

"Frank, you are carrying it!" Miss Gorse exasperated.

"Am I carrying it?" Frank sneered, "I'm just telling the truth. Even a country like Malaton where the governing body is weak, it’s not easy to mess up the Olympia they held. I want to use a similar method to mess up the Olympia meeting in Kyushu next year-I only have two words to express it, ha ha."

"Frank, you are in a misunderstanding of thinking." Charles was not at all annoyed, and still smiled and said, "You are thinking about the direction now. I have just said it. It is absolutely impossible to use it. The'destructive' way to mess up the Olympia meeting to be held in Kyushu next year, because this is ruining the future of the Olympia meeting in Dunlun, and is arbitrarily cutting our fortune. And—"

After a pause, he continued: "As you said, if you want to use this method to make trouble in Kyushu, it is basically difficult to succeed. Moreover, those horrors are not idiots. Who will eat and support? I have to provoke an opponent who has no conflict of interest with him, no conflict of beliefs, and he can't provoke him."

"Oh? Then I'm interested in hearing what you plan to do now." Felanke put down his wine glass, and the hostility in his tone was reduced a lot.

Charles laughed and said: "To mess up an Olympia conference by'destroying', this is the method that barbarians will use. As smart people in a civilized society, we will only use the strengths of our opponents to create benefits for us."

Frank nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"At the Olympia Conference held in Kyushu next year, what do you think of this idea?" Charles asked with a smile.

"Zero Seal Kyushu?" Frank frowned suddenly, "What do you mean?"

"That's what you just understood." Charles smiled.

"You mean, let Kyushu, the host country, fail to win a gold medal at this Olympia?" Frank frowned.

"Wrong." Charles shook his head, and the smile on his face was even worse. "What I said'zero seal' meant that Kyushu could not even get a medal at the Olympia conference they hosted."

"You fool me!" Frank stood up angrily, about to turn his face into a frenzy.

"Calm down, Frank." Robert Jr., Kuran and Riga said at the same time.

At this time, Frank’s face was full of anger. He took a few deep breaths before reluctantly and temporarily restrained, and sat down again, looking at the five people with extremely unkind expressions: "You better give me an explanation, otherwise Now it’s a shot and two pieces, and as long as I'm the'first heir' of the Tudor family one day, we will never think about the possibility of cooperation again!"

"Hehe, Frank, do you think we are playing you?" Little Robert asked.

"Isn't it!" Frank snorted coldly, "Let Kyushu not even get a medal at the Olympia Conference where they are the host country-you simply said that America will become independent of the states next year. Split into dozens of countries like the old Maozi in the past! Don’t you ever watch the Olympia Conference? Kyushu has been among the top three in the gold medal list and the top three in the medal list. This Olympia Conference It was held on their site again. You said that they could not even get a medal? I ask, who gave you this courage, dare to say such a thing, that hot summer singer Liang Jingru!"

Yesterday’s update is supplemented. This is today. Although the recent update is unstable (it is now stable), but on the other hand, it just proves that this book has been written by myself since it was opened, and I didn’t find a weapon. It's not like you are fooling everyone.I am serious about writing books

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