Almighty in the city

The first thousand and seventy chapters, please follow me

At this moment, Sisolini, the chief butler of the Cape family, is leading a few servants seconded from the royal family of the United Arab Emirates, waiting at the main entrance of the lobby on the first floor of the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

Sisolini is a typical Germanic. He is overly old, with lush but gray hair, the same lush and white beard on his face, and his tall body looks rickety because of aging. .

He was wearing a well-tailored suit. The buttons of the suit's jacket were fastened meticulously. Even the white shirt exposed at the neckline and the buttons at the collar were buttoned meticulously.

The whole set of clothes was ironed without a trace of wrinkles, even the edges of the trousers were hot, and the length was just enough to cover the ankles of the leather shoes on the feet.

Just by looking at his clothes, he can suddenly remind people of the rigor and rigidity of the Germanic nation of dé.

On the contrary, the few servants of the Royal Family of the United Arab Emirates who have been standing behind him, although they are serving the Royal Family of the United Arab Emirates, they are not inferior to the chief butler of the Cape Family Sisolini, but in the details of the costumes. Above, a knowledgeable one can see that it is going down.

The main entrance of the lobby on this floor is the only place for the young masters and ladies of the major families to enter and exit the Burj Al Arab Hotel. Those "heirs" who are returning to the hotel from the outside to prepare for dinner, are seeing this cape When the housekeeper of the family, he would basically respond with a polite smile or nod.

This is not only the etiquette and demeanor that a nobleman should have, but also a kind of respect for the chief steward of the Cape family.

Regardless of the fact that this "heirs' gathering" was hosted by the Capet family, the strength and influence of the Capet family alone cannot be taken lightly by most families.

To put it bluntly, many of the "first heirs" of the major families who are returning to the Burj Al Arab at this time, as well as these "first heirs" who have already enjoyed the buffet salon in the hotel restaurant at this time, are where many people are. The patriarch of the family has no right to speak in this circle as much as Sisorini, the chief steward of the Cape family.

Especially now that the "emerging celebrities" are becoming more and more prosperous and gradually beginning to control the voice of this circle, the tradition of "aristocratic blood first" followed by "old antiques" in the past has become less and less popular among the younger generation. Valued.

The younger generation now pays more attention to their own strength and the power and influence of the family itself.

If in the past, in the era when the "old antiques" had the right to speak in this circle, a few people in the circle who did not know each other once met. Someone here introduced that XX was the orthodox family of XX family. I have been in charge of the XX dynasty for many years. When others hear about it, they feel that you, XX, are indeed of pure "noble blood", with a noble background, awesome, worthy of respect and friendship.

And the person who was introduced would accept other people’s welcoming friendship with peace of mind, and would not feel that there was anything wrong with doing this by himself——

A noble from a direct lineage, if you don’t even have this reserved and arrogance, then what is a noble?Aren't you embarrassing your family?

But now, people who don’t know each other in the circle meet again. If someone opens his mouth, he will introduce that XX is the orthodox family of XX. This XX family has been in charge of the XX dynasty for many years, and it is a pure "noble "Descent", the first reaction of the person who heard it was not that you were born noble, a real noble, awesome, worthy of respect and friendship, but—

Damn, the dynasty that has perished for hundreds of thousands of years is so embarrassed to show it off?I also said that my ancestor was one of the thirteen disciples of the Son of God!Everyone's ancestors are Adam and Eve. Who is so stupid than blood, what is there to compare? Can your family have more DNA than others?If you wear Armani, you dare to pretend to be a nobleman in front of us. You are owing your IQ and waiting to recharge it.

Come and come, let's not talk about how awesome the ancestors of each family used to be, just look at what they look like now.

What, your ancestors used to be awesome, but now your family has fallen?I'm sorry, we are not on the same level. You can go and play with those "down-and-out nobles" who fall in the same family. I spend millions of dollars in minutes with you. What is there to talk about the new faces who don’t have? There is still a sale of tens of millions to talk about, Xiaoye, I’ll see you.

This is the change brought about by the emergence of the "emerging celebrities" and gradually beginning to grasp the right to speak in this circle. People in this circle have gradually changed from the "blood supremacy theory" and "ancestral glory theory" to the "power supremacy theory". ".

This is also well understood. After all, most of the "emerging celebrities" are dominated by families from Amerika, and the history of the entire country of Amerika is only three to five hundred years old.

People’s “emerging celebrities” are fed up with you, who are more powerful than your ancestors, and who has mastered the dynasty for many years. Isn’t that a brain drain?

Moreover, the ancestor Niubi is the ancestor's Niubi, it is the glory of the past, the handful of loess that has been buried in the long river of history, which can only be recalled.

And reality is the naked, bloody, destiny that controls everyone's destiny. It is real, material, and tangible.

Thus, just like factions and hilltopism will appear in every circle, this circle that secretly dominates the entire world structure, there will also be a "hilltop" where the two contradictions of "old antiques" and "emerging celebrities" will never be reconciled.

Since conflicts can never be reconciled, then it is not the east wind that overwhelms the west wind, it must be the west wind overwhelming the east wind.If you want to master the voice of this circle, there is only one way left to go——

Fight strength!

But to fight for strength, where are the "old antiques" opponents of the "emerging celebrities".

As a result, a part of the "old antiques" that couldn't stand it, secretly connected with the "Illuminati", and wanted to use the "Illuminati" to enhance their own strength, thereby increasing their family's voice in this circle.

All of this is caused by the changes of the times, the wheels of history are rolling forward, and it has never been shifted by anyone's will.

Sisolini has been standing straight at the main entrance of the lobby, facing the kindness and etiquette handed over by the young faces, he will always return the gifts one by one in a stale and graceful manner, not at all because the other party is from "Xinxing "The family" shows a flattering smile, and will not show even the slightest slack because the other party is from the declining "old antique" family.

Until, the three sports cars stopped steadily in front of him, the door of the driver's seat and co-driver opened, and six young men came out--

In the middle of March, the family suddenly said that they would sacrifice to the ancestors in the Qingming Festival. This time most of the relatives in the family will come. It was a big sacrifice. So I was taken to be a strong man. A bit of a mess broke out of wind, fire, toothache, and half of my life was almost gone. I only adjusted it two days ago. I started to restore and update today, slowly make up the debt, and start to make up tomorrow.

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