Almighty in the city

The first thousand and seventy-two chapters are very nonsense

Mu He Qianxia?

Seeing the name of the caller ID on the screen lit by the fruit, Ye Jiaoyang and Xiao Ce exchanged glances.

At this time, Bai Yifan's voice came from the bathroom again: "Hey, do I say it takes so long to get a mobile phone?"

"Your appointed person's tone is too natural," Fan Yi said in his mouth, still handing the phone into the bathroom.

The next moment, Bai Yifan's voice on the phone with someone came out: "Well, it's me, not long after I arrived--"

In the living room, Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, and Xiao Ce pricked their ears while listening to Bai Yifan's phone call in the bathroom, while exchanging eyes and talking with each other.

Fan Yi: "Among the people who came to the party this time, it seems that there are three big chaebols from Dongzhou Kingdom?"

Xiao Ce nodded: "Mu He, Mori, and Fujita, the three major chaebols of Dongzhou Kingdom are all on the invitation list of the Cape Family."

Fan Yi heard this, with a thoughtful expression on his face: "So, this Mu He Qianxia should be a member of the Mu He Chaebol — I said, you know that Mu He Chaebol's first successor 'Who is it?"

Xiao Ce shook his head: "I don't know. The five of us have always been indifferent to Zhongzhou. There should be intelligence, but I don't care much."

Ye Jiaoyang frowned slightly: "Mu He Qianxia, ​​I seem to have such a name in my memory, but I can't remember where I have seen or heard it for a while."

Xiao Ce: "Mu He Qianxia, ​​this is obviously a woman's name. With the national ethos of male chauvinism prevailing in Dongzhou people, it is unlikely that the Mu He chaebol was invited to the first heir. ', it should be someone who came to learn more."

Fan Yi: "But this girl knows Lao Bai, it seems that the two are still'old acquaintances'."

Xiao Ce: "That doesn't explain what the problem is, it's just getting to know Lao Bai, and it doesn't mean how good their relationship is."

Fan Yi: "Yes, it should have been Lao Bai's acquaintance during his escape to Kyushu before his marriage. The relationship may indeed be just a nodding acquaintance."

Ye Jiaoyang didn't pay attention to the lip communication between the two people at the moment, but frowned, as if to recall where he had heard or saw the name "Mu He Qianxia".

The three people in the living room communicated silently. In the bathroom, Bai Yifan wiping his hair casually said to Mu He Qianxia on the other side of the phone: "We will clean up here and go to the restaurant. We will meet there in a moment. . By the way, this time Mu He chaebol came to you?"

"There are still a few clan brothers." Mu He Qianxia's faint voice came from the phone, "but I have nothing to do with them, and I have no feelings, so I didn't help them get a room here, and let them live up to five kilometers. The scope area is gone."

"This time, your family should give you a task." Bai Yifan asked casually.

"There is a mission." Mu He Qianxia's voice is still very indifferent, "but I don't care, you know, since I was taken by the master as a direct disciple when I was a child, I stopped paying attention to the mundane things in the family. I didn’t want to come to this so-called “successor gathering”.”

"You look quite open." Bai Yifan smiled.

"It's not that you can see it clearly, but you can see it clearly." On the other end of the phone, Mu He Qianxia seemed to sigh slightly. "This party was not originally a party that the Mu He chaebol was qualified to get involved. It was just because of this time, the Capet family. After adding a batch of lists, there will be "quasi-first-class" families appearing at this gathering. To put it bluntly, those of us who are "adding heads" originally came to accompany the list. If we think we have received an invitation, we are eligible to be here. If there is a voice at this party, it is called self-effort and insult."

Bai Yifan smiled, and did not express any opinion on this.

Mu He Qianxia did understand--

This time the "heirs party", the Cape family did "expand" the invitation list, but in the final analysis, it is nothing more than to directly write some of the past "family" families into the invitation list.Anyway, even if these families are not on the invitation list, they will follow the other invited families. Instead of the "hidden rules" like in the past, it is better to be a good favor and generously send them an invitation directly. Come on.

In the eyes of these "followers" families, this invitation is a "priceless treasure", but in the eyes of the Cape Family, it is exactly the same thing.

Anyway, as the organizer, the Capet family itself has the power to increase or decrease the invitation list, adding some family names to it, for them, it is no more than a big stroke.

But for these families who were not eligible to receive the invitation letter, the Cape Family did this, that is, to sell them a great favor.And this favor, when appropriate, can bring huge benefits to the Cape family.

Of course, the addition of the invited list to the "Heirs Gathering" hosted by the Capet family is certainly not purely for the sake of selling favors, there must be other considerations and calculations in it.

The most direct evidence is that there are many more “new faces” in this “heirs gathering”.

And most of these "new faces" are from aristocratic families in Zhongzhou.

For example, the three chaebols of Dongzhou, the chaebols of Xinluo, and the chaebols of Sinzhou. These few Zhongzhou families, which are between the “quasi-first-class” and second-tier echelons, were originally not even “follows”. The second is also on the "expansion" list of the Cape family.

In fact, since the "Heirs Gathering" was held, apart from the five great Yanxia family incognito family, the Ivy Yanxia family and other family members of Yanxia descent, there has never been a family of family members truly rooted in Central Continent who have participated in this gathering. This time, the Cape family not only made an exception to invite aristocrats from Central Continent, but also invited more than a dozen of them. There must be their calculations.

It's just that the calculation is still unknown.

Bai Yifan and the others naturally understood that there must be some strangeness, but neither he nor Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, and Tang Guo were bothered to waste their brain cells on guessing.

With the status and right of speech of the five great Yanxia people in this circle, with the guts of the Cape Family 100, they would never dare to hit them on the head.

That being the case, instead of guessing what the Cape family intended, it's better to just watch it at the party.

Anyway, when it comes to tomorrow's party, no matter what calculations the Cape family has, the clues will be revealed.

After chatting for a few words, on the other end of the phone, Mu He Qianxia was silent for a while, and then said: "By the way, I just overheard something in the restaurant and I was hesitating to tell you."

"Just say if you want to say it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it, there is no hesitation." Bai Yifan smiled, "You don't want to make me appetite."

"It has something to do with Kyushu." In the mobile phone, Mu He Qianxia's voice did not change, it was still the kind of indifferent dust.

Bai Yifan smiled: "I think it's something extraordinary-at this gathering, every time there are not a dozen or seven or eight issues about Kyushu, most of them are very nonsense. The implementation has been successful so far. It’s just broken double digits. This is the first time you have come to this party, so you may think that something big will happen. You will get used to it if you come two more times next year.

"Really?" There was another moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then there was Mu He Qianxia's faint voice, "But this time, maybe it's really a big event-several heirs from the aristocratic family of Yinyin Kingdom are in series, preparing In the next year’s Olympic Games in Kyushu, they will create a shocking news. They want to seal the Kyushu national team and prevent Kyushu from getting a medal at the Olympia Games held at their home court."

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