Almighty in the city

Chapter 108: Face Slap at the Opening Ceremony

"That Shen Juzuo dare to speak." On the bus heading to the Bird's Nest Stadium, Bai Yifan said to Chen Fusheng with a smile. Yes, I'm afraid it will be in trouble if he is labeled as damaging international friendship."

Shaking his head with a smile, he said lightly: "After all, the position of the seat of the General Administration of Sports, there are many people with eager eyes."

"Haha—" Chen Fusheng smiled, "Shen Jun was such a person. When he was an athlete on the track and field team, he offended people because of his stubborn temper and daring to speak. However, in the end, no leader dared to give him a child. Shoes to wear."

"Oh?" Bai Yifan asked curiously. "The backer behind him is very hard?"

"You guessed it wrong." Chen Fusheng smiled, "He is from a rural background, his parents are farmers, where is his background. Using the popular online language, he is a'phoenix man'."

Bai Yifan suddenly became interested in this sinking seat: "A Phoenix man, who was born as an athlete, has a stubborn temper and dared to speak, can actually sit in the seat of the General Administration of Sports at this age. It seems that he should have been the same. A legend."

Chen Fusheng nodded and said: "Yes, he broke the 53-year Asian record of the Neon Man in the men's 200-meter sprint 20 years ago, and he was also the first China to create in track and field.' A miracle athlete!"

"That's it." Bai Yifan was relieved immediately.

As the two talked, a convoy of buses had passed through most of Yanjing City and stopped outside the Bird's Nest Stadium.

Bai Yifan got out of the car with the members of the national team of the tennis club and saw several buses on the opposite side. Athletes and coaches from Europe and the United States arrived here at the same time.

The two sides, one on the left and the other on the right, were separated by a four-lane highway, looking at each other from a distance. In the air, there seemed to be a group of invisible sparks caused by the collision of sight.

Those who slapped their faces, and wanted to slap their faces back, at this moment, Qi Qi appeared outside the Bird's Nest Stadium.

Bai Yifan glanced away, and immediately found the national team of will.

Yesterday, he said cruelly and threatened to give him a good-looking Ulliel Borg. At this time, wearing the uniform of the national team of Will, he was also in the team.

He seemed to feel the joking gaze falling on him. He frowned and turned his head to look across the road. In the China National Team, Bai Yifan was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Wait!" He smiled coldly, spitting out a word.

"I'm looking forward to it." Bai Yifan's lips moved, and he returned a word with his lips.

"Be careful." Chen Fusheng walked up at this time, took a look at the will team, raised his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a serious tone, "I heard, this Ulliel Berger Let me say that if I meet you in the game, I will use tennis to punish you in order to retaliate for the harm you caused to his brother."

"Use tennis to punish me?" Bai Yifan suddenly couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Isn't the Will Guy always known for his rigor and lack of laughter? When did he have such a sense of humor."

Chen Fusheng said solemnly: "This may not be just an angry and ruthless one. In addition to being a member of the "Gemini" doubles golden combination of Will, Ullilberg is also the seventh-ranked men's singles player in the world. His Tennis style is the most typical power play, and Gonzalez, known as the "Spanish Cannon", is also known as the "tank heavy gun" in tennis."

Speaking of this, he slightly emphasized his tone: "Fighting for strength, in the entire tennis world, except for Gonzalez, no other player is his opponent. Even the Swiss king Federer has once bombarded his'heavy artillery'. Next, we lost by a big score of 3-6. This kind of pure power player is exactly the nemesis of skillful players like you. If you really meet him, you must not be careless.

Bai Yifan smiled without saying anything.

Skilled player——

If you can really draw the Will team, or draw the game against this Ullilberg, then I will let everyone understand what kind of skills are the real power play.

"Let's go." Seeing that he didn't speak, Chen Fusheng only thought that he had listened to his reminder, and then raised his hand and patted his shoulder again. "After the opening ceremony, it will be the first day of the competition. In terms of tennis, you will need to go up and draw lots."

"Why did I go?" Bai Yifan shrugged.

Chen Fusheng smiled: "Because you are now the captain of the national tennis team!"

"What you said I was speechless." Bai Yifan smiled and shook his head.

At 8:40 in the morning, all the athletes from various countries who had games today and who were scheduled to attend the opening ceremony were all ready to go in the Bird's Nest Stadium.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the opening ceremony officially began.

Looking at the scale and posture of the opening ceremony, Bai Yifan was immediately happy: "This is a hundred times simpler than it was during the Olympics."

"Haha!" The captain of the nearby basketball team also laughed. "I heard that it means to sit down in the game. He said that if someone comes to the house and slaps you, it would be polite if we don’t send a cart of shit to them. Want to sing and dance to welcome them to slap their faces?"

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone in the Huaxia team laughed loudly when they heard this.

"I feel more and more that this Shen Juzuo is a wonderful person." Bai Yifan also couldn't help laughing.

After a few simple programs, representatives of athletes from various countries entered the arena.

After that, Shen Jun, the representative of China as the host of this international sports exchange meeting, spoke on the podium.

The unique head of the General Administration of Sports, looking at the people below, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with fullness: "First of all, I want to send a blessing to the athletes present: Wish——Athlete of my country Guys, win the game in this exchange meeting! Promote our country!"

Off the court, the Chinese athletes laughed crazy——

This Shen Juzuo, the exchange meeting hasn't started yet, so he just started to slap his face naked!,, ..

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